I want to give up.
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sorry to keep posting guys but feeling pretty desperate
I'm about 16 days of sertraline 50mg, swapping from citalopram
the past few days have been getting increasingly difficult with worse anxiety and mood. yesterday I had a panick attack and it's got do bad today I had to send my 5 year old back home to his mum and feel so guilty about it.
I'm really struggling and everyone says to carry on. will it get easier because I dont know how long I can feel like this.
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Guest Potatoghost
I had the brain zaps sent me bonkers for5 days drinking I had no idea why now I have permanent tinnitus feel ready to ctb
gsquez77 Potatoghost
Hey potato! Yeah i know buddy.
How you been today?
gsquez77 Potatoghost
Hey i know toria. I feel my head bad today and feeling low as well.
I hate these feelings.
toria_07298 gsquez77
headaches are the norm gs mine is booming and ive been a shaking mess this morning x
Potatoghost toria_07298
you ok toria? very shakey today myself x
toria_07298 Potatoghost
not really lovely had a horrendous morning zero energy terrible nausea banging head racing thoughts fear and anxiety, bloody horrible isnt it! are you feeling any better than yesterday? x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! Sorry to hear.
Im feeling off and slept a lil better.
I got that low feeling with the anxiety lurking around.
Its not fun . I feel so awful for my life .
toria_07298 gsquez77
yay gs hold on to the fact that you slept better 😃 and keep reminding yourself that this isnt forever because it really isnt x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know. i think my problem is so apathetic to do much .
My mood is very low and just dont feel like much.
toria_07298 gsquez77
so what do you do to fill your days? i know the feeling i have zero energy but know sitting around just makes things worse x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know toria. I get out time to time but tend to lounge around a lot.
Im not that active toria .
I feel so low today and weirded out.
toria_07298 gsquez77
have you ever felt better after being out? have you any parks or quiet places near because sometimes alot of people can be too stimulating x
lynn67615 Potatoghost
Potatoeghost are your mornings worse i wake up with such a tight chest every morning.
i feel like a big scream is in order
Potatoghost lynn67615
my mornings are horrific atm I know exactly how you feel x
AxleWilliams lynn67615
Yes, mornings are the worst. I think what makes it harder is that at night you get a little reprieve and you hope and pray that it carries on through to the next day, and it doesn't. Just hold on tight everybody,it's a bumpy ride.
Potatoghost AxleWilliams
thanks Axl it getting harder each day atm x
toria_07298 Potatoghost
it wont stay like that forever potato, been there, done that, started feeling better then back there again, remember ssri's have worked for you in the past x
Potatoghost toria_07298
thanks toria x I'm at an all time low and I'm sure you are the same right now lovely x
gsquez77 Potatoghost
Yeah potato i can relate to you buddy.
I been laying around a lot like a root .
I cant get going and feelings of low and anxious feelings there as well.
Sorry to hear all this buddy.
lois95799 lynn67615
scream lynn .many times i go and scream my butt off.for relief!lol
lois95799 gsquez77
gs where you at in the usa.
Potatoghost gsquez77
how is your anxiety at the minute? any luck with it settling down?
toria_07298 Potatoghost
minute by minute p x
lynn67615 toria_07298
can it take longer than 6 weeks on a raised dose to work
Potatoghost toria_07298
the minutes drag on for soooooo long lol
how u feeling this evening lovely? hope it's been a little easier for you tonight x
Potatoghost lynn67615
it can take an awful lot longer in some cases. 12 weeks is standard. some people are lucky and get better a lot sooner but not many x
lynn67615 lois95799
LOIS , I START CBT theraphy for anxiety, with LUVOX i have been only taking .25 klonopin. you scream did it help relieve some of the anxiety
lynn67615 AxleWilliams
AXLE, We have the same last name. I'm on the ssri luvox for anxiety and intrusive thoughts. Did it take a while for the antidepressant to kick in
lois95799 lynn67615
yes mam.is better than crying most folks cry i screamed.hopefully it works for you.i had no luck with cbt acupuncture the only thing that work for me is i found a therapist who made me understand the meds and what the symptoms and side effects where. everything i was feeling was definitely chemical either from meds or naturally .iam so glad thats all behind me.
AxleWilliams lynn67615
Yes, Lynn. Unfortunately it took quite a while for me. About 12 weeks on an effective dose (75mg for me). My stupid problem is that I kept taking myself off the damn things, lol. But, to make it quite clear, I had both severe depression and anxiety, so you may react faster than I did. We are all different. Lot's of support in this forum. You'll get through this with everybody here helping out...
toria_07298 lynn67615
crying helps so much as it releases dopamine scream if you want to but crying always makes me feel better x
toria_07298 lynn67615
cbt helped me to think right i would recommend it but it doesnt work for all x
lynn67615 toria_07298
tori did you have nightmres on mirtazaoine
toria_07298 lynn67615
only on higher doses and when withdrawing lynn x
Potatoghost lynn67615
I did when I was on 30mg of mirtazipine
they were horrible. but they weren't all the time just occasionally x
lynn67615 Potatoghost
how did you reduce off mirt i am on 3/4 of a 15mg pill
toria_07298 lynn67615
why do you want to come off it lynn? x
lynn67615 toria_07298
started having horrible nightmares this week, reduced from 15 to 10 6 weeks ago . also on the ssri luvox. why did you go off tori
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! Struggling today as well.
I feel like doing nothing and my mind is racy and heart racy.
I dont know how to go on like this.
I didnt sleep as good either.
How you doing potato?
toria_07298 lynn67615
lynn it could be start ups that to be honest i wouldnt change anything else until youre stable, i went off twice as cbt worked for depression, the third time is a long long story x
toria_07298 gsquez77
bless you, can you try and do a small task at home trust me it helps x
Potatoghost lynn67615
I was having such a bad reaction to it the got me off straight away. I was extremely lucky because I didn't have many withdrawals
coming off citalopram has been a lot harder for me
Potatoghost gsquez77
keep going gs remember the post i sent you.
compare how you feel now to when you started. what's different?
lynn67615 toria_07298
tori i have been on it for 7 months
gsquez77 Potatoghost
Um honestly not that much potato.
I feel like im not making that much progress.
My.mind is not at ease at and low moods.
I also thinking i cant do much at all.
Potatoghost gsquez77
remember it's still really early. you're not half way yet. think of all the improvement you can make in that time. it gets harder before it gets better. you are doing really well to stick with it so long.i want to give
up but we have to keep going if we want to get better buddy x
AxleWilliams Potatoghost
You'll get there gs. I am having a tough time right with you. I know though that the only way I'm going to know if it works is to give it enough time. I know it's really rough. Hand in there....
toria_07298 lynn67615
yes lynn but youve added things and changed doses x
lynn67615 toria_07298
tori you would stay on the 10mg and not go off yet
toria_07298 lynn67615
how long have you been on the ssri? x
lynn67615 toria_07298
6 months reduced from 15mgs down to 12mgs a month ago no side effects. taking 7.5 tonight
toria_07298 lynn67615
thats your choice lynn just be careful as once off the insomnia will hit x
lynn67615 toria_07298
why did you go off
toria_07298 lynn67615
because i didnt need it anymore, a lot of people only use them short term as a crutch x
lynn67615 toria_07298
were the withdrawals bad. ive been on seven months never got above 15. went down to 12.5 for a month. Last night did 7.5, will stay here for a month
toria_07298 lynn67615
lynn it varies from person to person and different situations, the first 2 times i was on them a few years and it was easy the third time was on them short term and it was hard for about 4 months x
gsquez77 Potatoghost
Whats considered a bad reaction to the med?
toria_07298 gsquez77
you have withdrawal and startups simple as that x
lois95799 gsquez77
swelling or diffucult breathing are considered allergic reactions with ssri.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! Cant sleep was crying and pouting night.
I dont know anymore .
toria_07298 gsquez77
pouting? x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria ! it more like panting and crying and i get frowning facial expression.
lois95799 gsquez77
like a baby?
toria_07298 gsquez77
its just panic gs dont worry, does it come in waves? x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah then i feel like exhausted cant do anything feeling which i have now.
toria_07298 gsquez77
honestly lovely i had that then it basically went until the faulty bottle, it will go just try to keep positive, in withdrawal its like your brain needs to learn what emotions are right and wrong and you have to help teach it x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah im having trouble being positive is all.
I think thats a issue as well toria as you know.
I feel like this and then complain.
Im sorry to hear that happen to you .
toria_07298 gsquez77
it will all pass gs you arent broken dont worry x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Thanks toria! its just so hard when you feel like this daily and your life is on hold so to speak.
What i really dislike is how i am not doing much daily at all which not good due to the feelings.
toria_07298 gsquez77
youre welcome, do try to do things and once you start you will see nothing bad happens x
gsquez77 toria_07298
hey toria! i know never been so like unmotivated and just lethargic as can be.
Not sleeping well either .
What do you suggest?
I was sleeping better and doing more stuff despite my anxiety and now this feeling of rubbish.
Potatoghost gsquez77
this is when you need to force yourself to do things that are tough. lying around in bed all day is not gonna help bud.
you need to force yourself into uncomfortable situations and each time you do it will become slightly easier. the lethargic feeling will pass but you need to keep pushing until it does. fresh air is your friend. instead of resting in bed, rest in the garden or at the park. in the fresh air.when you
put yourself in a situation where the anxiety is high you will realise that nothing has happened. then eventually your mind will stop seeing it as a threat.
look at toria. when she feels crap she goes to the golf course and pushes through
do things that will make you more tired so you fall asleep easier x you still on the 50mg?
gsquez77 Potatoghost
Hey potato! i understand my buddy.
I am trying and now i getting head throbs and feeling sick my buddy.
I am very frustrated like this buddy.
How you been?
My anxiety is eh but my symptoms are bad with no energy and my head throbbing.
It seems like one thing after another.
toria_07298 gsquez77
i know gs i was diagnosed with chronic fatigue but now think it was the ssri's x
toria_07298 Potatoghost
aw bless you P 😃 youre spot on with your advice there x
toria_07298 gsquez77
i know what it feels like to be bombarded with symptoms it sucks, none of this can harm you remember that x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! i know but it is enough so you dont feel well at all and make you say stuff to family.
Its like you dont wanna do anything but you wanna enjoy life so much.
lois95799 Potatoghost
how are you feeling ?
I use to exercise a lot and was in good shape and enjoyed exercise classes.
Now i can barely get myself going during any day.
toria_07298 gsquez77
i know gs i know trust me x
toria_07298 gsquez77
youll get back to the gym but the less you do now the harder it will be x
gsquez77 toria_07298
I do go but with no energy and my attitude is not good on life now you know toria.
Its like i just wanna feel like me again.
I feel so lethargic and head sensations and stuff.
I having hard time toria.
how you today?
toria_07298 gsquez77
aw bless you i know gs, i went through all that and there again now but please try to not get frustrated, its gets you nowhere, you cant rush this, all you can do is be good to yourself and help it along, youve done well youve toughed it out this long and believe me i know how hard it is i really do! ive had a really tough week this week but trying to crack on as normally as i can no matter what x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria ! i know i just feel it and tell my family my frustration as well.
