I’m scared :(

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Many of you know me because I’ve been posting quite often the past almost two months. You may know my symptoms already (burning sensation in my belly, pain in the right and left lower abdominal side, sometimes nausea, constipation or diarrhoea).

I went to the doctors twice and they weren’t helpful. I haven’t been too worried lately, but I’m starting to think I  might have a tumor or something. Today I woke up in really bad pain and I had to run to the toilet. I’ve had diarrhoea all day. I had a chocolate cookie last night so it must have been that.

I’m going back to my doctor in a week but i don’t even know what to say to them. When I get there I always feel like they don’t take me seriously and that everything is in my head. I wish to get more tests done to see what’s really wrong with me 😢 I keep telling myself it’s nothing too serious, but so what if I’m going to have a scan and find out I’m dying 😢 

Sorry, I had to speak my mind. There’s none really I can talk to. None seems to understand what I’m going though..

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Have u ever had a test for celiac disease? 
    • Posted

      It starts with a celiac blood test and is confirmed with an endoscopy. 

      I have been suffering abdominal pain, nausea, going to the toilet often, brain fog, burping and a few other things. Doc confirmed celiac after an endoscopy. 

      It was just a thought since u had a attack after eating a cookie which I presume contains wheat. 

    • Posted

      Don’t know if it was the wheat or milk in it. I remember last time I had a glass of milk, my belly turned into a balloon and it felt like it was going to burst, I was that bloated. Chocolate occasionally causes diarrhoea
    • Posted

      It looks as if you have found food triggers. Avoid milk and chocolate.  You may have an intolerance to caffeine which can cause abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Caffeine can have a laxative effect.  Chocolate also contains milk.  The higher coco varities will contain less of it than the milk chocolate types.  You could try cutting out all dairy products or try lactose free milk to see if you are reacting to lactose.  Cut out wheat to find out if wheat is a problem.  All these are common food triggers.  Finding them can be very difficult and the fact you have identified milk and chocolate as possible culprits, is a huge, positive step forward for you.  This will go along way to helping your doctor reach a diagnosis.  Tell your doctor about these food reactions and note down all your symptoms.

      List all your health anxieties and ask your doctor about them to see if he/she can rule them out one by one.  I did this when I was seeing my doctor on a weekly basis and was in sheer desperation and despair about getting a diagnosis.  This eventually worked for me.  Seeing different doctors also helped.

    • Posted

      I had a milk/gluten/wheat free chocolate bar today and I had to go to the toilet almost immediately after it so it could be the caffeine...? I know for sure milk makes me sick however. There might be several other intolerances I have however. 

      That’s what I’m planning to do, make a list of all the questions I have, all my symptoms etc. Hopefully I will get some tests done this time. Thanks so much for all your help!

    • Posted

      Caffeine can cause loose stools or diarrhoea. Avoid chocolate.
  • Posted

    Go to another Dr and get a second opinion and keep going until you find a Dr who will listen and treat you and find out the underlying cause. 
    • Posted

      This is a different doctor I’m going to see on the 5th. If he’s not helpful I might need to save up some money and go to a gastroenterologist.
  • Posted

    Hi Maria , I feel the same way but stress makes your pain worst , so the first thing is relax , maybe ask your  Primary for a relaxing medicine , that helped me not to worry too much and then my belly gets better ., 

    Take your tests , Ct abdomen and pelvis , endoscopy, colonoscopy , H Pilory test first , that bug affect too much your digestive system., eat in moderation , not dairy products and not too much fruit . 

    Do not eat passing 6:30 pm , that is helping me ., and I am taking 20 mg Prilosec twice a day 

    • Posted

      I did have a h piloryi test and it came out fine(had a stool test). Haven’t had any other tests so I really hope the doctor will send me for more tests because it’s freaking me out not knowing what’s going on with me. Thanks so much for all your advice, I’m sure it will help. Stress really does make everything worse.
  • Posted

    Hey Maria,

    Looks like you have candida invasion, it grows with sweet. you must detox your stomach with bitter taste natural foods & beated yogurt. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      You’re writing about eating natural foods, but where did you get that from (that I have Candida invasion)?! You can’t just go around online and tell people stuff like that. How would you even know?
    • Posted

      More over i am only telling you to go for natural foods especially Sour & bitter foods.. you dont loose anything by trying this. It helps your health anyway.


    • Posted

      It’s good advice regardless, thank you very much. Natural foods will never be harmful to anyone 😁

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