I've had enough! Doctor's are useless

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Hi ladies

I've got to let everything out so I will do it on here.

Like us all one way or another I am so fed up. I have been trying to stay positive every day for months.

I have just about got ever symptom under the sun. Anxiety sky high

Doom and gloom

Terrible acid reflux (been waiting for an ENT appointment which is 4 weeks time now)

Sinus problems

Burning mouth and tongue

A terrible burning and fizzy type nose feeling inside which hurts to breath in so I'm not breathing properly. There are hard scabs in my nose,been there for 2 months.

Severe jaw and pressure headache every day for last 3 months

Tight chest and racing heart


Light and fuzzy headed.

I've been going to doctor's off and on for a few months(actually nearly every week )

Been up to A & E once (just anxiety I was told without doing tests)

I was such a happy,sociable person who enjoyed life before all this.

I hate everything now

I love my husband and kids but feel a failure to them.

Am thinking desperately of paying private for my nose and reflux symptoms!

Any suggestions?

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28 Replies

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    Also forgot to say doctor told me yesterday 'don't worry you won't die'

    Well I know that!

    So down with the different doctor's attitudes.

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      Oh this is me... it sux hey.....on top of that just been told i positive for helibactor pylori. I suspected that a year ago just got tested.. And now cant b treated with antibiotics. Cos apparently u to weak. So what happens now who knows. I was hoping to find a natural cure before my body is eateb away.... but people lie about the alternative treatments too. WHAT TO DO I DONT KNOW.
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      What is helibactor pylori exactly? How did you find out that's what you have ?
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      Its a bacteria that lives in luxury in stonach and upper intestine and can cause peptic ulcers and weaken other body systems..... look it up on net.
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      i would go get a second opinion on the H Plylori, I had it for 11 mo the before I was treated, I got the worst acid, terrible stomach and chest pains was at the docs weekly and A&E, nobody mention H Plyori, all I got was anxiety and acid, paid to go to bupa for a full health check and I was with that doctor two minutes and soon as she heard my symptoms she said immediately you need checking for H Plyori, I was checked and was positive, I was given the two lots of antibiotics and the re checked 8 months later and was cleared the acid was also gone. But I still have a hot throat and ears the Ent as now referred me to an Allergy centre for this, just waiting for my appointment, so hopefully should get yo the bottom of the hot throat now. Because I don't have acid no more they now know it isn't that, so it's either Allgeries or Hormones xx

    • Posted

      Hi Sue

      I've got the acid so bad and tight chest. All day I have been on the loo and stomach aches. I'm thinking of paying privately. What do you think ? X

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle 

      i was left with no choice but to go private, I was constantly on the lol too, I list a lot of weight and my health anxiety went through the roof, personally I would if your not getting any answers, I had the pain to the left side of my stomach and in between my breast bone. It's was so annoying because all it takes us a stool sample and they have the results, so it doesn't cost a fortune to the doctors, I know alot of it is down to costs.

      i just needed some answers because I was constantly getting fobbed off, I think they thought I was a hypochondriac. I would ask your doctor to be tested for H Plyori, because that does cause awful acid and stomach pain. Xx

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      I ended up (after begging )going to a endocrinologist cos i knew i was hormone imbalanced in some way. After few months with him i asked to have test for helibactor pylori. Finaly got it done last month via breath test.
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    I had very bad acid reflux some years ago. Someone told me to use BETAINE HCI. It was life changing! Just be sure to take it with food. It puts into your stomach what should naturally be there.
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    I know exactly how you feel. At this time in life, docs do appear useless. I've had countless docs office visits and several ER visits and never told anything more except that I'm anemic, which I already knew, I have GERD, and low in vitamins and minerals. After dozens of bloods, scans, xrays, overnight hospital stays for testing and heart monitoring still told nothing was wrong. I'm glad nothing is wrong, but all these symtpoms are not from anxiety. Some are but not all. They never once mentioned hormones. Since I still have a cycle, even though it has changed, they say it can't be peri/meno. I had to diagnose and treat myself which is sad. I refuse to keep paying money and running up my insurance seeing docs and specialist that provide no relief let alone not listen. It's sad that they don't know how to properly treat women's health at this midlife stage so we can live good lives in our golden years. At this point it's trial and error. You have to expierement with what works and doesn't, make some lifestyle adjustments, and try to find one specialist that listens and cares.
  • Posted

    Michelle, I feel exactly the same I promise you, I feel so frustrated with suffering from all of these symptoms, I feel I'm suffocating,can't get away from them

    I'm trying all sorts, keeping a diary of my day, when I'm feeling negative thoughts I try and do something to divert them so not to keep focusing on the negative symptom

    I've suffered mainly from off balance/dizziness,stiff neck, anxiety and depression for just over a year now, no sign of it letting up.

