I want me back!
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Has anyone been waking up with butterflies in their stomach? Or nervous stomach? Not exactly doom and gloom but just don't want to go to work? I'm not really tired but I don't want to do anything. Also even though I'm on acid reflux meds, I still get breakthrough heartburn. I worry it's something else. I should be getting ready for work, but instead I'm laying across the bed writing this. I'm going to be late again and I don't care. It seems like worry and anxiety are always with me. I'm praying to God this will pass.
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susan43259 juanita93228
jamie50513 juanita93228
I know exactly how you feel. I'm anxious and nervous majority of the time. I thought I had gotten over it but when it's time to go certain places that requires me to drive a distance, I instantly get nervous. I'm going out places but it's pretty much local and if I have to go by myself I get right back home as soon as I can. My anxiety had gotten so bad at work that I was either going in late, leaving early, or just not going. Needless to say, I ended up quitting because I couldn't get myself together. I now work from home which is a lot more comfortable but I still have my moments. I'm praying this will get better for all of us.
susan43259 jamie50513
juanita93228 jamie50513
I get it. I used to never be late for work, now I'm late all the time! I take time off and before I can even get back to work I'm planning the next time off. I stress about dumb stuff, which is bad. Then I stress about stressing! I'm always talking to God, because I want to enjoy this life he has given me. Do any of you think about death a lot or just negative thoughts in general? I mean mine, my family, and friends death? I had gotten over that, now it's back. It's not as bad but......
I'm going to hit the treadmill after work today, hope that will help some.
cindy1957 jamie50513
I'm the exact same way, don't want to go anywhere, afraid to drive anywhere.,the fatigue, I never know when it'll hit and when it does, oh my,it hits. I don't want another pill to take prescription I mean, just wake up and feel like me again, hope it won't last too much longer, been at least 3 years already or more, had partial hysterectomy so not sure when I started menopause.good luck to you.
jamie50513 juanita93228
I'm glad you asked that question because I seriously thought it was just me. I was scared to say anything to anybody because I just knew they would look at me crazy. I always have thoughts about me and family members dying and I noticed it's around my cycle and ovulation time. It's not as bad as it was because I try really hard to push it out of my mind or distract myself when I start to think that way. I have the doom and gloom and crazy vivid dreams.
2chr2015 jamie50513
Yes!! I have noticed that I am having more vivid dreams too. What's up with that? I get so tired of the doom and gloom too. What happened to happy?
Sorry I am whining today.
jamie50513 2chr2015
Whine away, that is what we are here for. The vivid dreams were freaking me out and sometimes they still do I wake up and it stays on my mind for majority of the day and hard to shake. That doom and gloom is a mess all in itself. I can literally feel the nervousness in the pit of my stomach and constantly thinking something is going to happen to me. I just deal with it now head on. I was tired of trying to explain to people how I feel and everyone acts like I don't know what I'm talking about and something is wrong for me feeling the way I do. It just got so that the more I was telling women how I feel that some started to come out and say they either experienced it or going throught it at the same time as me. I am thankful that I get to come and tell you ladies how I feel. Sometimes just typing this out makes me feel a little better.
2chr2015 jamie50513
juanita93228 jamie50513
Thank you Jamie. I feel so much better. I thought I was losing my mind having these crazy death thoughts! Like I said, they had stopped but now they're back. Not as bad as before though. I'm feeling better today. We ladies have to hang in there together! You have a great weekend!
lena53512 juanita93228
I understand. I have been always energetic, until a year or so ago. I feel slugish, not interested in anything, just surviving. Afraid of going out in the morning, afraid of everything, afraid of being around others. I do not know when does it stop, and I am afraid that it will not, and my rest twenty or something years will be like that.
I decided to proceed in small steps, like reading one page of a book, walking for 15 minutes, enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, but I feel ridiculous: such "achievements"!
2chr2015 lena53512
I actually think that is a good idea Lena. The small steps make things seem a little more comfortable and not so scary! Don't feel ridiculous. We all do what we have to, to get through this. ((Hugs))
metamorphed lena53512
juanita93228 lena53512
olimari2013 juanita93228
2chr2015 olimari2013
Trishann olimari2013
Thanks for the encouragement!! Yes I feel you and I pray every single day that this too shall and will pass! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 God Bless everyone that is going through these pains!
amy602 olimari2013
OMG We sound 100 percent like the same person. My symptoms have gotten alot better since the start of taking BCP back in Dec 16, they do pop up here and there but arent as bad as they once were. The only think that seems to hang around is the sadness and wanting to cry feeling. I was hoping this would go away also. I pray to the lord every day, and just like you said, he never gives us more than we can handle. I know that I will survive this, its just hard sometimes & I cant wait till this is all done and over with. Once again thanks for posting this, your really helpped me today.
juanita93228 amy602
Amy as weird as this sounds I'm glad I posted this and I'm glad it helped you! This site has been a Godsend for me! Sometimes I even laugh at some of the posts. Not at the suffering but out of relief of knowing I'm not alone and that I'm not going crazy! I'm 57 and have been postmenopausal since 2010. I had pretty much no symptoms until 2014. That's when the anxietyand mild depression kicked in. After that it's been one crazy symptom after another
Or they go away and come back. I have to fight the dark thoughts. God and this site have helped me soooo much. Hang in there and God bless you!
juanita93228 amy602
amy602 juanita93228