I'm still afraid to leave my house!!
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I've been in peri for over a year and a half. I had bad anxiety and panic attacks when this hit. I'm taking an antidepressant because I can't take hrt. i actually just started a new one with in the last 3 days. I'm still afraid to leave my house! I had the confusion when this hit. I've calmed since but, I still can't get leave my house. I'm still scared. wth!! Anyone dealing with this for a while? I know I need to give this med more time but, I'm afraid I'm going to be in my house for like 2 years!!!! I know I'm venting. I'm just so tired of this. So tired. Thanks for listening.
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jane66356 NothinforNothin
Hello there -
I've not dealt with panic attacks in quite awhile, however, there was a time about 20 years ago while I was in my 30s where I was unable to really go anywhere by myself without having anxiety and/or panic attacks. I was able to go out with another person kind of like what you would call a "support animal" nowadays but wasn't able to go by myself.
I grew very, very tired of living like that and eventually made an effort to go short distances from the house. I'm talking 1/2 mile to the post office to begin with. I used a lot of cognitive behavioral therapy and told myself that I wasn't going to die and that I was able to handle the discomfort of the anxiety......It is such an dreadful feeling but I just kept telling myself that it would be ok and that I could handle the uncomfortable feeling. It was never fun but ever so gradually I would take trips a little further away knowing that I would return home afterward. It took awhile but I eventually conquered the fear.
It's not to say that I don't ever have anxiety or panic but got tired of being house-bound by it. I function quite normally now and have for years. I basically got fed up.Some of us that live with or have lived with panic disorder already know what this COVID quarantine feels like because we have been bound to our house by anxiety. So welcome to our world! (When people feel frustrated not being able to go anywhere)
And by the way, slow, deep breathing actually will help calm your nervous system. Start practicing it at home. Youtube some good videos on it. It helps when I get racing heart from hot flashes.
I hope my experience with this helps you over come!!
NothinforNothin jane66356
Thanks Jane. I've been pushing myself everyday. Months ago going grocery shopping was a nightmare. Now I can go and get out without freaking out. I can go out with my husband and son because I feel safe but, I'm still so anxious. I've never had this before peri hit. I've never been afraid to leave my house. It's ridiculous. I was raised in Brooklyn! ha ... I just started to take a steroid too and it's helping with energy levels and taking the edge off. It's so frustrating. I feel like it's all in my chest the fear. This covid 19 hasn't helped but, I don't know if I'd be going out more if everything was open but, I have to do something. My family needs me better. Maybe it's just the med I started. It's only been 3 days and this is the 4th med I've tried in the past year and a half. Hope this breaks soon. I'm so, glad you fought through it. I was very strong before this. I know I will in the back of my mind get through it too. I just don't know when. xo
jennifer97171 NothinforNothin
ok so this is EXACTLY how i was. the heat flashes when they hit i felt like i was dying. ive been in the house for almost 2 years. trust me, u have to figure out a way to try to deal with whatever symptoms u have. i wasted two years of my life. i hate that i let those feelings take control of me. i misses out on soo much. im tellimg you, you will regret it if you let this darkness evil son of a b***h take over. the more u give in to it, the stronger it becomes and its so much harder to fight.
if u wanna talk about what symptoms u have or anything else, please feel free to contact me
caz240 NothinforNothin
Hi there
I can relate to this. I started with bad anxiety and panic attacks after moving country and my mum in law dying(she was my rock).
I always thought it was grief but looking back my symptoms seem to be the same as peri menopause. I now get stressed about pathetic things and im off work trying to get my head together. Before all this I loved life, was adventurous and was very resilient. Its so frustrating and upsetting at times. Hoping we get thru this sooner than later x
NothinforNothin caz240
Hi Caz, I have no idea why my reply to you was deleted. Unless I mentioned a particular name of something. I don't remember doing that though. I was the same as you. Loved live, was adventurous, resilient and just free. It is very upsetting at times. Are you handling it naturally? I tried but, couldn't. I'm on my 4th med and it is supposed to match with my genes so I'm hoping this one works soon. 4th day only though so, I have more time to go. Hang in there. I'm on this train with you. Sending hugs..!!! If this gets deleted again. Maybe the word genes is causing it. ha I don't know.
caz240 NothinforNothin
Got your reply this time. Ive been on an anti depressant mirtazapine for the last 4 years. It helps with sleep definitely but my daytime moods are all over the place!! Some days I feel like my old self and its a great feeling. Others I want to hide away from the world. Its s**t!!! Have a very grumpy husband who has no empathy so that doesnt help. No idea why writing is now in bold??? Im not shouting honest lol. What meds do you take do you feel they help? x
NothinforNothin caz240
Hi, I just started desvenlafaxine. I was on Lexapro and it wasn't lifting my depression and I didn't feel right on it. I'm thankful I didn't have to wean off it. I just started the other one the next day. I do feel that it is calming me down and I'm not getting that drugged feeling which all the other meds I tried made me feel like. This is supposed to coincide with my genes so, fingers crossed no side effects. My hair is thinning but, that could be from peri itself, or possibly the Lexapro. Not thrilled about that! I'm on this 6 days now. It has helped me feel for the first time that something is allowing me to focus more which no other med did. So, hoping that only improves in the next upcoming weeks. I'm so over this! Sending hugs!!
sunaina1983 NothinforNothin
Same with me dear
i feel very uncomfortable to go out because of my head issues..i had drunk feeling every day every time.
feel dizzy too
NothinforNothin sunaina1983
It's so horrible sunaina. I just want it to pass. Almost a year and a half. My mom died of lung cancer back in 2000. She was on HRT. I'm scared to take it due to that. I know it may be different now what is offered but, I'm still scared but, don't want to live like this. The mornings are the worst. I don't even want to go to sleep at night because I know how I will feel in the morning. Sending you hugs.
kylie01267 NothinforNothin
I also don't like leaving the house too much. Even when I'm sitting I feel like I could pass out. I have a very spacey feeling if that makes sense, quite wobbly and weak. I just had an angiogram on my heart and also tests on my kidneys and came back fine so that's one leas stress. Can anxiety creep up on you and you not realise what's happening? Can perimenopause make you feel so light headed and dizzy, off balance and make you feel like you will pass out? I can not wait til I feel normal again
NothinforNothin kylie01267
Hi Kylie: I never felt the dizziness or vertigo like symptoms until peri hit when my cycles became irregular. It's been my worst symptom and I've had that drunk, spacey feeling for over a year and a half. I know so many are going through this but, it hasn't helped me to feel better even though it should. For a year I wasn't on meds. I'm on my 4th now and I'm in the second week starting this one and it's the 4th time I've had to get through side effects of a med. I'm just so exhausted from this. It's been so hard. I just need to let go of my past and move forward. I don't know why I'm so scared to do that. I feel weak because I can't pull myself out of this and I know I'm not weak but, the anxiety along with the dizziness is so bad. Thanks for responding. xo
kylie01267 NothinforNothin
Sorry you are going through such a rough time aswell. It doesn't seem fair we have to go through this. How do we grow old gracefully when we feel so rotten haha