i think i have colon cancer
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About 6 weeks ago i started getting sore cramps in my upper abdo area. They were sharp painful and lasted a few secs. It happened on and off for about 2 weeks. I put it down to breastfeeding and my uterus shrinking. Then i realised it started to spread all around my whole tummy. I mentioned it to my husband and he thought nothing of it. Then i went for a number 2 and when i wiped there was blood. I thought nothing of it. The next day same thing but i stopped mid way looked into the toilet and there was blood in my poo. So i finished up and there was quite a bit on the tissue. I mentioned this again to my husband and he seemed a bit concerned. So the next day i lt happened again this time the blood pooled up on top of my poo. So i showed him and then he was really worried. His mother passed away from bowel cancer that was mistaken for ibs. After 2 years she was diagnosed with cancer and died 6 months later. My tummy is getting worse and my iron is down. I went to the dr to get stool and blood tests now im just waiting.
I have headaches and light headed last 2 days. My lower back and hips hurt alongside my lower tummy. I am constipated cant go with enema. And my bowel habits change from diarhea to constipation. Does it sound hopefless
for me? Do i have cancer?
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jim76414 k1983
hi k1983
I'm not a doctor and he/she will be able to tell you much better than me.
my 2p is that it is much more likely to be related to your baby. (Congrats!)
. Maybe during or as a result of birth something inside was weakened, and has now started to bleed from time to time.
your headaches and other issues are probably down to you stressing out about everything, which is entirely understandable.
Trust your doc, and now you have made that move, you should start to feel easier that a pro is on the case for you. And you have reacted quickly, so even if it was a tumour, which personally I doubt, there is plenty hope for you because you have reacted quickly to your symptoms
k1983 jim76414
Hi jim, thanks for your reply.. My baby is 6months old. Shes my third. I dont know why it would be because of her. I never had these complications ever before. Amd it started when she was 5 months old. My body has already healed and I realised that it cant be my uterus shrinking because im sure its already shrunk.
I do have a family history of bowel cancer and even though i am only 34, i also know cancer has no prejudice. When i went to see the dr, i told him a few of my symptoms and straight away he asked about bowel cancer in my family. He also checked my blood history and saw that im severly anemic. I thought it was bowel cancer before i saw him, he thought it was bowel cancer within 3 mins of talking to him. Anyway my appt lasted 10mins because there was nothing more to be said. He sent me away to do the tests and now i have to wait until saturday. Which is tomorrow
ihavenonickname k1983
Take a deep breath...I can think of many reasons for blood that have nothing to do with cancet.
Go to urgent care...because all blood must be checked out and stopped.
You may have ruptured a stitch, you may have hemorrhoids after birth, you may have a stomach ulcer.
big hug
k1983 ihavenonickname
Thank you. I will keep updating as i know it may be helpful to someone someday
Also, i didnt get stitches and i dont think ive ever had hemorroids. My once healthy body has changed pretty much over night. Thank you both for being positive. Heres hoping its all ok.
There are a lot of other symptoms that i never described here only because i didnt want to bore everyone lol. But this is how it went in this order:
Sharp short abdominal pain above my belly button, eventually spread especially to my lower ab
Bowel movement is normal but had blood
Constipated for a week, then when i finally went it came out as diarhea. That lasted 3 days then constipated again.
Finally could go.but i had watery stools instead of hard (go figure)
Constipated again. Urge to go constantly but almost feels like my hole is non existant when i sit down on the toilet.
Now the only way i can go is an enema which still doesnt empty me out. My cramps are stronger now and last longer. Through my pelvic area groin and legs. My symptoms are getting better they're getting worse. Im over it. I have to look after a 2yo and a 6month old lol.
I just dont know what to think anymore.
ihavenonickname k1983
You bleed...that adds liguid to your stool...you stop bleeding, stool firms...you bleed and add more liquid...see how this goes?
Go to urgent care... enema is not the answer. You just mushed your insides carrying a wee one, you pushed to deliver, and that could bring on hemorrhoids
Smooch the kiddies and go get taken care of...
k1983 ihavenonickname
Ok thank you for the support
i know it sounds like im being negative, but im just trying to stay real.
k1983 ihavenonickname
Oh and why would i be bleeding anyway? My body has definitely healed ive gone back to pre pregnancy weight too. Ive lost 24 kgs maybe more. Oh well i will just wait and see so i can fix whatever this is 😊
ihavenonickname k1983
k1983 ihavenonickname
We don't have urgent care in Australia. I had my Dr's appointment today and he did a full examination everywhere. My rectal was clear of any lumps so he's assuming it's higher up that's causing my constipation. I am not anemic at all which is strange but good. I did have internal hemorrhoids though which may explain the bleeding or not. He found a lump in my breastfeeding instead so I'm going to get an X ray for pelvis and breasts. I'm still sore and it seems to come on harder and stronger still especially my lower ab back hips and neck. I get bad headaches too. He wants me to get a colonoscopy because he's worried about my constipation. I'm trying fiber for now and not suppositories.
So yeah just an update. The journey is long I guess when you are in the unknown. Maybe this could be helpful to someone.
Cheers for reading
jim76414 k1983
Keep us posted K, I'm so pleased that no tumour has been found, and obviously you've other tests to undergo and good luck with them, but fingers crossed. So far so good
ihavenonickname k1983
I am going to hang with you. The worst part is the not knowing. Oit your energy on your wee ones and try hard to reign your imagination in. My dad died of colon cancer, so I do understand how that experience can color the way we see a different experience.
In 2010 I put my head into the ground like an ostrich...in 2011 which hospitalized for a different reason, a nurse called in a specialist.. I was diagnosed witb Crohn's Colitis.
k1983 ihavenonickname
Hello. Sorry a about your dad. I a scheduled for a colonoscopy In 2 months. My Dr is trying to rule out cervical problems, checked my ovaries and my uterus. I find out today my results. I started to take laxatives which did work. But it seems I can only go if I take them. I take them for 2 days then stop for 3... so on. I Dont want to rely On them too much because it can't be good for you. Its not really "fixing" me just giving me relief. So Im still unsure. I just hope whatever it is it won't be too serious. When I do go the colour varies from black to beige in the same actual poo. Its now looking like live disease 😥. BTw Im not a hypochondriac if anything I usually deny it when I'm sick. I'll be back tonight after my appointment 😀
ihavenonickname k1983
I never thought that you were!
Have you tried docusate sodium stool softener. You would have to experiment to determine the correct dose but it would be kinder to your body than laxatives. Sometimes a hot cuppa in the morning will move things along.
If it turns out to be Crohn's, I was put on Budesonide and Balsalazide.
Black is blood...light means that everything is moving quickly through your system. The typical brown red color is because of heme, a natural waste byproduct of blood, nothing to worry about.
I will watch for you next post.
Needanswers k1983
I've had very similar symptoms to you since the birth of my 4th baby 11 months ago. Scheduled for gastroscopy and colonoscopy this week and feeling petrified about what is going to be uncovered. Just wondering if you have found an underlying cause for your issues?