Its gotten bad though toria as my head hurts and not myself anymore.
I went out but my friend is concerned for me and thinks i am in rough shape.
I think i felt low and headache and stuff to go with it.
I never felt this way before in my life.
Its just unreal to say the least.
Im crying and migraine headache as well.
Its the low moods now getting me as of late. Crying and stuff still badly.
Should i wait on the zoloft.
I been feeling worse than ever and my family keep sending them text that i cant go on like this .
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs even if you want of zoloft you will have to wait until youre more stable lovely as stopping again will make you feel worse x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know. i just feel awful on this or whatever it is.
I feel like i cant sleep or do much.
I also using restroom a lot now.
I dont like this and was crying last night and this morning.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah well i know toria!
Its just im not feeling well and mind is so racy and stuff. I cant think straight.
lynn67615 gsquez77
does anyone feel like there body is internally shaking
gsquez77 lynn67615
Hey lynn i feel not that great at all.
Um i dont get that but do get a lot of other stuff .
lois95799 lynn67615
i had internal shakes /tremors for about three months.it will subside plus i had pulsating temples it also subsided.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! Im not that great today.
I have that pulsating head too.
My family wants to make a choice saying im not functioning well daily.
lois95799 gsquez77
hang on gs .all those side effects means the meds are working.
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs my mind is crazy today and have so many symptoms its unreal but yesterday i wasnt this bad its just the way it goes x
toria_07298 lynn67615
yes lynn totally normal x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey Toria! What you feeling ?
Sorry to hear that.
Im feeling head pulses headaches and just feel mood low.
Um my family thinks im not functioning normally.
I guess because i complain how i feel and not active enough. I say i cant take it anymore .
They want me to change things up.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah lois it is hard believe me.
I feel so headachey and pain.
Um What do you say to family that they wanna make decisions for me.
They say im functioning at low level .
It is kind of true as i not doing much now lois.
I guess it very worrisome to my family as they think it might escalate to something bad.
lois95799 gsquez77
have you been taking your benzo??
gsquez77 lois95799
I feel down more than up now lois its weird .
Its like the anxiety is there in background then the low moods and feelings take over the rest of day.
I also feel throbbing headaches too.
I need to get out of resting mode.
That seems like all i wanna do now feeling this way .
My family says im in crisis due to this low moods and stuff.
lynn67615 gsquez77
lois did your anxiety last for months
lois95799 lynn67615
8long months.unfortunately
toria_07298 gsquez77
if you change you start again gs x
toria_07298 gsquez77
its all the changes that have caused this x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know . So what do i do?
Im in pain and getting all kinds of symptoms toria.
Itd getting harder each day .
I did get out but i lay around a bit much and get agitated and worked up.
Cant sleep much as of late so im a walking zombie.
I just feel my head throbbing and get the thoughts and voices as well.
I get crying spells too which happens when i get all this and scares me.
What do you think is going on here?
My family wants me to do something for myself like group therapy .
gsquez77 toria_07298
I wish i never went on these meds.
If i knew i feel this bad.
This is torture toria.
These people make a lot of money from our suffering.
toria_07298 gsquez77
i know gs try and stick it out its withdrawal and start ups x
lois95799 gsquez77
thats why i always say if aint severe depression or anxiety there is no need for ssris.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey i know lois!
I did have anxiety before the meds but now i got a lot of other things going on i meant.
I got stuff i never had before and is scary.
lois95799 gsquez77
was you anxiety severe before meds.what was the cause of the anxiety before meds.you say you had worriess ?worries about what?
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! Yeah i know. Its the symptoms causing me lots of distress.
lois95799 gsquez77
you mean the side effects not the symptoms.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey i had a lot of stress about changes in life and stuff.
I was feeling it a bit to try meds again.
Its just the drama and agony with
these is unreal.
Im just saying im now worse than ever and its not good.
I was never in a point of my family wants to put me in crisis mode.
Hey lois ! Its the symptoms causing me more distress than ever.
Its really not good. I dont wanna leave house or even bed now .
I was in
lois95799 gsquez77
i hate to say it . changes in life are natural and ssri are not a way to try and cheat your natural changes .these are powerful drugs and unless it is severe than i say go for it .i have a friend who has natural anxiety over life with her children her husband etc.but i be dam if i suggested to her to take an antid.med for relief.
iam not Condemning ssri i for one need them for the rest of my life .my situation before meds was severe.
gsquez77 lois95799
Im not either lois .I wasnt that great before meds and now i feel like a lot of symptoms.
Your very helpful to me to understand the symptoms.
Im in bed a lot now lois feeling sick today.
I mean the side effects lois .
lois95799 gsquez77
the only way your going to reduce the side effects is to preservere.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know lois. It just been so hard on me.
All i wanna do is lay around and i feel like nothing.
I also get the thoughts and voices as well lois and this scares me into not wanna do much as well.
I also dont wanna drive anymore.
My family hates to see me this way.
They wanna do something to help but cant.
They want me get help i guess from where i dont know.
lois95799 gsquez77
the only thing that can help you right now is the sertraline.plus this forum.you have already recieve help .so you have been on antd.before with sucess?correct me if im wrong?
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah lois ! A long while back lois.
I know lois but i keep texting family and i keep laying around as well.
Im scared of something i guess.
I wasnt like this before . Im neglecting myself i notice lack of focus and interest.
lois95799 gsquez77
are u in the usa?i forgot
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah lois !
lois my family wants me to do things different as they dont see me getting well.
They suggest stuff like group therapy and other stuff as well.
Im home today now laying here .
I get the weirded out feelings and thoughts too lois.
lois95799 gsquez77
something is better than nothing
toria_07298 gsquez77
you just need to push yourself simple as that! ive had 2 of the worst days so far and still got out and about x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know but i feel so like i cant because i feel icky and have thoughts and other stuff.
I feel low and just blah and stuff toria.
How you feeling and what you feeling?
Toria i think im scared of my thoughts and stuff and low mood so i just veg out.
I do get out but only if someone goes with me.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria u ever have bad thoughts and halls ?
I think part of my issue is that and the other is lack of motivation and migraine headaches.
toria_07298 gsquez77
yes i have them constantly lately x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! im getting audible hallucinations i think .
I get these with the bad thoughts so i have trouble dealing with this.
lois95799 gsquez77
today i had horrible anxiety from getting new license.but i Plowed thru with those long lines and finish .i had no choice.so at times gs if you dont push your self the anxiety side effects of the ssri will get the best of you.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know lois! I um got you there but these effects are tough on me lois as i dont wanna be like this.
I hit my head out of frustration today.
I get halluncinations and stuff and thoughts.
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs symptoms are magnified by a thousand when starting or withdrawing from a med so its nothing like normal anxiety, thats why its tough but with all the dose changes youve done you now sound like youre sensitive to med changes like me, today ive had
racing thoughts
leg pain
back pain
shoulder pain
burning up
repetative songs in head
racing heart
ive probably forgotten a few but thought id let you know you arent alone! unfortunately any changes wont help just cracking on no matter how hard it is x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! im in rough shape .
I even hit my head .
I want my life back.
I also get halluncinations .
Sorry to say .
Is Zoloft for me ?
I cant barely function anymore.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Did you have a recent follow up with your doctor?
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! i know not like normal anxiety . I didnt mind normal anxiety .
Lolita40 gsquez77
Have you seen your doctor recently?
What did he say or think about all this?
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs even if its not for you youre still going to feel bad for a while stopping unfortunately no quick solution or magic pill to stop this x
lois95799 gsquez77
trust me i know the side effects are brutal.that is why you have to be able to distinguish the difference between what anxiety you had before meds to what you have now .aside from the side effects.do you feel any relief from initial symptoms of anxiety.i know i felt relief from my initial anxiety symptoms fairly within weeks .it was the side effects that linger for 8months for me.
is crazy how doctors dont believe all the dreadful side effects we experience on these meds.or perhaps they do know but brush it off as our fault .go figure
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know . They wanna put me in crisis.
I had a meltdown.
I dont know toria and lois.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah its the side effects that bother me for real.
I get stuff bothering me and just not well feeling.
lois95799 gsquez77
go to crisis is not bad i been there before.
gsquez77 lois95799
What you do there lois?
I had a meltdown and its the side effects like agitation and just unwell.
lois95799 gsquez77
they will give your meds .you talk to a phychiatrist about your issues. monitor you in a community setting.they will keep you for 72hours.and feed you three times a day.
are you still taking benzo ?i forgot which one are you taking.because you should see if doc changes benzo to xanex.i had to change valium to xanex .the valium was not that effective for me.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey im on klonopin lois.
So what made you go in there lois?
I haveny been sleeping good.
I get to sleep and then wake right up.
Um yeah my family worried .
The Zoloft seems very stimulating. like a upper high too much.
Hey lois! Did you ever get scary thoughts or halluncinations audio?
lois95799 gsquez77
i went to crisis because my stupid gp did not warn me about the withdrawls.so i panic.n went no big deal.just a big bill.i had audio n hallucinations from the horrible withdrals
lois95799 gsquez77
sertraline is good for depression.so stimulating .anxiety sufferers do well on the ones that are sedating.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah lois so im on zoloft and still
feel this way now.
Im on edge daily.
What you suggest?
Did they crisis help you in anyway?
Yeah i been getting scarey side effects and hate to say it i hit my head becsuse i get so tired of the feeling.
And im.not sleeping well at all.
I slept better on others at least.
gsquez77 lois95799
That sucks i think i hearing voices too.
This is all too much for me.
I never have this bad stuff before ugh.
lois95799 gsquez77
the crisis just help me all around.i didnt feel alone when i was at crisis.all though i have a husband been at the crisis with doctors just seem the right thing to do at the time.
gsquez77 lois95799
Did they help with meds or what?
toria_07298 gsquez77
its withdrawal ive never taken zoloft and my sleep is terrible x
toria_07298 gsquez77
im only going to say this once more gs its withdrawal, and for a lot of people all ssri,s are stimulating hence why most take them in the morning!!! no new drug will help, you need to settle then decide what to do x
lois95799 gsquez77
i would suggest if you are not sleeping well get a sleep aid from doctor.that will help with the so call stimulating effects you are having from the sert.and all your withdrawls issues.
and all your withdrawal issues that keep you from sleeping.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know! Im just not doing well though toria.
Im feeling awful and telling family stuff and acting not good.
I also think i hearing things so everyone is so concern.
I feel it again today waking and feel very not myself..
I was unstable yesterday and family called crisis on me .
I dont like the way im acting and my family is concern.
Um im laying around and just feeling unwell.
My family wants me to make a decision and think im not capable of this.
Lolita40 gsquez77
What did the crisis told yout family ???
For myself, going to crisis helped me . I was surround, support and it was sort of reassuring. After that, they gave me a referencd for a group therapy that really helped.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah i think they want me to do something like that.
I just dont like the way i feel and feel awful .
My head is killing me and im acting not good toria .
I actually was acting out on my family since i got annoyed and agitated by them.
lois95799 gsquez77
go to crisis gs it also help me.perhaps you can get answers from few phychiatrist that work there.
