I'm having tkr want some information

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I am scheduled for tkr in August, I just had total hip replacemnt in April.  I found the hip replacement painful but definately bearable.  Now my question is how painful is it?  I was told by several people that it is worse than the hip surgery.  Who can tell me about their experience and what to expect?  Any help would be so appreciated!

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51 Replies

  • Posted

    I had my tkr 11 weeks ago I must admit I was terrified I had the spinal block and sedation and felt fine afterward and although it was painful I wasn't in excruciating pain more discomfort do your exercises and take your pain relief regularly rest when needed and use ice pack and keep hydrated . My other knee needs doing and I can't wait as I have more pain in that one than the operated one good luck . This forum is a god send plenty of good advice  from people who have been through it 
  • Posted

    I too am going backwards at three weeks I felt good now five weeks not s good, pain in leg very uncomfortable to walk Visited gp to make sure it was ok no infection etc then I saw physio  yesterday so easing  up on exercises til pain subsides,  medication makes me so tired.  I potter then have to sit down  I am never like this normally so it's hard,  I know it will get better but would like to feel better in myself  today not a good day .  
    • Posted

      Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time...I felt tired after my hip surgery and i just rest even now 8 weeks out.  Hope you get better as well!
  • Posted

    Hi maryann hate to tell you hip replacement is a walk in the park compared to knee replacement ....you will have a lot of pain .......I knew it was going to be painful and it sure is that......and you will wonder when it is ever going to get easier....it is tough but do your excercises and ice packs and it does help I am struggling with back pain now and can't get walking properly, still using a stick after 6 weeks but hopeing each day it will get a bit better......all the best remember excercise and ice!!!!!!!!!
    • Posted

      I wouldn't go so far as to say a hip replacement is a walk In the park..the last one I had was a  simple  change the liner from an 8 year old hip, it dislocated fractured my pelvis I had 5 months on crutches a massive bone graft and a cage to hold the whole lot together. The knee was easier than that...
    • Posted

      Wow how unlucky for you...of course everyone is different and at the time my hip was dam sore but my knee was far more painful ....I am back at work after 6 weeks but still have a stick and pain......I was brand new 6 weeks after my hip with no pain......dislocation would be the pits......so I guess I was lucky.....
    • Posted

      got to be honest the tkr was much worse than the hip, no point lying to you, when you have the truth at least you can be prepared.I am 10 week post tkr now and the pain is much less now, first 6 weeks were awful, but you have to hold on to the fact that it will pass and normal life will resume,do not be put off, there is excellent pain releif available make use of it, and good luck
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      Dotty, thank you so much for your honesty, have to admit I am scarred out of my mind after reading the posts here, but thankful that I have the people here.  Hopefully I will be one of the lucky ones.
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      Jackrussell,thank you for answering me.  Glad to know you're doing so well, hopefully I can say the same!
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      I am told most people make swift and smooth recoverys, (Never met one !) be positive and focus on the future, best wishes to you
    • Posted

      that sound dreadful, what an awful thing to happen, its true to say every op and every person is different, hope you are now recovered
  • Posted

    Like any op it takes time. Some recover quickly but still painful. However it is structural it can be fixed and it's not a life threatening illness with no cure. We are lucky we need to stay strong and realise this is a tough roller coaster ride but worth it to get to where we want to be - this forum is of course for those with issues and for whom the ride is not do smooth but there are lots of people not on here who after short post op pain have been fine . Don't be scared you need to be relaxed before surgery and after x
    • Posted

       It is natural to feel fear, I think anyone who can approach major surgery  without trepidation  has their own issues ! Try and relax you really have nothing to fear, Once you go to hospital it will be over before you know it,just remember why you are having the op, give yourself plenty of time , and,be really kind to yourself , best wishes to you and stay in touch
    • Posted

      Thanks Dotty!  I was talking to my cousin who had hers last year and of course the last thing I wanted to hear is that it was the most painful thing she has ever experienced!  I told my hubby the heck with this.  The hard part is waiting for it to come!  I appreciate you being so kind to answer me.
    • Posted

      I was like you and cant deny it was painful in the early days. But it cant be so bad as so many of us go back for seconds! Seriously though any operation is scary and being informed about what to expect can for some of us help take away the fear of the unknown. Good luck - we will still be here waiting to see how you get on. If my mum can do it so can you! 

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