    I've tried several HRTs which I'm sure has messed my system up, starting and stopping them. I've been taking tibolone now for a month, I've had a light pink and now brownish discharge for about a week but no real bleeding, this has caused me to have a severe migraine that's made my balance worse...it's a bloomin nightmare, never ending

    I'm desperate to go out and get rid of this mental tension but difficult with these symptoms

    Your symptoms will be aggravated by your anxiety Michelle, I had gastritis a couple of years ago similar symptoms to what you have, I was miserable but I had anxiety then as well which kept all the acid reflux burning tongue and stomach there

    My advice to you would be as hard as it is try and keep calm, take an ant acid and go outside, defy the symptoms, don't let it best you, that might empower you and give you some control over things

    I really feel for you cos I'm feeling exactly the same

    Hopefully we'll look back on this nightmare soon and be able to get on with our lives

    Let me know if there's anything I can do to help


    Brenda X

    • Posted

      I love that advice. I'm suffering every symptom for eight years now. Last two years just constant.

      I'm five months with no period and symptoms worse than ever.

      I love the fact you said try not to let it consume you because that's exactly what it does.

      I've not had any hrt and have weaned off my AD mirtazapine eight weeks ago.

      Good or bad idea not sure that remains to be seen.

      I thought they were making my gerd worse but turns out I still have it just as bad so it wasn't the case.

      As hard as it is to get out the house because you just want to stay in and hide just get out even if only half hour.

      This is such a hard time of life but we are all in this together x

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      Michelle that's why I stopped and started all of the different HRTs, I was blaming that for causing the dizziness but when I stopped taking it the dizziness was still there

      I was suffering from severe stress when this meno kicked in and I also have a history of ME symptoms, I'm convinced this has a lot to do with how severe my symptoms are

      I hate the claustrophobic feeling I have with it, as if I'm trapped

      Although I'm very imbalanced today just came back from a 15 min walk with my husband, I try not to let it dictate my day, I tell myself what's the worst that can happen, sometimes it works and other times I'm sitting crying my eyes out lol

      I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that you will get better and you'll be able to face up to anything after this nightmare

      Sending you a big hug xx

    • Posted

      Lol I hear that walking one minute crying eyes out the next.

      I really hope you get some relief also.

      If it's any consellation I get the dizzyness and nausea real bad.

      I'm hoping as I've gone five months with no period this might be the beginning of the end.

      Hope you get some relief soon.x

    • Posted

      Thankyou for your lovely words. I have been going out every day for a walk or taking kids places. Today is just horrible,I've been up with tight chest and tummy pains all night and today have spent most of the day on the loo,lol. My chest area feels all nervous so I can't sleep. I've has this heavy tight head and tinitus for 3 solid months. I am normally such a positive person in life,it's just not me. Xxxx
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      All I can say Michelle is that it's been a year of hell and nobody other than ladies going through it can relate to this. Sometimes I think to myself ' Is this peri or is it me '. Then when people tell you to forget about it .....
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      My face even buzzes and feels tense !
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      I know hun I've been going through this over eight years now.

      Few years ago had a total breakdown because I didn't know what was causing it.

      Now after research I do know.

      I'm not saying that it makes it easier at all.

      But I have to keep telling myself it's hormones and it will get better.

      Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

      Now no periods for five months I defo know it's hormones.

      Sending hugs x

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      Since coming off my AD mirtazapine I haven't been sleeping. They helped me sleep which was something.

      I'm currently considering going back on them but still not made up my mind yet x

    • Posted

      hi michelle, I was reading your post and I had very similar symptoms to you.  I had that horrible gnawing feeling in my chest, along with palpitations and sick stomach.  I know you've been taking hrt lately and I think  for you these symptoms might have worsening since starting it?  You may be getting too much oestrogen which is making your worse symptoms worse.  I was reading an article which I can message you if you want.

      For the gastric problems  you should get a test for the H Plylori as others have  suggested, but what worked for me was a visit to a physiotherapist, just one visit sorted it out.  He did a manoeuvre on my back, I was lying face down on the table, and he realigned my spine, it resolved the gnawing feeling in upper chest and stomach, because my spine was out of line which he said is a common problem.  I got immediate relief and it might be helpful for you.  A bit uncomfortable when they press down on the spine, but felt so much better afterwards.  All I need now is a drop of gaviscon which has sorted any remaining heart palps, but the acid can cause that dreadful tight feeling.

      if you want the link to the article, let me know.  If you are still having periods, oestrogen may not be right for you right now.

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