Yeah im not in a good place .
I think its like everyone dont get it.
They want me do something since im acting out badly.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know lois. im not the worst anxiety now but still feeling side effects and other stuff.
I feel like i am losing it.
I acting different and just not me.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Yes, you have side effects but I think your anxiety and depression symptoms are pretty high.
So, will you go to crisis?????
I think you should.
gsquez77 Lolita40
I see what they say to me.
Im scared of the way i feel lolita.
Im very not myself your right.
I also think i hearing things now.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Gs, take your courage and go to crisis.
It will be a first step that you make for yourself.
Give us news.
lynn67615 lois95799
what side effects did you get lois
Hey toria! how you doing?
I know its from all that stuff but i feel so out of it.
I just dont like the feelings toria.
lois95799 lynn67615
hallucinations/headaches/internal shakes/visual disturbances/pain that move from one part of body to the other.insomnia/irratability/large pupils/fatigue/numbness thru out my body/felt medicated for many months/heart palps/uncontrollable adrenaline/jaw pain/clogged ears/night mares/extreme anxiety/
gsquez77 lois95799
That sounds like me.
lois95799 gsquez77
those feeling are definitely meds related.that is not your normal anxiety trust and believe.the doctors may try to convince you that they are.but they are NOT!
at least to me i knew the they where side effects so i plow on.
gsquez77 lois95799
I do trust and believe. What can you do ?
Its a challenge to deal with daily lois.
My head is pounding and my mind is racing.
So can all this be from meds?
Im confused what to do then lois.
I do feel so sick today.
well i knew after reading thru this forum and a therapist that told me so that they where side effects/withdrawls
So am i in crisis from the meds then ?
This is so wrong lois.
I loved my life now im feeling like awful daily and dont know if i wanna be like this.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah true ! What therapist told you that?
Im not well lois . I feel like im losing control lois .
Im feeling awful and confused in my life .
My therapist thinks its all in my head.
Um Lois im in bed today and mind is just unwell .
I think i hear things?
Not really anxious but more like low and tired feelings.
lois95799 gsquez77
i dont know what kind if therapist told you that .but my old therapist knew all the pros n cons of these meds she knew i was not making things up.after her telling me that it will all subside got me thinking more positive .it it werent for this forum n my phychiatrist and old therapist i would of gone insane.thank god that they where able to make me realize that it wasnt just me.it was a combination of meds /withdrawls /side effects /n some natural anxiety.when i say natural i mean a few symptoms of anxiety.not the horrific side effects of ssri.
gsquez77 lois95799
Any advice for me? I feel like im losing lois im scared.
I still cant cope with the effects or whatever happening to me .
What you think?
Im starting to act weird and not coping well at all .
I know what you mean and im still feeling it.
You seem to be only one who understands.
I thought of giving up too lois. I having trouble coping.
I feel wired but tired lois.
You ever hear things too?
Am im losing?
toria_07298 gsquez77
listen gs ive tried to help numerous times but you dont take any advice, im in hell myself but still trying to help others get through it, all crisis will do is watch you and maybe change your meds! x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! You helping but im not coping well is all im saying
I just wanna feel decent one day.
My family dont know what to do either.
All i been doing is not much at all .
I listen but still so hard.
I um hearing the voices too .
lois95799 gsquez77
for all we know that dosage is too high for your sensitive nervous system.i know for me 20 celexa was Horrendous.10 did the trick
gsquez77 lois95799
um yeah its 50 mg Zoloft suppose to be low dose.
Its very stimulating and i feel it.
Lois im in a pinch here and my life is over feeling sickly daily like this.
lois95799 gsquez77
thats what everyone said about me lowering my dose that it was too low of a dosage.my phychiatrist states that any dosage could be the therapeutic dose.
gsquez77 lois95799
My docs and psych wants me on 100 mg.
toria_07298 gsquez77
if youre sensitive to dose changes any changes you do will initially only make things worse, plus everything you describe is what i have and im reducing citalopram and never touched what youre on, you keep blaming the new med but if you go on surviving antidepressants you will see plenty of similar stories x
lois95799 gsquez77
now would you know if lowering or upping dosage is going to relief side effects only your body will decide that.
up dosage or lower dosage what have you got to loose.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yes i understand that toria.
What should i do about this now?
I have nobody on my side toria.
I get what you saying.
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs im doing the only thing i can do and staying on this dose until i can cope with dropping at the moment as everything will get so much worse x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yes sure toria!So i stick out the zoloft for now.
My head is so bad today.
I split my dose to 50 mg is what i take .
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs at the end of the day its your choice what you do all i can say is what im doing to keep myself safe as i simply couldnt cope with feeling much worse and from what ive read, seen and heard no doctors understand withdrawal and always put it down to original illness they even tried that with me except i never had anxiety until all this the fools x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! i was never this sick either toria.
I feel so much head pain today and feel so low.
I was never this bad toria and lois.
I feel like terrible toria.
I just went out and still feel it.
Im having trouble coping with this toria .
The only issue is im crying daily and feel sick daily.
My family is very worried lois and toria.
They dont understand the meds.
They want me switch to another one.
I feel like awful and they think i might be harmful to self.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey i understand all the above.
What you think stay on zoloft or what?
I am suffering badly .
Lolita40 gsquez77
gs, you really seem like your in some crisis...
Everyday for the past weeks, month, you tell us and ask us the same questions.
I really understand your struggle and I know you want to feel better.
To my opinion, you really should check in for crisis and ask to be support etc.
We can give you all our advises but if you really dont feel well and think you can be harmful to self, then dont hesitate.
But stop waiting and do it. I think you need that reassurance to be surround by a medical team.
We all have good advices but it can happen that a med is not a good fit for you. We dont know. Of course there is bad doctors but all of them are not all bad. You dont have to take many pills but only a good one that fits you.
I read almost every day and I see your struggle, you panic and depression in what I read....You really should listen to family and check in.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah i know lolita! What will they do for me ?
Im scared of hospital.
Lolita40 gsquez77
what are you scare about???
I mean , you are probably more scare of how you feel now at your house.
At least, they will monitor you revise if the med is okay for you, keep track of your symptoms and if you have questions and worries, they can help and reassure.
I did this for 2 weeks. I helped me a lot.
Lolita40 gsquez77
call your family and ask them to go with you and explain them everything you feel , think, etc
lois95799 Lolita40
listen to lolita gs.i stay in crisis for six days and it was so helpful.a hospital setting is way better than your apt.for now anyway.
the hospital is not what you think gs.it may sound like a bunch of nut cases in there.but it aint nothing like that.
Lolita40 lois95799
Yes you ate absolutly right lois!
When someone needs it, there is no shame!
gsquez77 Lolita40
Its just the symptoms i scared of having in the hospital.
Is it ok the klonopin to take ?
Lolita40 gsquez77
why ate you scare to have the symptoms in hospital? I mean thats okay to have it there. That way, those profesionnals can help you good. If you keep hiding your symptoms to doctor, how do you want them to help. They will help.
Why wouldnt be okay to take klonopin ? Do you still take it? How much per day and whats your hours intake???
Lolita40 gsquez77
gs, you really have to help yourself for once and go ask for help.
Your family wants you to do it.
Take your courage and ask them to drive you there. Its okay! It would be a start.
You are not functionning since a while, you keep on getting bad symptoms, you feel depress and so anxious....I mean, you need it.
gsquez77 Lolita40
I dont wanna tell them my symptoms as they think im losing myself.
I get scary thoughts and halls.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Oh please gs.... you never had that before so thats a good reason to tell them. And they may see that this med is messing with you or maybe they will just reassure that its all anxiety relate.
Thats their job. not yours!
Trust and go!!!
Do you really want to know whats going on? Do you really want to heal and recover? Do you really want to have the good med for you ? If so, go!!!
Its been soooo long since each of your days you are suffering. I mean you deserve better, no!???
Everyone keep pushing you but you dont. You need to take that action for you wellbeing!
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey Lolita! I never had these symptoms this bad before meds is the honest truth.
I had my issues dont get me wrong but not like this bad that i needed crisis.
I wanted to go on the med to help my anxiety now its worse and didnt have depression and that is worst.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Yeah, I understand all that gs.
Now, whats your plan !?
Hey toria!
How are you doing today?
lois95799 gsquez77
iam doing well gs.thanks for asking lol
gsquez77 lois95799
Hows toria?
I feel like eh. I feel i slept a bit more.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey what do you suggest for meds?
Im on zoloft 50 mg for 6 weeks been rough and tough with withdrswals and startups.
I notice my bp is up too as well.
lois95799 gsquez77
i suggest stay the course.dont change anything .everthing you are feeling is not a matter of dying it cannot kill you.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah well my family wants me in hospital and i been acting up lois.
Like not doing much and bad migraines too.
I also get strange thoughts and halls.
I just tend to lay around a lot too.
Potatoghost gsquez77
go to the hospital and see what they say gs. if you are really worried talk to crisis I wreckon . just remember zoloft is a slow working SSRI and you wont know if it's right for you until 8 weeks at the earliest.
if you are planning on changing because it sounds like you want too (i say stick with it) go back to the one you recovered on before. celexa wasnt it?
lois95799 Potatoghost
i been reading three months back gs post and he did not seem bad on celexa.gs was more on cue with his post.
toria_07298 gsquez77
hey gs, im not great, had my bloods done today, feeling super drained (still managed 3 walks though) glad to hear you slept a little better, thats good, it will be on and off like that until you settle a little x
i dont think much of what youre feeling is start ups more withdrawal to be honest x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i understand. I think im hearing things now.
I went to store and felt it too.
gsquez77 lois95799
hey lois ! i know its just i feel it still.
I feel mood swings today and mind racy.
Sure it can hurt you if you had enough of feeling this dreadful way .
I did go out to gym and then came back moody .
lois95799 gsquez77
you are getting there gs.if you think you are hearing things?thats a good thing.lol.folks that do hear things dont say i think im hearing things?
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i meant i do hear things lois.
Just struggling with moods and i think i dont like it.
I feel just out of it on this med.
Im not much active.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! Yeah celexa was better than zoloft but not that great either.
gsquez77 lois95799
You know why?
The Doctors are in cahoots with the pharma companies. They probably get a kick back for writing prescriptions to keep quiet on the side effects . They get something.
So they blame the patient.
You think a Doctor said all the side effects anyone would take it.
Its all about the all mighty dollar and not our health and well being.
lois95799 gsquez77
you are absolutely correct.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! Cant sleep so am up and had some crying spells.
Head hurts and just feel weird unsteady.
lois95799 gsquez77
i feel you buddy.
lynn67615 lois95799
has anyone ever wokken with a panic attack
april89734 lynn67615
i often wake up into a panic attack with my anxiety, this is before medication 😦
lois95799 april89734
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois!
I feel overall unwell feeling with heavy head pressure.
I just dont feel right . My thinking seems unclear.
I didnt think i would feel so out of it and uncomfortable.
Hey lois! How you doing ?
All my family is turning on me.
I dont get it at all.
I guess cause im acting up.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! My family thinks im of not sound mind .
They think i have impaired thinking and no coping skills.
