I'm really anxious and emotional, I feel tired and wake up every night about 3 or 4 in the morning.
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I have zero sex drive and just feel almost invisible and unattractive, I used to be confident and outgoing but now I feel insecure. I sometimes feel like just running away and living alone even though I can't afford to. One minute I can feel emotional the next almost emotionless and empty. I love my job but feel useless most of the time.
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ImagineOneDay tracyjgordon
tracyjgordon ImagineOneDay
francis28355 tracyjgordon
tracyjgordon francis28355
It's awful isn't it and no one warned me how horrible it was going to be, my husband thinks I'm just depressed because I don't have any sex drive but he doesn't understand everything else I'm feeling. I'm so glad I've found this group it's making me feel so much better just being able to talk about things with other people who understand thank you x
littleme1969 tracyjgordon
tracyjgordon littleme1969
Thank you for your advise and support it's nice to know I'm not alone and that there is hope x
marcia_27799 littleme1969
I feel so horrible right now trying to find some connection or comfort in your words but it can't stop shaking please god help me I am so scare soooo terrified of what I am feeling.
louise25018 marcia_27799
ivey13068 marcia_27799
sarah39816 marcia_27799
I just saw your post and wanted to let you know you are not alone. Peri is a scary time filled with lots of terrible mental and physical symptoms. Everyday can be different in terms of those symptoms. Please try to take a deep breath as Louise had suggested and try to relax. I find slow, deep breathing helps me stop shaking and will calm me. I lay down and put my hands on my belly, inhaling with a deep breath as I feel my belly rise and then exhaling to a count of 10. I do this 5 times and then close my eyes and then let my body completely relax, letting all my muscles sink into the floor. I will repeat this exercise until the tremors stop. Afterward I will sip some valerian tea or camomile tea and that will relax me, also. It can be scary when these tremors come on. But it is important to remember it is only temporary and a symptom of peri. I know sometimes it feels like you are going crazy, but all of this is will go away. You will be ok! Please continue to post on this site and let everyone know how you are doing. Most importantly, please remember you are definitely not alone. Take care of yourself and know that many ladies are experiencing the very same things you are going through and you are not alone in this. You will get through it! Please feel free to message me anytime. I would be glad to chat. Big hugs--Sarah
marcia_27799 louise25018
Louise thanks you so much I am so overwhelmed and I felt so bad when I reacted because I realized that I jumped into Tracy's message.
I am so bad I don't know what to do anymore. I have been in the doctor every week OBGYN, intern medicine name all. Today I gave more blood to do my thyroid test again because the new doc said that the hospital now mbers don't make sense.
This week every night my blood pressure go up and I ended up taking lorazepam to calm down.
marcia_27799 ivey13068
Ivey I don't feel good and I can't help it
michelleds tracyjgordon
I'm sorry you feel that way, and I know exactly how you feel. I used to feel so attractive, fit, youthful and energetic not to mention confident and bold... but lately have been feeling the exact opposite on all counts. Though when I do make the effort to look pretty and be cheerful, I feel a bit better about life. Some days are better than others. Be kind to yourself. I keep telling myself - this is a tunnel you'll get through.
tracyjgordon michelleds
Thank you I'm going to try and make an effort too. Thanks so much for your support and understanding x
sarah39816 tracyjgordon
I also feel very isolated and sometimes I just want to run. It can be very scary. I’m considering BHRT to help with some of my symptoms. It’s been a long process with all the tests. My next appt. is Nov. 8th and I’m hoping my doctor and I will be able to develop a good plan so that I can get back to feeling normal.
I’m sorry you feel this way, but please know you are not alone. Try to take care of you and know that this will pass. I have to tell myself this everyday. Hugs—Sarah
tracyjgordon sarah39816
I hope your appt on Nov 8th goes well and your doctor can help. I'm taking black co-host and am taking marazapine for the anxiety. My friend too HER and said when she stopped taking it in her 60's her menopause symptoms came back so it put me off taking HEY. Thank you for your support and understanding x
sarah39816 tracyjgordon
tracyjgordon sarah39816
I will and I'm hear if you need me too!