I'm screaming one minute and crying the next ????

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Good morning, I'm new to this group and hope I'm not the only one feeling this way. I'm 45 years old, I'm very irritable, can't be bothered, I can get angry over the smallest thing and then can just sit and cry. I'm having hot sweats but not all the time, disturbed sleep or not being able to sleep is really getting on my nerves, sex is the last thing on my mind which is causing issues as my husband thinks I've gone off him and feeling the way I do, I get irritated with him even more. He says I can't be menapausal as the blood tests came back fine!!! Which is probably true but why am I feeling this way and what shall I do next do I see my doctor again? Any advise please 😑

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa.  Yes you sound like many of us on here.  Just take it one day at a time.  My lab tests are normal.  Love my husband to death but have no sex drive.
    • Posted

      Hello 2chr2015,

      Thank you and I will. I thought it was just me that had no sex drive, don't feel like I'm going crazy and I suppose in any hurdle we need to jump, communication is key.

      Take care lovely ?

  • Posted

    I'm in early menopause at (at 40) and I sympathize with your struggles.  My husband came to me with his frustrations over the lack of sex and me showing any interest and I just broke down.  Like sobbing cries.  He can't understand the way I feel physically and mentally.  It is like my body has betrayed me and i'm in an alien body.  I feel miserable all the time.  I said even when I'm smiling or laughing I'm miserable inside.  I just push it down and it becomes my normal.  Some days are better than others, but most of the time now I miss myself so much!!  

    • Posted

      I think that you definitely need hrt! I’m sorry for your marriage! Is it over or you can try to make things better? I am 42 and I started hrt a year ago. I felt normal again. 
    • Posted

      Vicky, I am going to see someone this next week!  I am so hopeful to get my life back.  It has really affected our marriage.  He's hanging in there, but its like living with a zombie at times.  

    • Posted

      Yes life’s really hard going through the menopause, my hubby said so have I to assume at this moment in time your an invalid and can’t do much or want to do much , my best friend who says she’s going through the menopause , said it’s mind over matter , oh really I said !!!! Bloody mad as well as menopausal now 😡😡😡😡 I think people don’t want to know you when your going through this 


    • Posted

      Hi, I have two words menapause sucks!! I know exactly where you're coming from. I'm waiting on another appointment with my Dr because I'm actually getting on my own nerves. Take care lovely ?

    • Posted

      Thank you Clare!  Made me laugh tonight after a long depressing feeling day smile
    • Posted

      Lisa, I know, right!  If I saw myself from the outside I would not like me very well!  Its hard to remember what you are really like on the inside (and out) before menopause.  I have to keep telling myself this isn't the real you!


    • Posted

      Hey there lady,

      Hope you've had an ok day. I know what you mean. I started to ball in the playground today, I mean what's that all about, I'm getting on my own nerves now lol I'm starting a new mantra and I will hum " menopause sucks". Take care ?

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa,

    You are definitely not the only one feeling this way.  I am not certain that blood tests are the best indicators of perimenopause though.  I have been having hot flashes, night sweats, and missed cycles for four years and my blood tests came back fine as well.

    At one point I was having far more bad days than good days.  I ended up going on an SSRI to deal with the anxiety and depression.  I can't say that it is a wonder drug, but I now have more good days than bad days...which is a start!

    • Posted

      Hello Karen,

      Thank you for your message. That's very interesting because I've had the symtoms for 3 years but they have gradually got worse but now the anxiety and the low moods have aired their ugly faces. I need to phone my surgery Thursday to see if I can get an appointment with my Dr for next week so I'll see what she says.

      Take care ?

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