I’m worried my problems may be getting more serious..?

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I have pain in the right side of my abdomen that radiates from my belly button to my pelvic area which I’ve never had before. I’ve been struggling with reflux and abdominal pain (mostly in my left side, but sometimes in my right side as well), but now I have this pain that I’ve never experienced before. It’s dull and comes in waves. It’s sometimes barely there, sometimes quite sharp. I am occasionally experiencing some pain in the left side as well but the pain in my right side has been there for the past hour now. I’m worried it might be appendicitis. Should I got to the emergency room? 

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maria this is Bori. If the pain is really strong I suggest that you either go to your doctor or if the pain is that sharp go to the E.R. I was just operated for appendicitis 2 weeks ago and the pain was in the center of my abdomen. I had no pain on my right side which was odd. Get it checked out because it could be appendicitis or it could be gall stones.
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      I’ll book an appointment 😢 My stools are yellow and stinky so I definitely have gallbladder issues 😢 The pain is not bad now.

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    Maria, please keep us updated. Take care !
  • Posted

    Hi everyone! My doctor is not working over the weekend and I haven’t gone to the ER (yet). I still have pain and it might be related to constipation as I can’t pass a stool... Will keep you updated. Thank you everyone for your concern!
    • Posted

      Constipation usually is accompanied with some cramps but your symptoms are more like gall stones. If your pain is not that severe then you can wait to see your dr. but don't suffer more than you have to.

    • Posted

      Pain is still there but it got better after passing a stool twice today. Stool is yellow so it must be related to gallbladder. I hope they won’t have to remove it 😥

    • Posted

      Hi Maria and happy you feel a little better. Only 1 way to find out what is going on, see your doctor and please keep us posted. In the meantime, eat high fiber foods. Also you might try Spanish extra virgin olive oil with a little bit of lemon. This is a natural remedy to eliminate gall stones. Eliminates bad cholesterol. Try it, it can only help.
    • Posted

      I’ll phone on Monday. Will come back with updates, as for now I’m still in a bit of pain. I’ll try the olive oil and lemon, thank you ❤️
  • Posted

    There are other reasons stools are yellowish. Light food such as ice cream and cheese and rice with butter and saltines or poultry meat. These are all light and come out light stools. My stools are always light because I can rarely eat dark foods. Even if I leave the skin on the zucchini as a treat my stools are light. My liver and gall bladder is fine. 

    Remember worry won't help. 

    • Posted

      I know what you mean but my stools weren’t this yellow before my pain started 😥 I try not to think about the worst...

    • Posted

      Yellow stools can be caused by fast transit time so the bile doesn’t get time to absorb and make your stools brown.  Bilrubin is what gives stools their brown colour.  Some foods may also not be absorbing properly.  Passing a stool will relieve the pain of constipation.  However, temporary relief of pain after a bosel movement is an IBS symptom.
    • Posted

      The pain wasn’t too bad yesterday before I had pasta😬 My stool was of normal color yesterday 🙈 So idk what’s happening, need to see my doctor.

    • Posted

      See your doctor first thing in the morning Maria and let me know. Heaven be with you !
    • Posted

      Unfortunately I don’t get to see my doctor unless it’s an emergency. Have to wait for an appointment. Thank you!
    • Posted

      It sounds like certain foods trigger your pain.  Try a food diary to see if you have any other food problems.  Your doctor will be able to run tests to determine what you have.

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