I'm not crazy, really...
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Stumbled across this forum and I'm so relieved I'm not losing my marbles!
- Can't get to sleep and I wake up in the night and long before my alarm in the morning, brain starts whirring and I can't get back to sleep. Sleep is so light, the cat farts and I'm awake again!
- Cranky, depressed, permanently irritated, uselessness, anxiety
- Dry skin, feels like ants crawling over me, hot flushes, my hair will not do as it's told and I look like a scarecrow. Can't be bothered to do my roots either
- Intolerance to alcohol (but on the plus side, I'm a cheap date) and as soon as I have one drink, I get the chest/neck/face blush
- Brain farts, I can't even leave the room without a map
- Zero libido (I'd rather defrost the freezer)
- Heart palpitations, heartburn, tinnitus
- Weight gain (I've turned into a proper fatty)
- I ache all the time, I creak when I move, if I can be arsed
- I fart ALL THE TIME and the smell of my urine could be used in chemical warfare
The gynae has prescribed Brisdelle or Prempo but I really don't have a clue what is going to work for me. I tried melatonin for the sleep issue, which exacerbated my vertigo and I was having 3 day long dizzy spells. I have no desire to take enough pills that I'll rattle like a bag of marbles.
Any advice?
4 likes, 24 replies
Karatemom_44 Sourpuss
Sourpuss, I use essential oils for all the issues listed. I have them
All!!! I use Clary Sage, Fennell, Frankincense, Thieves, etc. there’s a great oil called Progessence Plus i love! I can’t use the estrogen creams because I feel there are long term side affects.
debbie12340 Karatemom_44
Would you possibly DM more details about what you use and how please ? xxx I’d be very grateful xxx
Karatemom_44 Sourpuss
Oils for all my symptoms.
debra16694 Sourpuss
Dear Sourpuss - Now that gave me a good Belly Laugh🤣 I think your sense of humor will work magic for you, because you have a choice to either laugh or cry & I would go with laughter. Unfortunately, we are all on our own personal journey here, & you just have to find what brings you comfort - It’s upsetting that one thing doesn’t work for everyone, but I suppose we wouldn’t have this forum if it was so simple. Good Luck in finding out some remedies & when you do, please share - Good Luck!
Toddpodd Sourpuss
tina00239 Sourpuss
sharon_c Sourpuss
debbie12340 Sourpuss
Firstly thank you for the laugh ! You’ve described me almost, give or take a few symptoms ! But hay who’s counting . . . As my Son always says ‘it’s not a competion’ ha ha ! I actually thought it was just me that Farts all the time ! In fact I think I’m contributing to O Zone layer !! Who could ever imagined we would feel this bad ? Certainly not me !! Please feel free to DM me anytime, I’m in the U.K. where are you ?
Big hugs Deb xxxx
maria76995 debbie12340
debbie12340 maria76995
Sourpuss debbie12340
debbie12340 Sourpuss
I’m in the Midlands, not far from Stratford upon Avon ! Not sure if you know it xxx please as I said feel free to DM me you sound like my kind of Girl
maria76995 debbie12340
I'm in London ok you have to message me don't know how
debbie12340 maria76995
Hi Maria,
I've sent you a DM. Do you see the little envelope symbol that goes between each other's name ? You click that to send DM's. xx
maria76995 debbie12340