I need help solving this problem
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Hello I am 29 years old male, I suffer from sudden onset of tachycardia rates going from 178 to 220 bpm, I've suffering from this for 11 years all started me being in a party a d some drunk head hit me in the chest and the tachycardia started I felt unwell but it resolved after 25 minutes but leaving me exhausted, scared and confused , In 2005 I visited a cardiologist and he told me I have Mitral valve prolapse and my Tachycardia was because of it and to just live with it.
I don't have episodes frequently maybe 5 per year but they are quite terrifying I feel light headed, dizzy sometimes I sweat a lot, I learn to stop it laying down and hold my breath for 30 seconds and keep doing that then I feel a big thump and my heart goes back to normal.
After I few years I started running long distance and discovered that exercise triggers more this arrhythmia and it takes longer for me to get it back to sinus rhythm one episode lasted 1 hour and 35 minutes, I never seek for medical help because I ways thought it was my MVP problem.
Back to me getting more older symptoms start getting more annoying, feeling faint but not actually fainting my left side artery of the neck pumps like a mad machine when I have an episode.
I decided to go back to a new cardiologist he made an echo and Holter for 24 hours coming back normal a d he said no actual mitral valve prolapse a d only mild regurgitation. I was shocked when he told me my Tachycardia is coming from other part and needs monitoring.
I go on with my life I travelled to Portugal to visit relatives, I was in super market I started speed walking to my mom and I feel BAAM like a bubble bursting in the center of my chest (actually hurted)and the tachycardia startex i felt yucky dizzy and feeling faint but just for a few seconds no chest pain just light headed and scared because I never had that burst feeling I panicked called ambulance they came took my heart beat 208 paramedic was scared put me in ambulance straight away sadly she didn't have portable ECG, when I lay down on the ambulance bed it stopped but not like before not with the big thump I'm used too, they did x ray, ECG ( not having the episode) and blood test. All normal.
I went back to UK since then I feel extreme bad, unable to exercise, short of breath, my heart fluctuates like crazy I can be laying in bed and goes 44 bpm to 83 bpm me doing nothing. When I stand up it can go to 117 bpm and then back to 88 then 109 then 123 then 77. Just ridiculous, I feel so tired exhausted even if I sleep well. I went to A&E 5 times blood test came normal except my c reactive protein e was high 6.1, they do ECG they find nothing but a couple of times came sinus arrhythmia, sinus tachycardia and once sinus bradycardia. They said nothing to worry. I visited again cardiologist echocardiogram came normal, I was concerned about 55% Ventricular EF but he says is normal, Holter 24 hours normal few PVC and PAC, I still feel bad yesterday I tried to mild jog to bus stop my heart monitor started beeping because my heart rate was 175 for a 50 meters mild jog. Cardiologist requested a stress test, I am afraid I will collapse, everyday is a struggle for me I feel not like myself and I'm becoming depressed as I will die soon, I requested GP for medicine to stop this burst of anxiety am on diazepam it calms me but not my symptoms. I have bad history of cardiac disease one of my uncle's died of heart attack at 28 years old, my dad heart attack at 49 he survived. I feel miserable and I think my life is coming to an end, I want to request for a CT scan of the heart but I'm not getting much attention and going private is really expensive for me. Any help or any suggestion of what this tachycardia can be or my symptoms It will help me a lot.
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XxaimxX Dumodal
Hi there,
Really sorry to hear you are having to put up with this but feel bad for you that you haven't had proper answers for a long long time.
Your story sounds a lot like mine, my heart would race out of nowhere and then stop like I'd switched a light off.
My condition was called SVT super ventricular tachycardia, basically I have an extra pathway in my heart and now and again it would short circuit around the extra pathway.
I have had a procedure called a catheter ablation to destroy the extra pathway and now I'm pretty certain I'm SVT free!!
The best thing you can do is go straight to a hospital when it happens so they can catch it via ecg, if they don't see it happening on a screen they can't diagnose you. You shouldn't be scared because if it's SVT it isn't life threatening but there are ways to help you deal with it or get rid of it.
