I’ve had enough
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hi again
please help me becuase i dont know what to do anymore. ive just finished week 4 on 20mg and after improving have slumped worse than ever. my anxiety has just been relentless all week to the point that im pacing all day, feel completely detached, cant eat, and worse my skin is just burning.
my doctor has given me some propranlol to take alongside cit now and i just feel completely spaced out.
what is happening to me im desperate for these to work but i when i crash down its jusg horrendous
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larry1985 emma31977
Hi Emma
what dose of both are you on? And how old are you? Propranolol might help with anxiety and lowering your pulse but they can also be hard to get off of,did the doctor say tobstill give the cit a couple more weeks? Are you working or not? Whats your current situation?
emma31977 larry1985
im on 20mg of cit and just a low dose of propranolol 10mg
im 4 weeks in on the 20mg and i was doing ok but my anxiety has now been through the roof for 4 days. my skin is burning my scalp is burning making me want to pull my hair out out. im shaking i and i feel sick. my mind feels completely calm! i just dont know what to do anymore..
doctors said theres nothing they can do.
please help anyone im so desperate
larry1985 emma31977
Emma download an app called DARE I think it will help you with the anxiety the fact that you're feeling this way, says to me that its working. If it is any consolation I had suicidal thoughts, awful morning anxiety, insomnia and heightened anxiety and was crying everyday like a baby! Has your doctor recommended 10mg even? If they sau there's nothing they can do then they sound like a bunch of cowboys, change GP if possible and if its really bad call 111 if in UK. I cant fathom why a GP would say there's nothing they can do. I know at rhe minute you feel utterly helpless and frustrated but please try anything to calm yourself, please get that app i have recommended and let me know if it helps, we have all been through this nonsense too and 4 weeks is such a great accomplishment so don't give up now, YOU WILL GET BETTER!!!! Please keep me posted
larry1985 emma31977
Take a propranolol aswell and see if it calms your anxiety
emma31977 larry1985
i will get the app larry thanks
Charlie_T emma31977
Hi Emma,
I agree with Larry, I think it's worth a call to 111.
Make sure you tell them that you're on Citalopram and that you're:
And that this is a new set of symptoms that have appeared in the past few days.
It sounds like a physical reaction, possibly not to do with the Citalopram, but I do think some assessment would be helpful.
Hope3578 emma31977
I agree with Charlie.
It's definitely worth calling 111 and explaining your symptoms. I think sometimes citalopram is the wrong antidepressant and you may need to try another one. Keep us posted.
Hope3578 emma31977
Also. I hated propranolol. I tried 1 and it made me panic worse than I was previously, so maybe that's not helping either.
hi everyone
thanks so much for your replies. ive called for help and ive hot an appointment with a specialist doctor on monday. The mental health nurse was so mad that my gp could leave me like that she asked for permission to call and speak to them on my behalf. which ive agreed to.
i am willing to give it a couple more weeks and see if its new side effects.
i will keep you updated. its defo better as the day goes on which is something.
hope- i dont like the propanalol either ive taken one and its not made the blind bit of difference.
just one thing ealier on in the week i took some night time rescue remedy... do you think that could have caused it???
so many typos 😃 im so used to predictive text
larry1985 emma31977
Hi emma
like you I found the late afternoon or evenings get better, I really am optimistic that soon you will wake up and feel a cloud has been lifted, the night remedy stuff should be fine as long as its not got st John's wort in it? The docs here prescribed me zoplicone to help sleep but I never bothered with it because its yet another dodgy drug
Charlie_T emma31977
Well done for taking action and proving to yourself that there's always a way forward.
Hopefully you can relax a bit now.
I doubt the Rescue Night could have done anything, but just wondering if you've changed anything in, for example, your diet in the past few days?
e.g. eaten lots of chocolate, any caffeinated drinks like tea/coffee/coke, any grapefruit etc?
no i havnt changed anything at all diet wise. i had a busy weekend and when im tired i dip which is how this spiral started.
ive been so so sensitive to the citalopram from day one i had terrible side effects and then i had a brand change more side effects when i went to the 20mg more side effects and then i went onto 20mg brand change more side effects.
ive just had back to back side effects with a few good weeks inbetween.
my mind is calmer my negative thoughts gone its just these side effects. hoepfully i get to post my recovery story on here like others 😃
larry1985 emma31977
And you will and so will i hopefully!! Why has the brand changed so much? I've been using the accord stuff, what pharmacy you use?
emma31977 larry1985
so ive been using noumed which kept swapping to accord. maybe i should have been better sticking with accord? i just presumed all brands would be the same and once you get used to one particular one theres no difference?
when i first went up to 20mg i had a lot of 10mg tabs left so i got told to double up on them which brought back side effects. then went up to a singular 20mg tablet i got side effects again!!!
ive downloaded dare so hopefully i can have a good look at it!
my morning anxiety usually wakes me up about 4-5am 😦 so it will keep my busy!
youre doing great larry
larry1985 emma31977
The dreaded morning anxiety haha I'd sleep around 11 and be up at 3am =0 was a right pain!!! I started going for a bike ride at 4 or 5am to burn off some adrenalin!! I think the difference in other brands is the shell of the tablet, that is what can cause the bad reaction, silly to change brands all the time, must be a cost thing!! Have a good evening and enjoy the app, it will help, look for the DARE response bit 😉 speak tomorrow!!