I’ve had enough
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hi again
please help me becuase i dont know what to do anymore. ive just finished week 4 on 20mg and after improving have slumped worse than ever. my anxiety has just been relentless all week to the point that im pacing all day, feel completely detached, cant eat, and worse my skin is just burning.
my doctor has given me some propranlol to take alongside cit now and i just feel completely spaced out.
what is happening to me im desperate for these to work but i when i crash down its jusg horrendous
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Hope3578 emma31977
I've requested that they only give me the one brand now as it really gives me a bad tummy when they swapped my brand recently. Your doctor can put a note on your repeat prescription so your pharmacist knows to only provide you with that particular brand.
Keep going lovely.
emma31977 Hope3578
thanks hope
just a question so this morning i woke feeling horrendous albeit 7am for a change which is miles better than 4!
ive literally felt an instant switch this morning its crazy like one mintue i feel im never going to get better and then i feel completely normal. is this citalopram slowly starting to work or am i just going crazy.
Hope3578 emma31977
Citalopram is already working, that is why you are experiencing these symptoms. Up and down feelings like you've just explained are normal yes. The fact you slept until 7am is great, these better mornings will become more prominent soon and so will the good feelings.
oh i hope so. that dip ive had this week was the worse ive ever felt fingers crossed ill get a decent run of days now.
thank you SO much for keeping me going
larry1985 emma31977
Im so glad to read this emma, I feel absolutely knackered today even though I slept 8hrs must still be settling for me i can't think what else it can be
emma31977 larry1985
hopefully its settling for you. im very shaky today and very tired too.
larry1985 emma31977
My pharmacy just gave me a different brand of citalopram lol was on accord now its sovereign !! They reckon it will be fine.... what brand you on em?
larry1985 emma31977
Also, have you spoke with atherapist at all?? I have self referred to Talk for Change and have a phone appointment on Monday 10am, hope it helps
emma31977 larry1985
yes ive spoken to a therapist got another appointment next week. i think my main struggle is the side effects still after this time i just hope its normal for them to come and go.
im on noumed. honestly larry id put it in bin and get another perscription for the right brand.
hi everyone
how are you getting on? thought id send you a little message to check in! evenings are the only time i truly recognise myself so i thought id send a positive message to you! keep going and keep strong