I need a new body please!!!
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Hi all, I have posted a few times on here but i feel so down with everything at the mo i just don't know what to do. I am using HRT patches but after trying a few regimes I still feel horrible, really horrible. I'm intolerant of progesterone in most patches it seems except for the femseven but these give no relief from my aches and pains, forgetfulness, total exhaustion, no enthusiasm, foggy brain, hair loss plus i can't fight off infections at all - I've currently had a cold for 5 weeks now. I really think synthetic HRT just does not suit my body at all but really need help as I have suffered for years now ever since my periods stopped...
I live in the UK and I can't get any help at all from my GP around bio's, she'll only prescribe the usual synthetic HRT. I have tried asking for advice regarding bio-identical HRT creams but she won't consider it at all due to it not being on the NHS and therefore not on formulary for her to prescribe plus i don't think they make them over here? Sadly it's the case for other doctors in my practice too. It's so hard to get help.
My doctors won't do blood tests as they say they aren't good markers for hormone levels as levels change throughout the day so I'm really not sure how to get the correct dosage of creams or anything bio that maybe I could buy in? Plus as well as dosage issues, I have no idea of what are reputable bio creams online?! I've tried utrogestran tabs too and they made me so ill. I have a uterus so defo need oestrogen and progesterone.
Can anyone help point me in the right direction? I wish i lived in the US as the info/help over there seems much more encouraging...
Thank you in advance and I'm really sorry to moan on as I know many of you guys are suffering too.
AJ. xx
3 likes, 21 replies
debra16694 AJacynM
hi there - oh boy, i feel your pain - although i have not tried HRt or BhRt, i have contemplated many times because of feeling so horrible - my scare has always been that my symptoms would return after i stopped taking something, plus i am very sensitive to Rx's, i could never take birth control pills & just recently had to come off a blood pressure Rx because it made me feel so bad - i know that you are not in the US, but maybe you can look up the HAPPY HORMONE COTTAGE & see if they can help you - Hope you get some answers -
AJacynM debra16694
Thank you, i'll look that up. I'm similar to you - can't tolerate meds, allergic to penicillin... then we get the menopause thrown on top!! So unfair and we could have years of this!?
Thank god for chocolate. xx
jude84900 AJacynM
Hi AJ,
Even in the US bio identical hormones are not covered by any insurance company. You are on your own to pay for it. It is all out of pocket here too. They won't cover alternative or holistic doctoring, no compounded hormones. It is not right but it is what it is. It is their way to keep people in the status quo. If you can afford it, seek it out. Nobody likes to pay for their health needs, its costly and when one gets use to someone else paying for it they just can't see spending that money. I have a niece that has all kinds of medical issues. I keep telling her, try the holistic route, but she just can't take that step from her insurance covers everything if she stays there ( even though she is not getting any better ) vs just maybe the holistic approach will give you your life back but you will have to make the financial sacrifice. She won't do it and she stays sick. Continuous doctors appts and lots of prescription drugs. She is going to stay on this merry go round because the price is right even if she isn't getting any better.
AJacynM jude84900
Your poor niece, I guess not everyone can afford it so have to struggle on.
I research it but feel nervous of things advertised that I'm not sure of... I guess i don't want to risk feeling any worse.
I read about compounding clinics in the Us where they make up creams to suit each unique woman who is suffering? I know it may cost but I wish we had this over here... x
Vodlsabine AJacynM
Hi AJ. Xx,
Why don't you simply order the creams online? Pay with PayPal and have them delivered within 2 weeks tops. I live in Germany. They don't sell them here either. I order them online since 2 years. Never a problem. I've tried 3 different companies : biovea, ona's Progesteron, wellsprings. Most satisfying for me is biovea, because it comes with the directions of dosis. It also gives lots of explanations concerning the use, dosis and effects. They have östradiol and progesterone crams available. Good luck, dear
AJacynM Vodlsabine
Oh this is great info! I haven't done this as I always worry about buying medications online that may not be trialled & tested but if you've had success and it comes with dosage instructions etc I will definitely look into the creams you've mentioned so thank you again as I'm extremely grateful for any advice regarding this.
Also, I'm really happy these regimes have helped you.
Vodlsabine AJacynM
Please do not imagine that I'm fine and dandy now. But the cream has helped me a lot so far. The body of a fertil woman produces about 30/40 mg of progestin daily. So I started with one pump of the progesterone a day. One pump equals 20 mg. (biovea natural progesterone cream) my gym told me that I could up the dosis to 40 mg daily. (2 pumps). I use 1 1/2 in the evening bevor bedtime. The östradiol I'll start o as soon as I'm without period. (also bioidentical) good luck, vodlsabine
AJacynM Vodlsabine
Thank you. Can i ask, have you been using these creams for a while or just starting to use them now?
I'm really grateful for the info you've given me.
Thank you again. x
nanette44686 AJacynM
hi aj omg i could be writing your post myself exactly the same have all 66 symptoms plus more and feel crap most days i too have had cold gor about 5/6 weeks now it is so hard went six months with no period then decided to appear xmas eve ☹☹ so had to start all over again 3 mths now very hard journey sending hugs to you all xxx
AJacynM nanette44686
Isn't it awful! Let's hope we all feel some relief soon. I feel so run down all the time! I'm just not the same person at all since this menopause nightmare started!
Hope you can fight your cold off soon too!
supemack39 AJacynM
Hi, sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Doctors put me on to patches and within three months, I was exactly as you are now. I had, prior to the patches, been on oral hrt for years, with no issues. I was put back on the oral hrt, and while it took many months before I felt sort of normal, I am now a whole lot better. Ask your doctor if you can try different hrt, and while it could be trial and error, you may find one that is better for you. I now take femoston conti, twice daily, to spread the dose and have been told I will never be taken off hrt again. I know there are risks involved with taking oral hrt as opposed to the patches, but you need to live your life, not watch it passing by! Good luck x
AJacynM supemack39
You are so right i know, the main reason I went onto patches is because I'm terrified of the risks of oral HRT but like you say, this is no life at all... I really need to reconsider my options i guess. I'm glad you're feeling better again. Good news. 😃
mandygolf AJacynM
hello beautiful lady,
i can tell you from my heart, i do not know how to survive this anymore, i honestly feel terminally ill! so sorry to use that term, but i cannot explain how so so so very unwell i am , have been like this now for over 2 years, the symptoms i have are debilitating, and i do not know how to cope anymore... i just wanted to tell you please do not think you are alone my lovely...
so much love and hugs...
AJacynM mandygolf
Oh bless you, thank you so much and I TOTALLY understand. I'm sorry you feel so bad, I could cry at the mo as I feel so unwell and have done, like you, for years now - it just goes on and on. I have two youngish children and I feel that I'm not the mum i was before all this started and the guilt just adds to how bad i feel.
I think i need to go back and chat to my doc again and try and make her understand how bad I really feel... maybe you should too?
I pray we can come though this very soon as sometimes i actually feel like I'm slowly just fading away. Sounds dramatic I know but that's the reality of this horrible time.
Look after yourself. xxx
Just want to say to you all that if it wasn't for the support i get from lovely ladies like yourselves on here, I would feel quite alone in this as my friends are not going through this (yet) and so have no idea how bad it is plus I don't say too much as they possibly wouldn't understand without feeling it, they just know i can't do things i used to and don't go out with them as much etc as i just do not have the energy, I find myself excusing myself from days/nights out all the time these days!
So thank you all for listening and i pray we all have some better days soon with or without HRT!!
Lots of love & strength to you all. xxxx