Potatoghost gsquez77
go to crisis gs they would have seen it or similar before so will be best to advise.
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs only you know what is best for you, put it this way my anger has been awful the last few days like off the scale awful but i know it will pass as it did last time, for me i know the only thing that will fix me is time x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know lois! Its just been hard lois.
I get the effects or whatever and it escalates from there.
I get these weird noise voice in my head too now.
Any advice and low moods.
lois95799 gsquez77
is it like a crackling noise.?
lynn67615 toria_07298
do you only have angry thoughts or do you act out anger
gsquez77 lois95799
Lil bit and some voices .
I never have these before lois.
I went to gym and felt very low energy.
I get angry thoughts and get irritable at times.
Im.not sleeping well either.
Hey lois! i was crying tonight and suffering feeling a bit.
I feel the head and trouble sleeping.
This is not going well for me as you know.
toria_07298 lynn67615
both lynn ive gotten better at handling it but its horrendous x
Lolita40 gsquez77
Yout family is probably turning on you because like you say, you keep on texting them your symptoms, your despair and your worries. They probably give you advises and try to help but they feel they cant do much. what do you expect from them? You have to tell them. But its normal for them to that its a lot. They ask you to go in crisis and you dont want because of irrational fears you have from hospitals.
They are right. You have to develop coping skills. You wont be able alone. You need to reach professionnal help. You are not crazy gs. You are just in too much suffering from intense anxiety.
We almost all suggest crisis but you dont. What can we do?
You feel zoloft is not right... Nobody here can give you the exact answer to that. We respond by our experiences and what we think we know.
Of course, we recommand not to play around with too many med changes by refering to our experiences but the best would be to see a professionnal.
But I already told you that....
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah i know lolita.
Thank for the help.
I was just wondering what they do for me.
I know just nerves about hospital.
I get b
lois95799 gsquez77
how are you feeling today gs.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! Not that well.
I took klonopin to sleep a bit.
I still feel my head sensations.
Kinda low feelings and just feel still foggy and out of it.
Lolita40 gsquez77
We told you several time what they can do for you.
You wont know if you dont try.
lois95799 gsquez77
the only thing with crisis hospital is if you complain about how you are feeling they going to either change meds or increase meds.
lois95799 gsquez77
when you take klonopin do you feel better??
gsquez77 lois95799
A lil bit for sleep and now wake like foggy and tired and out of it.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah well im gonna complain about how i feeling lois.
I mean what else would i go there for?
lois95799 gsquez77
well then you gotta go and be ready for whatever they throw at you.
Lolita40 lois95799
Of course when someones go in crisis he will complains about not feeling good. If not, then he wouldnt go.
And that means taking the risk to have a med change.
I have tried different ad and some never agreed with my system.
That is true that changing too much van cause trouble. With time, I have learned to say no to what some doc would suggest me. Im 9 months in with my med and my psychiatrist suggest add desipramine during summer because Im still tired but its a big no.
But 9 months ago, crisis helped me to be reassure while being redirect on my med. At hospital, I ask for one ad not 2 etc. Even after I got out, I had a long road recovering but crisis helped. And I did group therapy.
Now I give my body time to recover for the past 2 years.
Gs doesnt know where to go or what to do. We told him crisis help for some of us but we also ask him not to change med. So I guess he doesnt know what road to take.
My suggestion wasnt to contradict anyone but just a suggestion.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah lolita! i dont know what to do is right on.
Im confused and feel worried.
lois95799 Lolita40
totally agreed with you lolita.i also experience same like you.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Stop asking what to do gs.
A few of us recommanded crisis.
Just go and see.
Potatoghost Lolita40
gs you aren't crazy its withdrawals or start ups the best thing you can do is go and see what they say. it could be the best thing you've done to help yourself.
they aren't gonna lock you up
you need to see someone who deals with what you are going through regularly
we can only advise but if your family want you to go and you dont feel well what do you have to lose.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah i know.
I see what you saying. These meds are why im in crisis.
My in crisis
toria_07298 gsquez77
i had a totally different experience of crisis, i was in a small room waiting for 8 hours when my usual meds were overdue, if i needed the toilet someone had to walk with me and at the end i was just given a benzo which only made me worse as i had steriod induced pychosis which they should of told me would normally pass within 8 or so weeks, instead when i went home i was given med after med all making me worse until i said enough is enough and just sat back and went through withdrawal! and i got better and that is why im coming off cit as i dont believe i should even be on it and think it is causing alot of my symptoms and pain, i dont care how much i go through i want off this med! and i know it helps so many people but unfortunately its the opposite for me and it changed me in a bad way as a person, in my opinion gs and im not a doctor (thank goodness) your symptoms are very similar to mine, i think its withdrawal and its going to take time to settle, but i know youre desperate to feel better, trust me after 2 years of pain i know but their really isnt any magic pill that can quickly take it away, you have nothing to lose by going to crisis as you dont have to take what they give you, its a bloody hard situation, i hate it so much! really hope you improve soon x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know toria!
I have constant headache and feels terrible like foggy headed.
Im in pain. I never have this kind of stuff before all the meds.
I feel impatient. I feel like this daily and im losing it in a way.
Its like going through emotional trauma and physical trauma.
I mean i need to go out and do things like i use to.
Im not saying i was perfect before but i wasnt like this with my family constantly up in arms with me.
I feel its changed me to feel and think worst too now.
My anxiety seems decent but the effects are what is getting to me.
Like migraines and feeling like cloudy and apathetic .
I.mean i also feel like i cant see a way forward like this for the first time in my life.
My life isnt perfect but was better lived before these started this year.
I have no.life hardly now
lois95799 gsquez77
if thats the case for you gs.if your crisis is cause by the meds i would quickly come off them .why suffer.but just expect to feel everything you have been reading about on here or anywhere.i know when i was feeling s****y from med to med there was no one in the world that i would of listen to for comfort.i went with my gut feeling
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah well lois i feel terrible now and feel like i cant go on.
I worn out from all this.
I was not the best before meds but am in crisis now due to them .
I feel like so hopeless and feel sick daily.
Im sitting here feeling terrible with a huge headache.
I cant even think straight except to do nothing.
I feel like i cant do much.
I feel like its impair my thinking and judgment.
I mean i wanted to feel better and not worst.
They disable you in a way.
Crisis might come over and i have to chat with them from time to time.
Lolita40 gsquez77
I feel like zoloft is just not right for you.
Thats my feeling.
Because, you said that you did took celexa with good result in the past. So changing med would probably be a good option.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey lolita! I read so many bad reviews and now im turned off these drugs.
I read so much bad stuff they can do to you.
I feel terrible for trying these meds they ruining my life.
Im not saying they help people but they hurt people too.
Im just so tired of this is all.
toria_07298 gsquez77
from my experience just because a med worked once doesnt mean it will work again, mirt had me convulsing the third time, you need to settle before coming off slowly or you will just feel worse x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! how you doing?
I just feel so unwell toria.
I dont wanna live like this.
I just feeling pain and stuff from these meds.
Potatoghost gsquez77
gs you say your anxiety isn't as bad so that's a good sign maybe you just need to give it longer and wait for the depression to clear up. I would wait for another 2 weeks or so and see if you improve. if you don't then consider your options
if you really cant carry on feeling like you do go and seek professional help like crisis.
toria_07298 gsquez77
i know gs but you didnt feel this bad before meds so you can feel normal again, im not good myself but trying to troop on x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! I mean i wasnt to this point .
Im not saying i was perfect but i feel like im losing control because how i feel daily.
Constant symptoms got me like this.
toria_07298 gsquez77
has anything improved from when you first went on them? x
Hey i know. Im not the same person toria.
I feel like im starting to despair and feel like im going crazy.
Im even hitting my head at times which i never done .
I am doing this because im in pain unfortunately.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! um not really.
I have less energy now than ever.
I get thoughts and halls.
I dont self care as much as before.
I feel just apathetic and its hard to get through days.
I wanna be able to do things like feeling decent at least.
lois95799 gsquez77
are you torn between meds or no meds?
because of the side effects.
lois95799 gsquez77
what does your halls consist of?.mine where flashing lights almost like aura migraines.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey i get auditory halls.
Yeah i am torn and wake up crying now.
toria_07298 gsquez77
it sounds like no ssri suits you anymore, i was like that with mirt it helped me so much with depression a few times the third time it was hell! x
lois95799 gsquez77
i was like that for 8whole months .and four months of the guinea pig stage.so one whole year of hell.mind you i had relief from mu initial l anxiety symptoms that is why i preservere.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah lois i understand!
I hear ya! i wanna just enjoy life is all .
I wanna workout and stuff and work and go back to living.
I just feel disabled today .
lois95799 gsquez77
perhaps tomorrow will be a different day for you on the positive side .
gsquez77 lois95799
You know lois im single and never married.
I have a history of anxiety but never to the point im at now.
I was on med before and it helped a bit.
I went off of it unfortunately.
This year i moved and went on meds so everything change with meds now.
lois95799 gsquez77
ok so the side effects are Obviously giving you drama.but they will subside and if when they do i suggest you stay the course .me for one is the type of person that has to depend on these meds for ever .its just like with any other illness .if it aint broke dont fix it.alot of people change meds because of the side effects some of these meds cause.i change four meds in four months.because i was s**t scare of the side effects . but if i have known that the side efects would subside i would of stay the course with the first med.
Potatoghost gsquez77
hey gs lois is right. let's say one more week and see how you feel? can you hold on for one more week and see what happens?
if it's a little better add another week on and see what happens then. I reckon between 6-8weeks you'll know what your decision should be. x keep hanging in there x
Lolita40 toria_07298
Gs only tried 2 ssri so I guess saying no one suits him is a bit extreme.
Why no med would not fit?
We just cant say that to him.
lois95799 Lolita40
totally agreed with you lolita.
toria_07298 Lolita40
because he sounds sensitive to ssri,s but hey i could be wrong, bit strange how he is only getting worse dont you think and any changes only make things worse!
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! how you?
I just feel off today.
I feel my head and i also get halls.
lois95799 gsquez77
if it was a matter of sensitivity gs you would of had that issue with your first ssri.you are having with drawls with some start ups.and your ocd and health anxiety is letting you have it.but it will all subside .its just a matter of waiting .
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! i understand that im just crying and feeling weepy and just feel unwell.
lynn67615 Potatoghost
does anyone ever get chest tightness with anxiety. yesterday i felt good
lois95799 gsquez77
and if i was you i be taking my klonopin left and right .i would not be suffering when you have klonopin for relief of any kind.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know lois!
I feel more low than anything .
I get these halls and thoughts.
lois95799 gsquez77
well if you know!take action gs.klonopin will calm your nervous system .dont be a fool.worry about the what ifs at a later date.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! i feel so low though.
Its anxiety in the back .
Im suffering but more low like.
I cant go on like this lois!
I feel more low and klonopin more for anxiety .
lois95799 gsquez77
low as in tired?
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey low as in low mood and feel weird.
Im feeling awful wired with low mood and just sick.
lois95799 gsquez77
that is definitely start ups.so the klonopin makes you more low mood when you take it.why cant you ask your doctor to give you xanex instead.valium did nothing for my anxiety and xanex did.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i notice i take it gets a bit low mood.
