I've been agrophobic for 20 years and dealt with anxiety panicking and now menuapause
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I've got 2 disabled sons who are adults but need me so much and the menuapause is making me not function as I should and added to that I have a partner who drinks constantly and scares me into panic.... Any advice please I just can't talk to anyone as he watches my every move so I have no one ....
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sharcerv52408 rachel87590
Hi Rachel,
I am sorry to hear about your dire situation. My heart goes out to you. You have enough stress with with your sons conditions and your menopause. Do you have a male relative who can maybe intervene on your behalf? I had a boyfriend once who was clingy and very "off" and I didn't see it at first or didn't want to. I realized he was nuts and tried to ease out of the relationship but he started stalking by phone, text and in person. My older brother had to threaten bodily harm in order for him to leave me alone. It is a scary thing. Don't let things fester. Seek help and get out fast for yourself and especially for your sons. My God I can't imagine the stress and fear they are having. I'm praying for you. Please let us know how you get on.
lori93950 sharcerv52408
rachel87590 sharcerv52408
rachel87590 sharcerv52408
rachel87590 lori93950
sharcerv52408 rachel87590
Rachel it's time to speak up and tell your brothers. This is not a good situation and will not end good if you keep silent. We can offer you all the advice in the world and it may be comforting to read them but until you take action, you are just as you said-trapped. I know it's hard to make that step to leave or to expose him. But you said before you felt so free without him.
sharcerv52408 rachel87590
Have you ever issued him an ultimatum and told him that if he doesn't get help you're threw with him? Tell him not to come back until he's sober and if he won't leave, then you need to.
mauiblue rachel87590
you Are hurting yourself and your sons by not acting on this asap.
There is no fixing this or reasoning with him anymore as he is toxic.
the relationship is toxic. (threats of killing himself, alchoholism etc)
The only way to freedom for you and your adult kids is to bite the bullet and get a hold of your brothers.
Make it official, and go by the proper legal channels. There will be no health or well being if you dont take care of this.
We are here for support.
rachel87590 sharcerv52408
rachel87590 mauiblue
rachel13481 rachel87590
My advise is to ask him "permission" to go to therapy. Tell him that you need help to improve yourself and get your anxiety under better control so that you will be a better partner to him. Similarly, ask him to help you get to the doctor to get medicine to feel better so that he will benefit. Get your hormones checked and see if you can get some anti anxiety medicine. Since you have agoraphobia, ask him to drive you to your appointments and wait for you there. Just put everything in terms of how you need to get better so that you will treat him better, etc. I know the correct advise is to recommend that you leave him....but like you said that probably won't work. In my opinion, your partner won't care if you say you feel miserable and need help to improve your life. But if you put it in terms of how your actions of going to the doctor are all for him, you might find him helping you. I hope you feel better soon!
rachel87590 rachel13481
lori93950 rachel87590
rachel87590 rachel13481