Talk to your doctor about SVT, I went undiagnosed for 18 months and it was awful trying to catch it on an ecg but now they have and they've helped me so much. Good luck with everything, all the best! AMY
karen21607 XxaimxX
Hi Amy. I've just read your reply and I hope you don't mind me asking.... I have the same condition as you had and it has been picked up on a monitor. I'm waiting to have the ablation procedure done and I'm petrified! Can you give me any info about the procedure and how you felt during and after it? So pleased to hear it worked for you . Thanks . Karen
Dumodal XxaimxX
Thank you very much for your reply, I read about SVT before and I do feel like I possible might have that, obviously almost all tachycardias produce similar symptoms but only few can be stopped by Valsava manevours.
I only hope my heart is not damaged (I had echo but still I'm very scary that's why I want a st scan to have better image?)
Now my concern is why I feel exhausted and my heart going up and down like mad 😯
XxaimxX karen21607
Hi Karen, we'll basically I worked myself up for nothing!! I couldn't eat 8 hours prior to the procedure. They took me into the cath lab and there was a lot of people, I laid on a table and the covered me in plastic sheets, then the doctor gave me some anaesthetic in the top of my leg. After that, when he had inserted the catheters I had some discomfort when he was pushing them in but it wasn't too bad. The next thing I new my heart was racing and that did scare me, but he reassured me it was him that was making it fast and I was absolutely fine, he did that on and off for a while then a lady injected me with adrenaline and the doctor tried to start my svt but he couldn't, therefore we think it's been successful.
After I laid down for a few hours then went home, I felt very very tired for a few days and couldn't do much at all but after a couple of weeks I was back to my normal self. Fast forward 2 months later and I'm still perfectly fine with no beta blockers
don't worry it's a walk in the park they look after you! X
karen21607 XxaimxX
k3rivers karen21607
peter01729 Dumodal
Dumodal peter01729
Any good recommendations? I have stethoscope, heart and oxygen monitor, blood pressure machine, my wife thinks I'm nuts but if only she knew how stressful this is, can be a little be isolating condition I even never learnt how to drive because of it 😣
XxaimxX Dumodal
I have to disagree with you about having your own portable machines as it just makes you paranoid.
If and when the doctors catch it that's the day your life will change, the relief of knowing exactly what it is just lifts a weight off your shoulders.
Please try not to use the machines, live your life and if it happens take action to getting it on ecg.
You will be ok believe me x
Dumodal XxaimxX
Thank you it's really good to know other people with similar conditions it makes you feel warm and less isolated!
You are right I can get paranoid and get my anxiety to the sky
Thank you a lot!
peter01729 Dumodal
Prince 180B, whilst its written diagnosis is rubbish, its actual graph looks exactly the same as the ECG graphs in the ambulance look when they take me in. Might well have saved my life as the NHS only started taking me seriously when I could show them my graphs that you can print off or send as an PGF file. Whilst the NHS seem to want to belive that the ablation they gave me has made me 100% well, and initially refused to acknowledge I still had any problem, once again my little machine is showing corresponding ectopic beats that go with my current symptom of feeling as if my breath is being snatched away. I contacted St Thomas' hospital about a near fainting episode and they were able to confirm via my implanted Reveal Linq that post ablation, I am still getting short runs, if it wasnt for the info I was seeing for myself on my ecg, I wouldnt have the confidence to stand up to the cardiologists when they try and palm me off. The latest deteriation of my well-being corresponds to a broad and elevated T wave that is higher than the R wave, my little ecg means I will be able to take a print out to show the cardiologist on my next appointment so that this time he doesnt get to say again:- "its not your heart, its something else, go and see your GP" . 1st pic is what my ecg resembles when I do anything even slightly exerting. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gSaM5SCroSo/VqqumEcPe4I/AAAAAAAABK0/Yq8-XWj4AH8/s1600/dewinter2.jpg[/b]
Dumodal peter01729
I have to admit that some experts like to brush off, happened to me when the cardiologist told me you are 29 you have nothing to worry and the only way I could grab a little bit of attention was when I mention the dead of my uncle at 28 because CAD.
They really brush you off if they don't see any relevance at the moment even if you keep having symptoms, like they don't want to further investigate.
Of course this doesn't apply to every doctor I have an incredible GI doctor.
Sadly cardiologist is lacking a bit...
giant1989 Dumodal
Spiritually your soul is not in a good shape.
Humans can only see the physical things (tumours in brain, crack spinal cord etc..)
But Humans cannot see spiritual things like our soul.. We can only feel if our soul is not in good shape..
Only One and Only God The Almighty
Dumodal giant1989