I was still feeling it now lois.
It feels like a trippin stuff.
lois95799 gsquez77
thats because klonopin is long lasting while the xanex has a short life n quick response.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know.
I feel terrible and family wants to call 911..
Lolita40 gsquez77
why do they want to call 911.
Like I told you, they want to help you.
They suggest you options like crisis, therapy etc and you dont do because you are scared.
As a family, they just can't watch you not doing well and take action. So they probably want to do it for you.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey lolita! How are you?
I just getting auditory halls and stuff.
Im nervous with hospital for this stuff.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Im good!
But I think your family wants to be reassure and so do you.
So, you have to do something gs and stop the fears and the what if, etc... just like lois and potato told you.
You need to check with your doctor or hospital because you keep on complaining on your situation and bad symptoms and you dont take action for your recovery. If I would be your family, I would be also worry like them. They want you to recover because they care.
That was the readon why I cgeck in for crisis. I didnt like feeling horrible and see my family looking at me not beeing able to help. That was my motivation to take action.
Hey lois! i still feel it today a bit.
I think the side effects got me like this.
I feel tired again but like out of it.
Im resting now and do still get stuff laying here.
lois95799 gsquez77
the only thing i can say is i felt the same.so plow on gs.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know but its very hard at times in life.
Its like my mind goes where i dont want it to go .
I feel very cloudy and like i said i feel like im going crazy with all this madness.
I dont think my family will let me go on like this and i live with cousin and he doesnt wanna see me this way.
I also hear things which is very worrisome to me and my family doesnt know what to think.
I tend to like cry a bit at times feeling like this too.
lois95799 gsquez77
oh its great to hear you live with some one .we all thought you lived alone.your side effects will subside .i totally understand what you are going thru .and because it happened to me iam able to Sympathize with you.i also thought i was going to stay with all the madness your Referring to .but guess what it all subsided.my family n friends where also worried n they felt really sorry for me.some understood some did not.
gsquez77 lois95799
Well he works 12 hour days and im.alone not working .
I just feel things that have hard time dealing with sums it up lois.
Im scared of myself if that makes any sense.
Im scared of the halls and thoughts and just feeling sick .
I also confused on my med situation as well.
I feel like my mind is going 24 7 and that not good.
Emotional trauma .
lois95799 gsquez77
every one is so different .i dont know maybe you need more seratonin.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois i get these scary thoughts about stuff and halls are there as well.
I dont get it lois it seems like im trapped in my own mind of stuff.
lois95799 gsquez77
its the meds gs.either from withdrwals or the sert.is magnifying your underlying anxiety or both .i say both .because i experience it
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! How are you?
They wanna dc my med lois.
Said im getting bad thoughts of harming myself.
lois95799 gsquez77
i say go for it.dont suffer .as long as with your doctors orders.good luck always here for support.
toria_07298 gsquez77
its withdrawal and start ups its not going to be nice x
Lolita40 toria_07298
Toria, I know you live withdrawal and lived hell but saying to him it not gooing to be nice etc.. I mean, the poor guy is scare and traumatise. He needs encouragements. Not saying to him that he will be living hell.
I have experienced med changed that was okay past the side effects.
And maybe he needs to decrease or even increase.
Seeing a doctor and doing whatever is suggested to him under medical advises. But we just cant tell him things that wont encourage him.
but if you are having harming thoughts possibly due to the sert.i say decrease .just be cautious .
toria_07298 Lolita40
i havent once said it wont get better, it will but it takes time their is no magic bullet to stop this 😃
Lolita40 toria_07298
I understand that maybe you didnt said that. But always saying how bad it is and will be doesnt encourage.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey lois! Everyone wants to dc zoloft because of thought and voices .
They wanna try lexapro now.
Im just scared of this and how i feel daily.
Im very confused too.
toria_07298 Lolita40
i dont i simply say ive had or am having the same! id rather other people say they have been through the same to give me comfort than think it was just me, im just concerned all these changes will make a bad situation worse but hey will butt out x
lois95799 gsquez77
lexapro is the celexa cousin.do whats best.are you swapping ?hopefully you are not swapping but decreasing one while introducing the new one.
Lolita40 gsquez77
I take lexapro gs. This med is almost the only one that really helps me.
That can be a good option
gsquez77 Lolita40
hey lois! They want me swap take no zoloft tonight and take lexapro next night.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! they want me swap for lexapro.
Stop one day zoloft and then go to lexapro.
lois95799 gsquez77
do whats best gs.you are already suffering .hopefully the lexapro.will be lovely for you.
Lolita40 gsquez77
ask for a swapping.
You can ask your pharmacist.
But remember, start slow with the new med. It comes by 10mg pills so you can cut in half.
You will get a bit of side effects for the first weeks from withdrawal and start up but give it a chance.
Take your klonopin on regular time. Lets say 0.25 mg in morning and 0.25 in afternoon and at bedtime. The more you settle, the less you will need. That way you regularise the doses in your system.
Lexapro is less stimulating. You can gave start up anxiety but with klonopin you will be fine.
Some are good at 10mg some at 20. I take 15mg.
Give it a try
But ask for swapping to your doc or pharmacist with the right doses and how long... Tell them you want to avoid to big of a withdrawal from zoloft
lois95799 gsquez77
listen to lolita gs.
gsquez77 Lolita40
They want stop one day and get to lexapro next day.
lois95799 gsquez77
do whats best .you are going to probably feel yucky or probably not.its trial n error
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know! Any suggestions for the change lois?
You said wean off ?
Im confused . I like to know.
Hey lois! What is causes my thoughts and voices lois or toria?
What is causing all this?
lois95799 gsquez77
the chemicals in the meds have your brain all over the place.wean one while introducing the other .
Lolita40 gsquez77
Its all bad anxiety !
You take 50mg of zoloft right?
Maybe you can take 25mg zoloft and 5mg lexapro for 5 days then lexapro 10.
Thats how I use to do.
Or I even did the swap in the past with no problems. Only had side effects from start ups and maybe a little withdrawal.
I think doctor want you to be off zoloft because this one doesnt suit you.
like I said. take dose of klonopin on same hours daily.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Also, your pharmacist can assist you for that. They know a lot about swapping etc . So you should call him and ask.
Potatoghost gsquez77
hey gs keep your chin up.when I swapped to sertraline it's been bloody dffiicult I'm not gonna lie to you but.....I still havnt been as bad as when I was on the wrong drug for me (mirtazipine) so if zoloft is not right for you then stopping can only be good right? listen to what everyone says we all hope and have our fingers crossed for you dude. I'm struggling bad with zoloft but not as bad as you by the sounds of it so maybe it's not for you and going to lexapro will be good for you x
toria_07298 gsquez77
i really hope everything works out for you and you settle, ive shared my opinion many times, you stated you were better before meds, if youre going to try a new med to stop withdrawal that doesnt make sense but if youre doing it to stop original anxiety fair play! anyway fingers crossed you find the answer as i know when i was bad i was desperate for a pill to take it away but all it was was time and now im doing it again with a different med and i have to keep reminding myself its withdrawal and trust me i feel like im losing it big time right now! please find a plan and stick to it i am truly concerned for you and hope you find peace x
Lolita40 toria_07298
Of course he takes a med for anxiety.
I mean he took celexa for anxiety few years ago and it worked.
I dont want to be mean Toria but I think your suffering is not only due to withdrawal and a bottle/dosage error. But probably still existing anxiety. Yes you said you had no anxiety before withdrawal but maybe you develop it or you had it light or didnt really knew.
Anyway, I dont want to argue with you. I have a few arguments when people try to reflect that to you. And its not what I want.
You go through withdrawal while most of us are trying to settle on a med. Our experiences and opinions on meds are different. But a few months ago when I was still struggling, I would not have been confident to continue and push through if someone would tell me all negative side of the med.
gsquez77 Lolita40
So i feel spacey. and migraine and headache too.
I went to gym. I get the thoughts and voices as well.
What is the protocol for this as i have 1 tablet left
Im very worried and concerned.
Hey so is this withdrawal? and startup?
So will i get more withdrawal and startup?
I have anxiety but not as bad as before meds.
These meds are confusing me and my life is not the same as a result.
lois95799 gsquez77
yes you will go thru the whole process again or you may not .fingers cross.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Its not your first time in life with med for anxiety. The last attempt with celexa wasnt as good for you as the first one and remenber, you played with doses. Then, you withdraw and wasnt feeling good at all and you were panicky. I remember that. You started zoloft and I guess this med is just probably not the one to help you relax your anxious mind.
Anxiety is something that changes over the course of life. Like you, you have been dealing with depression and stress since so long and not having the right med and side effects, and all that just nourrish anxiety.
anxiety appears when you live a chronic and intense form of stress and worries. Add depression to that and its jackpot.
I can say that I wasnt anxiety before so why one day I developped it??? Its like that. Those are things plus coping skills that you have to address in therapy but for now, you have to help the brain settle on a right med for you.
If you only have one pill then for the swap. You wont die from it. Just remind yourself that time, patience, confidence and positive thinkinh are your friends.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah my brain is all over the place.
I think i dont know what to do lolita and lois.
I dont feeling this way. I get these issues all over the place and painful .
I havent been doing much as i am sick and need to relax.
Im so scared and my brain is wired now.
I dont know if i can do this again.
My mind is just not in a good place .
So how do i go about the swap?
I feel so out of it and just not well.
My brain is just messed up and im scared..
lois95799 gsquez77
dont be scared gs.if you do the swap i would start with half of the ten milligram of the lexapro.so five milligrams.and take your klonopin so your nervous system does not suffer.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! This med i was on and it made me sleepy after the initial drama .
It was more sedating.
Do i skip one day and start the next night lexapro?
Im just scared of the way i feel going forward. i feel very uneasy.
I dont like it at all.
Hey lois! i just worried about this feeling about 9 months now so you understand i need a life back.
i been struggling since this year and just dont see it going forward with all these symptoms or withdrswals or effects that scare me.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Try to be positive.
Start meditation with an app daily.
Take klonopin like i told you...morning, aftetnoon and bedtime.
You are tired because of long term anxiety/deoression. Its exhausting being worry all the time.
You need a GOOD therapy asap.
If you took your zoloft tonight then take your lexapro tomorrow. Do like lois told you. Or call your pharmacist for instructions.
If you keep on thinking negative and only occupied yourself with worries, you wont feel good. You nourrish your anxiety.
Tell yourself, you change med because zoloft wasnt for you and remind yourself that antidepressants are not all poison. Avoid negative infos about the meds and googling reciews ect. There is a lot who takes them with succes. They dont come in forums because they live their life. Focus on positif and recovery.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah i know i just didnt have a good expereince on the meds thus far.
My brain is all over the place from meds changes and doses.
I am also worried about intrusive thoughts and voices which are bad things.
Along with the other side effects and stuff .
I was already having issues with meds when i got off celexa with mood swings and drama galore i was running out of my appt as well.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah lolita! i do look a lot of the negative reviews.
I feel so wired and not tired a theme for me lately.
