I thought I was the only one who had gotten this bleph

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I thought I was the only one who had gotten this blepharitis that now I've been researching for what seems like so long. It's only been 5 months for me but feels like 5 years. Well I'm in the same boat my right eye is worse and it will flare up even more sometimes preventing me from doing the things I want to do socially b/c yes, it does make one feel self conscious. I am using warm/cold compresses, and Ocusoft Lid scrub, in addtion to Lotemax, but every time I stop the cycle of the eyedrops the blepharitis comes again twice as fast, well I don't want to say it but I'm really scare of the addiction that my eyes are developing to these eyedrops and that once I'm off of them my bleph just does not stay subsided. I have never met anyone with this condition in my life. I AM 24!

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23 Replies

  • Posted


    You poor thing - I'm 45 & I feel like i'm suffering?

    I've put my story on here. (dated 28/1/06)

    I've always suffered with sensitive eyes, but never anything like this which started 18 mths ago. I've seen 3 different GPs so far & none know the cause or the cure - they can only advise the treatment.

    Years ago, when I was your age, I'd think nothing of falling into bed after a night out in full make-up & sorting it out in the morning.( I'm ashamed to say it, I admit, but I never had a problem back then...)

    As I've gotten older I'm alot more careful about proper cleansing & moisturising - so 'why' didn't it happen back then???!!!

    Are we overly clean I wonder - is that a possible cause?

    I do feel for you because this is having a major impact on my life at my age, let alone yours. I have a daughter the same age as you & would be mortified if she were suffering like this.

    I wish you well & I will keep you posted of any alternative treatments/miracle cures I hear of.

    Best wishes,


    [i:a103e45694]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:a103e45694]

  • Posted


    Ii was able to kill the Blepharitis because a friend's Blepharitis moved up onto her eyelids. She used a facial scrub from Avon that had Benzethonium Chloride in it. I looked and could not find it any longer for sale.

    I looked on internet for the products that Benzethonium Chloride was in. I ended up using WET ONES, antibacterial hand wipes, that I had in my purse too.

    I tore each wipe into 8 sections and 4 times a day used 2 sections on each eyelash area. After a week and a half I went down to 3 times a day (felt better so could do that). After a month of 3 times a day I went down to 2 times a day for several months.

    I was even able to use mascara and eye shadow. My daughters helped me with this.

    One bought me throw away wands (internet) and the other throw away applicators from the drug store.

    New makeup is a must. I threw a lot out.

    Never put a used wand into the mascara. Use 2 wands, 1 for each eye. Same for eye shadow.

    I washed each eye (used gentle make up remover) with 2 white wash rags so that I could put them into the bleach load. One for each eye so as not to re-infect again.

    It takes a few months but so worth not having that itching any longer. I am grateful that my friend found the ingredient that kills it. Please remember 2 people using 2 different products with the same ingredient, Benzethonium Chloride in them were able to kill it off.

    There were 3 Dr.'s who looked into my eyes and could not find the Blepharitis, including the one who diagnosed the Blepharitis in the first place. The 2 Drs. said it would come back. I said it had been 4-5 months. Now almost a year.

    Learned to blog to get this info out.

    Wish you well soon,


    • Posted

      Hi Lynda 

      i have had this awful condition for about 3 years now. I have been trying your plan with wet ones for 2 weeks now & I can report that my right eye is much better but I have had a couple of flare ups in my left eye! I was wondering if you or anyone else has had the same experience ?

    • Posted

      Dear jon,

      It took me 3 months to kill it. It can be worse in one eye too. You have to be careful not to reinfect too. I used 2 wash cloths, one for each eye. If you skip a day or two it could get worse too. I did not miss a day. After about 3 months I quit and twice it bothered me and I used the wipes for just a couple of days each time. That seemed to get the last of it.

      Hope this helps,


    • Posted

      Hi Lynda 

      Thankyou for you advice & I will defiantly be continuing with the wet ones . 

      i was wondering if you used a heat pack on your eyes before you wiped them with the wet ones ?

