I'm struggling to cope with my anxiety

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I am suffering with generalised anxiety disorder, it started at the end of September when I came back from holiday, I feel sick all the time, shaky, palpitations, negative thoughts, tummy troubles, fear being alone, I just don't know where to turn.

I am on Prozac 40 mg daily that only got increased today as I was only on 20mg, and I was referred to the mental health team and they put me on pregabalin 50mg twice daily about a month ago but still no joy.

I am only 25 and I have lost both my parents a few years back, and turnt to alcohol which put me in intensive care with slight brain damage that caused visual problems, but I can't ever drink alcohol again, but I keep getting negative thoughts about drinking again which I hate, and I feel so down and hopeless, I finished my last session of counselling yesterday and that hasn't even helped!

I don't know what to do, please can anyone tell me I'm not alone? I just want to cry

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68 Replies

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  • Posted

    One step at a time Hollie, you lasted until the afternoon, that is a positive move, you spent a morning alone. can I recommend that you do not watch that kind of television, it is very negative, you don't need it.

    Set yourself a task, if it takes a week or month of only mornings before you go to your aunt's then so be it, when you feel able, extend it by an hour or half an hour , but look on the fact that you spent the morning alone as a very positive step.

    Do something to physically show for your time at home. Paint a room, turn out cupboards, something with an end result. As Alex said, it will take time so don't rush things! take your time and reinforce your feelings of security slowly.

  • Posted

    Hollie just like to say well done. Take your time remember baby steps and you will get there x
  • Posted

    Thankyou everyone

    I managed to be on my own until 1pm again today and felt a bit more positive, I don't know if the increase in pregabalin is working? I hope so! I'm going to stay at my mother in laws again for the weekend but I'm not going to drive down until the afternoon, she lives 45 minutes away and I have to drive on the motorway, I'm taking my dog, it's never bothered me about driving there on my own before but I'm a bit worried about doing it tomorrow, as my fiancé doesn't finish work until 7pm then he's driving down.

    My uncle is still very funny with me, he has a face like thunder when I go to there house and he hardly looks at me in the eye, but my aunt seems to be ok with me, but she said last week she needs time away from me so that's why I'm going to my mother in laws as she cares so much more and doesn't get angry with me

    Is anyone else here on pregabalin?


  • Posted

    Hi Hollie

    Well done! Remember to reward yourself, you can either have a little reward or a credit towards a big one like a new item of clothing or having your hair done.

    better still why not make a nice dinner for you and your boyfriend at the end of t he week.

    Your uncle may not be able to deal with your situation in the same way as a woman might, so don't take it personally. Your aunt may be feeling the strain a bit and needs to spend time with your uncle, again don't take it personally.

    On the motorway take your time, stay in the slow lane if needs be and even though you know the route just map your journey out for lane changes etc.

    You'll be fine.

    good luck and keep us in the loop as to how you are getting on.


  • Posted


    I did the journey and got here safe and sound, my next fear is Iv got to go to blue water in the morning with my mother in law, and the last time I went I neally passed out, all this anxiety is just ruining everyday, I hope I don't pass out tomorrow or feel very dizzy as the only reason why I am going is so I'm not home alone!

    Why is anxiety/panic make daily life so hard?

    I will keep you posted


  • Posted

    Well done Hollie. You have conquered one journey.

    Try some deep breathing exercises, look up meditation as it shows you how to breathe. It does work!!

    If you find yourself in a tricky situation, stop and breathe deeply. Never mind where you are or who you are with just stand and breathe, slowly and deeply. You can do this, just take it one step at a time.

  • Posted


    I made the journey and I was so surprised I done the whole journey without feeling panicky, I'm still at my mother in laws but will be coming home tomorrow afternoon, I'm a bit panicked today as my new tablet (the pregabalin) Iv only got one tablet left and I need to take 2 tonight and then 2 in the morning but I haven't brought enough, I hope I will be ok, Iv been taking the tablets for 6 weeks so hopefully il be ok until I get home tomorrow afternoon xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Hollie. Great to hear you are trying hard. Desighnergirl has covered what you're doing very well with her support and advice. I can't compete with her; she's brill with her posative approach.

    My comment today is my experience with the Pregabalin. I was prescribed this for another condition but found out it's useful treating anxiety. My recent crisis highlighted when the tablets were waring off and my anxiety increased. I got in touch with my local mental health team and described my experience; my consultant agreed and put me on a higher dose; 400mg a day.

    Crikey, what a difference! Pregabalin has really calmed me down. Wish I'd been on it years ago.

    I do understand this doesn't resolve underlying problems, BUT I'm rapidly in a position where I can think straight and not curled up into a ball, gibbering!

    Good luck Hollie. XX

  • Posted

    Hi Alex, I have got more at home but I won't be getting home until about 5pm tomorrow, so I only have one 50mg left with me and I'm meant to take 2 tonight and then 2 in the morning, do you think il be ok until I get home tomorrow, or do I leave taking the one I have left tonight and take it in the morning instead? xx
  • Posted

    Hollie, my experience after I've missed a dose (usually evening) is not able to get to sleep and steadily getting more agitated until I realise I've missed the tablets. Strange unless you realise why.

    I suggest you take your tablet tonight and get off home in the morning. If you feel these tablets are helping I'd suggest you talk to your GP about raising the dose. Pregabalin has a reputation for being effective with none or few side effcts.

  • Posted

    Hi Alex

    I'm not able to leave until tomorrow afternoon, I'm worried now as I hope I don't plummet tomorrow, I think these tablets are gradually helping, I have got some diazepam invade tho ?


  • Posted

    Hi Hollie, knowing what to expect if you do get stressed, should help cope, ie. you know where it's coming from.

    I wouldn't drive when on Diazipam tho.

    Good luck tomorrow. XX

  • Posted

    Hi Alex,

    I did take a diazepam this morning just to get rid of the jitters as I new I had to come home today, I did drive home and I was fine , but I got in and felt very teary and panicky as I arrived home alone and my fiancé won't be home from work until 7ish , I don't know why I feel happier at my mother in laws , when a few months ago I used to love my house and everyday life and not fearing being alone

    I just want my life back and to feel normal again


  • Posted

    Hi Hollie

    I am not on any antidepressants, but I don't like being on my own, I feel very insecure . Don't think it is just you! You are not alone in feeling like this, honestly, and it is perfectly normal.

    One day at a time, remember and fill your hours.


  • Posted

    Hi, Hollie.

    Glad to hear you got home ok.

    Just a thought......

    What was it that changed, to make you frightened of being alone?

    If you can work that out, there may be an answer there? XX

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