I dont wanna be worse than i am now.
I do get intrusive thoughts and voices which i hate lolita.
I never have voices in my lifetime.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey all i feel so sick typing to you all.
I do agree with toria in that im changing again to meds.
Um i dont like the way i feel now and worried going forward.
I was on lexapro and very sedating after inital drama.
toria_07298 Lolita40
that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever read! i do not have anxiety lolita i have waves and windows, when im in a wave i feel bad but when in a window i feel normal, which is how people usually heal from antidepressants 😃
toria_07298 gsquez77
see i asked you lots of times if anything was improving and you said no, but further up you said anxiety is better on meds, if thats true you just need to stay on one long enough to settle, its all the changes making you feel this way
lois95799 gsquez77
so which med you like best .the sedating one or the stimulating one?.if the lexapro is sadating take a small dose like five milli.split the ten.if not stay with the sert and enjoy the high.this thread is getting Redundant.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know lois! Guess i try it but i feel not that great now and no sleep.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah but i just need something to feel better.
I got a migraine now and stuff.
I guess now i try another one but im scared of feeling this way.
Its been ongoing and i understand what you mean.
I dislike the feelings as you know or effects you get on these.
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs you just need to pick one and stay on it for at least 3 months or until you settle, you werent clear that anything was improving so that is why i thought maybe the meds were no good but now youve said the anxiety is better pick a med and stick with it x
lois95799 gsquez77
there are other antidepressents on the market .snri/antiphycotics/tryclics/maoi.talk to your phychiatrist for more info.so what you are saying is that all ssri in your mind make you feel weird .???
gsquez77 toria_07298
Well the anxiety wasnt the worst ever.
I feel the effects are causing me drama i know what you mean by everything.
I feel more sick overall than before so i frustrated.
It seems like that lois like the effects you know .
I cry and feel sick and thoughts and halls as well.
Im either tired or wired cant find something normalize me.
Then at times i feel worst anxiety and low feelings so its hard to stable.
My mind is all over the place.
lois95799 gsquez77
time is the only thing thats going to bring you balance / normality.
i suffere with the same crap your going thru for 8months i deserve an award.
toria_07298 gsquez77
ive had all that for 2 years from withdrawal etc but if you stay on something long enough you should settle x
Potatoghost gsquez77
so you've been on lexapro before then?
you need to help yourself too. you cant be reading negative reviews other wise you are just gonna go backwards and do yourself more harm.
what gave me the courage changing was looking at positive stories of people rather than negative ones.
lynn67615 Potatoghost
could use some advise . i have been on LUVOX AN SSRI SINCE MAY 1 went up to 200 mgs on JULY1st still have bad anxiety. See my doctor on Thusday should i give this more time
Lolita40 lynn67615
Unfortunatly, I dont know a lot about luvox. I did ask my doctor once and she said she doesnt refer this one too much. She said her patient with anxiety respond better with lexapro, celexa, zoloft or effexor. But everyone is different.
If you have felt better since the start then you probably need to continue.
But med is not 100% of the recovery. It doesnt mean we will never feel anxiety. I guess if helps settle and calm the excess. We also need to develop coping skills, change our mind thinking, change the way we take care of yourself and adress what brought us into that spirale.
Lolita40 Potatoghost
potato is so right !
You have to stop running over negatives reviews. They will just nourrish your fears and wont help recovery in any way.
You told us several times about halls, intrusive thoughts, voices...we know. But since all that time, remember that nithing bad happenned. Anxiety can produce so many reactions.
By stopping zoloft and going with lexapro, you will probably feel better. I also have sedation. Take in around pm. If its hard to sleep you take it in am. But remember that you need to allow time for body and brain to adjust.
Dont forget klonopin. You never told us what routine you have with klonopin ( how much and what time of the day is your intake).
So are you starting lex today?
Gs, how long did you take lexapro in the past ?
lois95799 Lolita40
well said lolita.these meds are a tool.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey that was a month and l was so tired and sleepy on it.
I feel unwell today didnt sleep much and feel just not well today.
I was crying and feeling unwell all night .
Lolita40 lois95799
well thats what I have learned.
Katecog gave nice advice a a others on here.
I still feel anxiety but the biggest is sort of gone. It took me around the same time as you.
lois95799 Lolita40
i wish folks on here would take kate cogs advise with much respect .without kate i dont where i would be.thanks kate if you are reading this for all you have done for this forum.
lois95799 gsquez77
if you go back on lexapro do five milligrams.and the five wont be so sedating.
because of your severe anxiety a sedating ssri is more suited for you.
toria_07298 gsquez77
you need to include therapy exercise and a good diet to the pills
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! ok i think im gonna try that.
I feel so spacey and out of it today lois.
I know i complain daily but this feeling is bad for me.
I dont even. do much anymore lois.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah toria i feel so wiped out and not well today.
I feel i had no sleep and just here restless.
lois95799 gsquez77
i rooting for you gs.take action and recover .you been suffering too long.
i felt the same way on effexor.once i introduced the celexa that wired high feeling went away.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah lois ! i feel low now and just unwell.
Im just concern how i been and acting and stuff.
Im just up laying around.
I feel so blah and cloudy thinking.
Lolita40 lois95799
Katecog's advises where given to me when I guess I was ready to take them, analyse it and introspect myself with it.
I was also doing group and self therapy.
Even if those stuff made sense in the past, I guess I wasnt ready before to really put it in action in my life.
That the beauty of self development , introspection etc. Some stuff will suddenly open a light like a revelation. People dont evoluate at the same speed and their is not one only road.
Its not a competition and it doesnt make anyone better or worse. Its just a self evolution/development belonging on our own path in life.
Katecog happen to helped me and i thanked that. But I also thanked myself for beeing able to be opened to her great advises.
What she says is not a miracle pills or spells but things we have to rely on.
Lolita40 lois95799
I agree with Lois.
Lolita40 gsquez77
The tiredness and spaceyness will be normal starting lexapro.
Your body will be tired because it has been so long fighting over anxiety.
The tiredness is often the last thing to go depending on how long you been suffering. Being in edge, anxious, wired all the time and over worrying is totaly exhausting for every part of your body.
Be kind to yourself and tell yourself you are in recovery such a someone who needs pampering and sleep after an accident or else (its only an exemple )!
toria_07298 gsquez77
just be careful to not drop too fast etc as i took advice on here and dropped by 5mg which for alot of people is ok but for sensitive people its dangerous, really hope you find the right thing for you and settle, its an amazing feeling when you have a good day it drives you on, regardless of if youre going on or coming off meds 😃
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria what you mean drop fast?
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey lolita i been feeling that way all year.
My health is not as good now.
Lolita40 gsquez77
We know gs.
But now do what the doctor ask you to do and change to lexapro.
Anyway, your prescription for zoloft is done so go for it.
And routine yourself with klonopin.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey lolita! Its hard to go on like this .
I feel so sick and i feel like i have no life anymore.
I have bad thoughts and halls and these got me on edge.
Its the way i feel per se.
I cant go on like this lolita!
Lolita40 gsquez77
What do you really mean?
You feel terrible but you dont want to change med?
You have been terrible with zoloft.
I know you say you want your life back but it feels like you dont want to jump into the process of change.
You have zoloft in you body now. So your side effects are from that one and mostly because your anxiety desorder is not under control.
We try to help but its a bit redundant. We truly understand and know how you feel. You are not the first and only to deal with it. We went through that. But the thing is that you are sooo scared that you keep reasking and having doubts instead of pushing in.
We really wish you feel good but you have to accept a little discomfort while settling.
Rely on people's positive experiences. You need to surround yourself with positivity because you are too much in negativity and that just put you soo down.
lois95799 gsquez77
is it beacuse you dont want to take ssri of any kind at all? is that why you are torn with the decisions?
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i think so lois! I feel no benefit from them and feel they making me worse like getting no sleep and just feeling worse than ever.
I take the flu over this anyday.
I barely wanna do anything and now what happens next go back on lexapro and get more startup and withdrawal.
That doesnt sound like fun to me.
I will give it a shot but it seems like i been this way forever lois as you know.
lois95799 gsquez77
i know gs.the side effects are brutal.and alot of doctors confuse the side effects with your normal anxiety and that is not the case period.
toria_07298 gsquez77
i still think its withdrawal and start ups as you havent been on a single dose for 3 months have you? i also said the other day that maybe ssri's dont agree with you, it doesnt matter if they did before people change they get older etc, if one type worked for everyone why have different ones??? x
but on the other hand.the side effects are magnifying your natural anxiety.so you got a huge stew of symptoms going on at the same time.and time is the only thing that is going to help you.time =been on meds.time =withdrawls from meds if you decide to not to take them.
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah i know exactly.
I mean my mind is so unease now like this and i like to lay down like now.
I feel it and dont wanna seem repeative.
gsquez77 toria_07298
I think celexa i went 3 months on .
I.mean its frusrating because my original anxiety didnt feel head pressure and unmotivated.
You know the effects got me in a tizzy.
Thanks for understanding!
lois95799 gsquez77
you are absolutely having withdrawls with startup no doubt about it!!!!
toria_07298 gsquez77
so whats your plan gs? x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know. What you think i do now lois? i mean i guess lexapro.
Im get what you saying it makes me miserable.
It my fault for going in all these meds.
I had some anxiety but not all this stuff.
I know what causing it i just wanna feel normal and not miserable and like this daily.
lois95799 gsquez77
so take half of the ten of the lexapro.you cant feel any worse than you already are.
lois95799 gsquez77
you say you know whats causing it.can you tell us what is causing your issues.?
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! They want me to skip dose today and start lexapro tomorrow.
lois95799 gsquez77
go for it.remember 5mill.the slower n lower the better.
gs i did it four times in four months.and iam fully recover.on the fifth
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! Im acting up in anger today.
I feel terrible .
Um you mean 5 mg at lexapro start or stay on.
My doc wants me on 10 mg.
Is it ok to go without one day dose ?
Im scared and confused.
lois95799 gsquez77
sert has a half life so in 24hours you will have fifty percent less.ten milligram of lexapro is 20of the celexa.i would personally do half of the ten.but iam not you.
to start with .take five .
Lolita40 gsquez77
gs, you need to have a little more trust in your doctor and the professionnals that works with you. They are not all bad you know. And remember, they try to work things up with what you report to them.
Its up to you. You can start 5mg tonight or tomorrow. But because you are suppose to ramp up at 10mg eventually. I would cut the 10 and do like lois and start with 5mg for couple of days.
seriously, I doubt that you were doing that good before med. Now you are just so scared of side effects that you have a negative opinion about med. But when you stopped last year and before zoloft, you were not doing good. You came back to med not because you were fine.
And its true, you never really adress what are the issues that made you start med all along.
Lolita40 gsquez77
you have to make up your mind.
Go on and accept the med and the road that comes with it or stop it. Because you kind of increase the drama by amplifying the fears, etc.
From now on, you should focus on ONE positive thing in each day. And bring back your mind to that when it tries to focus on the neg.
toria_07298 gsquez77
the anger is all part of withdrawal, never had that in start ups ever x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! What you suggest?