      I really appreciate your help with this, because as you know to well blepharitis is an awful condition to be stuck with.

      many thanks 


    • Posted

      Dear Jon,

      I did not use heat on my eyes before using the wipes. I gave up using heat on my eyes as read on this site that it could make cataracts worse. I didn't want to take a chance so gave that up as mine are small now.

      I do use preservative free eye drops for lubrication.

      Hope this helps,


  • Posted

    hi lynda , i got this condition a year ago ,seems anybody i told didnt understand how painful this condition is .i find it hard to look anybody in the eye anymore and get irritated and angry when i ve got an attack .can you tell me the make of youre wet ones .i think ive posted some mess in other forums to you .like everyone else desperate for a remedy .ian
  • Posted

    ps i ve just started using tea tree oil to clean my lids after i was them with warm water and a compress .i put a small drop on the cotton pad a wipe along the lid gently ,try not to get any in eyes .it stings for a bit so i m hoping thats it working .no pain no gain
  • Posted

    Dear ian1964,

    I would be trying everything on every site to help with this problem including putting honey on my eyelashes

    if my friend had not found the medicine that kills it. It is Benzethonium Chloride.

    When I heard she had killed it I jumped on it has I was going crazy with the problem and I had it for a little over 6 months. I used baby shampoo and antibiotic eye drops three times. Nothing was working.

    Desperation was the cure for this as willing to go outside the box for the cure.

    It is a bacterial infection as I read on medical sites and this is why this antibacterial wipes do work..

    WET ONES, in the red box, with Benzethonium Chloride can be bought on line too. I messaged you too.

    The relief is so amazing when you do use these.

    Wishing you the relief that my friend and I now have. It is gone.


  • Posted

    hi lynda , i was in my local chemist this morning asking for anything with Benzethonium chloride in it .he is going to order some face or hand wash in for me .also have a big sis in colorado so ill ask her to get me some wet ones to send over .feeling a lot more positive about ridding myself of this nasty disease .unfortunetly off to azerbaijan tonight for 2 month but i ve a ready supply of tea tree oil and tto wipes to hold it at bay ;-) ill let you know how i get on .

    ian 1964

  • Posted

    Dear ian,

    I looked up arnica-anti-inflammatory and pain relieving.

    Chamomille-reduces swelling and fights bacteria.

    It was suggested I look at this information. These will help with the symptoms but not kill it.

    I would be trying all of these if didn't get rid of it. The tea tree oil sounded good too. It does help with fungus too. It may keep it at bay until you get home or get a care package from your sister.

    Hope you get relief soon.


  • Posted

    hi Lynda

    yes the tea tree oil doesnt kill it but is giving me some relief at the moment .hopefully my chemist will have something for me to use , ive also sent away for some wet ones off amazon . wasnt able to check content but im hoping its the same as american version .

  • Posted

    Dear Ian,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I hope that it is the same thing. You do sound as though you are on top of it too.

    One person mentioned about anti-bacterial shampoo and I told her she was on the right road.

    I gave her the info so we will see what happens.

    Hope to hear that you are well in a few month.


  • Posted

    I am not a medical professional, but I seriously doubt your eyes can get addicted to eye drops!

    That said, I emphasize with you on the blepharitis condition. When I got it, last year, my right eyelid got quite swollen, and I thought maybe something had 'gone wrong' relative to my year-earlier cataract surgery. My ophthalmologist assured me that, in my case, if most likely was a simple bacteria-related issue that, with regular cool water flushes of the eye, would go away. It did. He suggested a regular application of a saline solution could help keep the bacteria from settling in. He also noted that at my age (71), I'm more prone to this type affliction than are many/most younger people. I suspect a contributing factor, in my case, could be that I often sleep facing to the left, with my right cheek resting on my arm -- so there's little air circulation near the eye and ample opportunity for a 'pollutant' from the skin on my arm to get in my eye. I'm trying to not sleep in that position so much.

  • Posted

    I think we will all be off to the Chemist for some Wet One's! I'm sick of this infection. Mine is worse on the right eye too. I've tried Baby Shampoo, Bicarbonate of Soda and all sorts. I'm just trying Blephaclean Eye Wipes at the moment but they are so expensive £9.50 for a box of 20 which you use twice daily so I'm cutting them in half to make them go further! I will let you know if they work.

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