I'm struggling to cope with my anxiety

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I am suffering with generalised anxiety disorder, it started at the end of September when I came back from holiday, I feel sick all the time, shaky, palpitations, negative thoughts, tummy troubles, fear being alone, I just don't know where to turn.

I am on Prozac 40 mg daily that only got increased today as I was only on 20mg, and I was referred to the mental health team and they put me on pregabalin 50mg twice daily about a month ago but still no joy.

I am only 25 and I have lost both my parents a few years back, and turnt to alcohol which put me in intensive care with slight brain damage that caused visual problems, but I can't ever drink alcohol again, but I keep getting negative thoughts about drinking again which I hate, and I feel so down and hopeless, I finished my last session of counselling yesterday and that hasn't even helped!

I don't know what to do, please can anyone tell me I'm not alone? I just want to cry

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68 Replies

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    I don't know Iv just turnt very insecure all of a sudden, when I'm indoors alone I get negative thoughts and I think to myself " say if things get that bad and I end up taking all my tablets" I wouldn't do it, but I just fear that the anxiety/panic will over ride me and il take loads of pills!

    There negative thoughts but they scare me and I can't concentrate on nothing when I'm on my own, I feel I'm trapped in a cage, and I want to feel calm and relaxed being at home alone again because a few months ago I loved my house.

    I feel in such a muddle at the moment, and the mental health team I'm under just seem useless, I had 6 sessions of counselling but that didn't make any difference, I just dread everyday xxx

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    Yes I had blood test and everything came back clear so I know it's definatly anxiety, I just have had enough xxx

  • Posted

    Hi everyone.im suffering with anxiety and I don't know how much more I can take.my anxiety is based around the worry for my daughter.i keep trying to tell myself that's she's ok but I just keep having this blackness coming over me telling me she's hurt or even worse dead.I can't get rid of the negative thoughts.it stops me from doing anything.when I know she is ok, I feel a little better for a while but the thought soon come back.the anxiety can make me sit in a room sobbing my heart out with worry.is there anyone else who feels like this.

    I'm having therapy but I don't feel like it's working

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    yeah i do!!! i feel like something is going to happen to 1 or both of my children or my wife its so hard to stop thinking about it i hate it so much am on meds but still get the same feeling your not alone but i no it can feel like it im just very lucky that my wife keeps me together she tells me its going to be ok and if our boys are going out to play they have to check in every 20mins or call but i also am so lucky i live in a small village so there are people about to keep there eyes out we all look out for each other i found its best not to read mags like chat take a break ect because its all bad stuff put together so it make the world look like a really bad place it has helped me a lot by not reading them and not watching the news when my anxiety is bad this just makes me feel even worse hope this help a bit take care and if you want to chat msg me anytime all the best biggrin
  • Posted

    Hey all. Im going through this at the moment. Im under a cardiologist to completely rule out anything to do with my heart but my doc thinks I have severe anxiety issues. It started 3 weeks ago when I had a "panic attack" and went to the hospital. They couldnt find anything wrong. I went to stay with my other half for a week while I was signed off work but now im back at mine on my own I feel really bad and keep crying hate being on my own. I want to go back to work to have something to do but im terrified I will just feel ill like all shaky dizzy clammy etc. What to do? How does everyone make it through the days??
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    Hi, I am still struggling with me anxiety it's been going on since September now! I'm on fluoxetine 40mg and pregabalin, but I still don't feel this is working, I have been off work since September and I want to go back but I'm scared to

    At the moment I wake up with heart palpitations, and feel so sick it's unreal, but I take my tablets and I know I can't be sick as I need to keep my medication down, I am very insecure and hate being on my own, I go to my aunt and uncles everyday as they live 3 doors away from me, then of an evening my fiancé is home from work and he's home weekends, I feel very teary, and cry quite often. I also have horrible suicidal thoughts which I hate because they make my anxiety increase, I just want it all to go away, I want my appetite back, and feel my normal self again, I'm only 25 and usually enjoy my job, but because I work in a pharmacy, and all the pills around scares me, I hate it when I shake and feel like my life is on hold at the minute xx

  • Posted

    Hi,I lost my mom few years ago and still miss her and will miss her until ill be gone too but I was always saying that we come in to this world alone and leave alone and thinking that you lost both of your parents so young i can't dare to say that i understand what you went through.Personally what gives me the will to live and be happy is thinking that life is too short to let the fears take the lead of it, im trying to enjoy even a filing of the sun on my face or looking at the leaves falling from a tree. Im not saying that i dont have problems or my life is great but what can i do? it might make me to appreciate how precious every minute is. you need to fight and deal with your problems one at a time not all together. dont forget to love yourself and dont be too with yourself, we're not perfect..at least we're trying to do well..!Day dreaming .. making plans for the future, learning something new, reading or just having a nice walk in the park can help a lot too to think positively and find happiness in ''our'' world(everybody have their own little imaginary world were everything are the way we wantwink wrighting is also a really good way to take out all of your thoughts and youll see that many things just will not make sence and other will not be such a big deal after all time by time youll manage to get rid off the silly thoughts and start dealing with the rest fears. Im not trying to teach anything here , just sharing my own ways of dealing with the preasuss thing called life biggrin


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