They want me stop zoloft today and start the lexapro tomorrow.
im getting fast heart today. Great.
Lolita40 gsquez77
seriously gs, you ask everyone what to do plus your doctor etc. Of course, you will be mess up because with all the person you ask and all the reviews you look at, you will never have the same exact answers.
It like if you wait for a certain specific answer? If you just dont want to take med, just stop.
We ALL know you want a life back. But you have anxiety disorder and will need to work on that in a way or another , with or without med.
its really getting sort of fustrating. We want to help so much but its redundant.
No med will be magic in 3-4 months.
Good luck
Potatoghost gsquez77
right gs you need to help yourself aswell as the med
everybody is right
I'm struggling like crazy right now too you know
but I know what's bad for me like looking at posts that are negative!
when you decide whether to take the lexapro or not you need to make sure
you drink as much water as possible
walk run gym whatever to get fresh air
no reading negative posts!
stop asking questions that will make you feel worse
pick a tablet stick with it for the duration you have to
take your benzo when it's tough
find things to keep distracted and just keep pushing on
listen to what people are telling you rather than ignoring and repeating and try your best to listen and you'll be alright x
failing all of that go crisis or hospital where someone can keep an eye on you and make sure they can answer what questions you have. and keep an eye on if the med is working
Potatoghost gsquez77
also gs I stopped citalopram 20mg- nothing one day and started sertraline 50mg the next and was fine
I'd been on citalopram 5 years and it was tough but I do everything everyone has been saying on here and now I know I have to push on and wait and see if it works.
gsquez77 Potatoghost
Yeah not a great day. I whimper a lot lois and in pain. I have migraine pain.
I do remember anxiety and aches and pains as well before treatment.
It ok to not take zoloft one day?
Hey lois and toria im scared for the future of my life.
I scared of my effects and stuff .
Hey all!I had a meltdown with family so that was not nice.
I didnt take zoloft tonight and took a klonopin.
I guess lexapro starts tomorrow but very worried and concerned about all this stuff.
toria_07298 gsquez77
you just need to stick to one med long enough to settle if thats what you want x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! i understand i just dont like how i been feeling on them.
Its like i know they have effects and i guess i cant cope well with them.
I took a klonopin last night and no zoloft.
I dont know how im gonna feel day to day now.
Sometimes it minute to minute.
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs ive started having days again where i have to take it minute to minute but it did settle until the faulty bottle, so whats your plan now? x
lynn67615 toria_07298
i went down on the luvox starting today from 200 to 150. I have been sweating terribly in the morning and a stomach ache when i wake up.
toria_07298 lynn67615
lynn do you have a plan? x
lois95799 lynn67615
how many different meds you take?
lynn67615 lois95799
i have reduced mirt to 7.5 now for a week. i am still sleeping well. lowering luvox getting stomach aches when waking up and sweating when i wake up lowering to 150 today. hoping that will help been on 200 for 8 weeks. stomach aches just started.
toria_07298 lynn67615
lynn you will be getting withdrawals from both 😕 x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey how are you?
So i start lexapro tonight?
These meds are dangerous to some.
I went out today.
I hate feeling drugged.
Stupid drugs .
Nobody believes it drugs and its me .
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs its your choice to take them or not nobody elses x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know. It just that been having issues with them.
Its hard to get of. them too.
If i take lexapro then what?
Im confused i need my life back .
I feel my head and foggy constantly.
I think i hearing things.
toria_07298 gsquez77
trust me i know its hard to get off them but if you feel they arent doing you any good you need to decide x
lynn67615 toria_07298
why do i wake up every morning with anxiety
Lolita40 lynn67615
You are not settling Lynn.
You are in decrease of mirt and you also lowered luvox.
A lot of people say anxiety in morning and tiredness are the last thing that went away after they settle on the same dose for a while.
Are you having your doctor 's appointment today?
lynn67615 Lolita40
yes i stayed on the 200 luvox
Lolita40 lynn67615
you see your doc today???
toria_07298 lynn67615
its cortisol its at its highest in the morning x
toria_07298 gsquez77
how you doing gs? x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know toria! I feel very tired and lethargic.
My mind seems all over the place.
I did try the gym and was so foggy headed that went back home.
I just feel frustrated.
lynn67615 Lolita40
yes lolita when did your anxiety stop
Lolita40 lynn67615
it got better around 5 months and now way way better ...im 8 months.
Lolita40 lynn67615
but my anxiety wasnt in morning but mostly during afternoon and night
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs the first few months were hardest for me getting out but you have to teach your brain who is boss x
lynn67615 Lolita40
so instead of switching i should stay on 200 luvox how much benzo did you take. been on 200 9 weeks
Lolita40 lynn67615
how much benzo do you take now daily? which one? Do you have a steady routine wirh it?
lynn67615 Lolita40
i only take .25 klonopin not enough
once at 700am
Lolita40 lynn67615
Lynn, if you felt improvement since the 9 weeks then yes, I would suggest staying with luvox. If you are worse then you have to see with your doctor because nobody here can tell you what to do. You been follow by your doc so he knows you best.
Do you still do therapy ? Do you think the therapist you have is helping? If not, you can see for someone else.
You also had a lot of issues recently like you told...Your grief, etc. Thats all stuff that surely impact.
Lolita40 lynn67615
I dont know since when but 0.25 is not a high dose. Maybe you should take 0.50 or take 0.25 2 or 3 times a day.
At first while adjusting, I was taking 0.25 am, 0.25 afternoon and between 0.25 and 0.5 at bedtime.
Now I only take 0.25 or less at bedtime.
lynn67615 Lolita40
can i still get better on luvox
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know! I just feel sleepy and not taking zoloft for one night .
I kinda feel something in my mind causing low feelings and not thinking right.
Hey lolita! im just stop the zoloft and now i feel exausted today and mind not clear.
lynn67615 Lolita40
my friend who lost her son said when she was alone she would cry and scream and stamp her feet for months to get the anger out
toria_07298 gsquez77
did you start other med or not? x
Lolita40 lynn67615
I guess. I dont know that med but if its like the others, you only been at your dose for 2 months so like you read, it takes time, months!
If you felt improvement since you start then I guess its positive!
Maybe Lois can answer.
lynn67615 Lolita40
it really took you months
did you ever try lexapro before
Lolita40 lynn67615
yes, but you know that Lynn. We have been talking since almost a year.
And yes, I took lexapro from 2015 to 2017.
lois95799 lynn67615
of course it takes months it took me 8long months .lynn these meds arent a quick fix time is of the essence.
lynn67615 lois95799
so if you were me you would give luvox another couple of months
Lolita40 lynn67615
what was the med you took helped you the most?
lynn67615 Lolita40
why did you stop lexapro
Lolita40 lynn67615
my doctor switch me to different medication between 2017 and 2018 when I had my burn out plus anxiety. But me new psychiatrist put me back. It took months to settle. Probably because of all the changes. But I told you my story several times, no?
lois95799 lynn67615
yes i would lynn .without changes
Lolita40 lynn67615
Lynn, did you see your doctor today?
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey all! i feel so sick so i dont how much i have left . Its been going on forever so i feel terrible. um just suffering.
Lolita40 gsquez77
what do you mean you dont know how much you have left????
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs you said you felt the drugs werent helping you yet you are starting another one x
Lolita40 lois95799
Hi all!
How are you all doing?
Hope you all have a great day!
lois95799 Lolita40
hola lolita everything lovely on my end.
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! i know but its hard to get off them.
Well im getting the effects of the drugs and not positive so far.
I feel it daily .
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs trust me i know that as ive spent over a year on a reduced dose but when i started settling before the faulty bottle the goid times were amazing, thats what is driving me on, that and the fact that they do me more harm than good x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know toria.
Im still feeling it in a way.
I feel like i cant take the pain from them.
Im just feeling like that i cant go on.
toria_07298 gsquez77
you need to find a plan and stick to it gs as all these changes arent doing you any good x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah i know toria. i confused now with meds and dont have a plan .
I skipped zoloft last two days and just confused and in pain.
toria_07298 gsquez77
do you think the meds have helped at all? x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Um not really.
I went on them for some anxiety and low feelings.
They kinda cause me other issues as well.
I feel i cant think straight now toria.
It feels im having dark thoughts and halls i get too.
lynn67615 Lolita40
i will stay on 200 for now she said i could go up too much
she said meds will not help my anxiety
lynn67615 gsquez77
Tori , how long do you stay on a dose before reducing
Lolita40 lynn67615
So what does she suggest?
You took zoloft in the past for 23 years, right!? How come you did not stay with it?
lois95799 lynn67615
what kind of doctor do you have that says that ssri dont help anxiety?
Lolita40 lois95799
I know right!?
That is a shame that she said that to you Lynn.
gsquez77 Lolita40
ssri can help anxiety and can cause bad side effects.
Lolita40 gsquez77
well gs, our own anxiety and depression can be as bad causing so many symptoms and side effects. What will you do to treat your depression and anxiety.
You have a fear of med so big that non will work if you dont change your mindset about it.
I was like you at some point, not being able to go through side effects and when I decided to change my vision of it and not seeing then as poison and devil and mostly when I accepted to be patient through the hole process....well you know what, it finaly worked!!!
You only tried 2 and did not go pass the 3 months.
I dont mean to be rude but they do work when you leave them time.
lois95799 gsquez77
if you want get off ssri because of your personal issues i say WEAN gs dont just go cold turkey .you must be a fool to choose that route .i told you before you should of took half of the fifty milligram of the sertraline but you refuse.iam sure your madness would of ease at a much lower dose .but talking to you is like talking to the wall .for crying out loud.good luck
toria_07298 gsquez77
its withdrawal and dose changes, as im typing this my whole left side is numb my heart is pounding im anxious as hell have racing thoughts etc yet the other day i felt fine for hours, you have to leave it long enough to settle on a dose even if coming off x
also i had to have full blood count done and all results are fine its all the meds x
Lolita40 toria_07298
Have you ever ask yourself if its not only withdrawal !? Just asking because everything you reply evrything turn around withdrawal. I have done wirhdrawal so I know anxiety before, during and after med. Your symptoms sure look like pure anxiety Toria.
I know you want to be so done with antidepressants but the way you involve yourself in almost every discussion on this forum makes me question about your real intentions. You want to help, fine. But why always taking about how wrong ssri's are. Yes, you had an bad experience but have you think about all those who do good in them.
And now, people comes here for support when trying to start or fine a med and slowly, you put the idea that those are bad. That if they change dose or med they will be living hell, withdrawal, etc. (yes, its better to give time to settle but sometimes you dont find the right one at first try).
Sorry but, when I wanted to settle and fine the right med, if I would have had replies telling me some of the stuff you sometimes say....I would if just been all mixed up. And almost feel guilty if I had to change.
You want to stop...fine! But please, dont try to convince others that they have to sort of go that way.
Sometimes we think it all withdrawal etc but it can surely be depression and anxiety that are there or makes a return.
lynn67615 Lolita40
i had break through anxiety so they changed me like you
Lolita40 lynn67615
I understand. At was dose were you?
Did they try increasing it slowly?
I think my doc and I should have waited more that 2 weeks at that time. Anyway, thats the past. Now I am back with my same med, lexapro and hope it will do the work for long.
toria_07298 Lolita40
hey lolita, because of various other factors im certain it is withdrawal my doctor has also confirmed this and like youre saying im not helping others youre triggering me ive commented on several posts helping people telling them to give doses 3 months to work, i understand some need them, gs just seems to be getting worse, i have as much right to respond to people asking me questions as you do could you please stop referring to me in comments as i will no longer respond thank you!
lois95799 Lolita40
its like a crazy merry go round it never stops.
Lolita40 toria_07298
Of course you have all the rights and Im sure some will appreciate your help....in withdrawing from there meds.
And there is not admonisrator/moderator on this forum, so....
My only concern is to help people with positivity and encouragements when they want to believe in recovery with those meds...
Gs, is getting worse probably because this med is not right for him . Does that means all ssri or other antidepressants are bad for him and he needs to stop everything!? Now he stopped without tappering slowly. Maybe someone sort of convinced him that those med are just bad for him. Anyway....
Good luck
Lolita40 lois95799
I never reply to someone like this before but I have read a lot on here and seen the same situation few times....
toria_07298 Lolita40
there are moderators actually why do you think comments get blocked and deleted, and id never encourage anyone to cold turkey ive done it with a different med in the past, im concerned gs doesnt stay on anything long enough to settle and keeps changing which will only prolong his pain, please do get your facts straight and read my last response to gs, this is also my last post to you, take care 😃
lois95799 Lolita40
there are moderators on here .but the moderators and there algorithms dont work for strange kind of behaviors towards folks suffering.unfortunately
toria_07298 lois95799
what are you trying to say lois? if you read your comments you constantly contradict yourself with advice, and some of your replies to gs come across as crass and heartless, to be honest im not the only person you have upset and i cant be bothered arguing with you or lolita, both of you just crack on pushing people to take benzos (when youve both said you arent doctors) then in the next breath tell people what to take 😕 i dont think gs should go cold turkey to be honest his doctor is messing him up with all the changes, if he wants to be on something he needs to give one ling enough to settle, like i said to lolita take care 😃
lois95799 toria_07298
toria i have no time for you.but you love been on here detering folks that are suffering with your nonsense.you love more than anything to have everyone not to take ssris because they Obviously dont work for you so you think.missery sure does love company.and me and lolita arent the only ones that feel this way.katecogs/lynn/lolita/lois and countless others on here. so dont play the victim
we can say what we want and at the end is the doctors that make the decisions .so you implying about the benzos is irrelavent.at least i dont try to deter anyone from getting better.unlike you my dear.and please im tired of typing to you.
one last thing we see what your trying to do toria.we aint blind.see right thru you.
toria_07298 lois95799
lynn67615 toria_07298
does anyone ever get intrusive thoughts i occassionally get a thought i just want to be with my daughter who died i know i would never harm myself
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey all! Sorry to hear you argue.
We all here try and help.
I did stop zoloft but been two days.
It just that dont know which ssri will help me.
All i been doing laying around and stuff.
Lolita40 lynn67615
Lynn, I am so sorry for your pain about your daughter. I think you are seeing a psychologist right!? Maybe the thoughts you have is sort of grief and that you miss her.
I wish I can help you more on that but I dont know. Talking about it to your psy may help.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Gs, What is your plan?
Med or no med?
You should sincerely advise your doctor that you stopped zoloft cold turkey because soon when it will all leave your system, you may feel symptoms.
Lolita40 lois95799
You said it all!
I dont need to say more.
Lois, I have seen a lot of your interventions and you make so much sense. Nobody is perfect but I know you want to sincerely help.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Yeah lolita! I cant take this anymore on meds and symptoms.
So my time is limited due to head pain and my mind is not right.
toria_07298 gsquez77
how you feeling today gs? x
Lolita40 gsquez77
What do you mean by your time is limited?
AxleWilliams lynn67615
I am so sorry for you loss. I, too, get intrusive thoughts all the time. It is very difficult to deal with. During those times I try to distract myself until they dissipate. Please don't keep these feelings to yourself. Talk to someone you can trust or your therapist. You need to learn some tools that will help with coping with those feelings. Hugs....
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! Not that well.
I feel those brain zaps and mind is all over the place . I cant think straight.
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs remember none of this can hurt you, its uncomfortable i know, the brain zaps come and go, are you eating ok and drinking plenty of water? x
Lolita40 gsquez77
its all the sudden discontinuous symptoms
Have you tell you doctor that you quit cold turkey
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah ! My mind is all over the place.
I feel just weird like im losing my thoughts .
Im not well at all.
I getting weird thoughts and stuff.
The zaps are painful as this whole process is painful.
I did take a sleep aid
lynn67615 AxleWilliams
Do you ever get feelings of fear
toria_07298 gsquez77
bless you gs all you describe is normal for discontinuation, what sleep aid did you take? do you have any other symptoms? x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Hey toria! i feel like low mood and tired.
I took this olley sleep natural stuff.
toria_07298 gsquez77
did you manage to sleep? make sure to keep hydrated x
Yeah! I been crying a lot and irritable and restless.
They wanna section 12 me because i been acting in pain and suffering daily.
lois95799 gsquez77
gs.go to the section 12.i feel your pain.
toria_07298 gsquez77
bless you, you do whatever you need to do, its definately withdrawal and dose changes because you said you didnt have these symptoms before the meds x
Lolita40 lois95799
what is section 12?
lois95799 Lolita40
that is when a doctor makes a decision to hold you for 72hours due to mental health
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey all! Thanks for your help.
I wish i feel better but toria you right.
I slept a bit but still feel a lil out of it feeling. I also feel jaw pain and body aches and pains.
I do get crying spells and stuff.
I took this olley sleep remedy.
Im very scared and confused about all this.
I text my family worrisome stuff so been hard.
toria_07298 gsquez77
i know gs its blooming scary you feel like youre losing your mind but you arent! i thought that for months until i started having better days and getting stable, its called waves and windows of antidepressant withdrawal x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah its just scary how this all makes you feel is all.
Between meds and startup and med withdrawal.
I feel like a drug addict.
I never taken any illegal drugs or never drank much alcohol .
Lolita40 lois95799
okay, it has another name were I leave.
lois95799 Lolita40
whats the name?
toria_07298 gsquez77
i feel the same gs, its blooming horrid x
Lolita40 gsquez77
gs, going cold turkey off med can mess a lot. When I withdraw a year ago, I went slower and it was brutal.
If you need hospital its all fine you know.
Lolita40 lois95799
Its a law code...p-38. Its when someone can be harmful to others or himselve relate to mental condition so the police or ambulance can bring him to hospital to be on and observation etc.
lois95799 Lolita40
totally .
Lolita40 gsquez77
Gs, you dont need to suffer like this. We all feel your pain.
Its not normal to leave like this. You should consider the medical intervention to help you.
Dont let the symptoms of withdrawal go to far. You deserve better.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey lolita! I understand.
You right. I get the brain zaps now.
How you toria?
toria_07298 gsquez77
the brain zaps are your brain trying to adjust back to normal, im having a bad day today racing heart fear anxiety etc but yesterday i had 9 good hours, how you feeling now? x
gsquez77 toria_07298
Yeah its very painful.
I have that brain zaps and feel out of it and like weirded out feeling.
Cloudy thinking and mood.
Feels like you losing it.
I took my vitamins and water and stuff.
toria_07298 gsquez77
the brain zaps dont last that long, good its important to keep hydrated, were you taking vitamins before gs as some people in withdrawal can become sensitive to even those, are you eating enough? x
toria_07298 gsquez77
i assure you you arent losing it gs, just try and be kind and good to yourself x
lois95799 gsquez77
you say is very painful ?where does it hurt.?
gsquez77 lois95799
Yeah just head hurts bad and low moods.
I take a multivitamin and drink water.
lois95799 gsquez77
the head aches could be a combination of all the changes you been putting your brain thru.
Lolita40 gsquez77
How are you today?
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey all! I feel lethargic and tired and just feel like unwell.
Um thinking is not clear and thoughts are negative.
toria_07298 gsquez77
hey gs, has anything got worse? improved? any new symptoms? x
Lolita40 gsquez77
gs, take care and dont hesitate to go see a doctor if you are so unwell.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey all! I get brain zap pain and headache pain.
I get. audio halluncinations too toria.
These are bad for me and i cry when in pain and get these.
Is klonopin ok to take or am i addicted to that too? i know it a downer.
Is this normal or what?
I am thankful for you all help.
toria_07298 gsquez77
gs im not going to tell you to take anything as im not qualified all i can do is tell you my experience, when i took benzos in withdrawal they made me feel worse, they may not do that to you, but i can assure you everything you describe is withdrawal, i really hope it doesnt last too long for you as you didnt take the meds for years like me, here if you need to talk x
lois95799 gsquez77
your doctor prescribe benzo for a reason just like he prescribe ssri for a reason.do whats best every one reacts different. when i took benzo in my withdrawls it was a god send that was my experience.
gsquez77 lois95799
Hey lois! When you take it everyday and how long ?
Its just relief is good from pain and anguish and suffering.
I know it temp relief too if it helps.
lois95799 gsquez77
i took it when ever i felt uncomfortable .when ever i had pain due to withdrawls that created pain.i took for one whole year.iam not addicted i no longer take it .i did not have with drawls.that was my experience.and yes is Temporarily but boy what a relief to be able to relax if just for one hour.
dont ask us for instructions .read your prescription and follow your doctors orders.iam sure the prescription says take as needed.at least in the usa thats how is prescribe.
toria_07298 gsquez77
your doctor gave you them to help you get on the meds didnt he? most people who take them for withdrawals take them as theyre having start ups too so not going off meds completely, speak to your doctor x
when i first started taking my benzo it was because of withdrawls not from start ups.my anxiety from withdrwals was so severe that my doctor prescribe me a benzo for withdrawls .and the rest is history.i cold turkey just like gs.have done .and i took my benzo for relief.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Gs, do you feel more calm when you take your klonopin?
How much do you take per day?
Do worry now about being dependant to it, just try to think about feeling better.
You have low mood since a few months now. The withdrawal just add to that.
You have depression so of course your mood is low.
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey all! It helps a bit for pain .
I cry when it gets bad and my mind is all over the place. I get very irritable as well.
I dont like the halluncinations as well.
Dont know what you do for
Lolita40 gsquez77
I personnaly really think you should consult a doctor for that gs.
You have been saying you have hallucinations since a long time and if I was you, I would see a doctor to check on that. It can be anxiety/depression/withdrawal relate but I think you have to make sure.
The more you go with all those symptoms and dont do anything about it, the worse it can get.
lois95799 Lolita40
lolita is correct gs.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Hey gs!
Are you okay today?
You dont write as much as usual?
Is this a good sign that you are better?
gsquez77 Lolita40
Hey all! Not really i feel exhausted today.
Still getting symptoms.
How you toria?
Lolita40 gsquez77
Are you feeling about the same or worse?
Around the same . Hows toria?
Hows you toria?
I get pains but i went to gym too.
I just feel mentally off as well.
Um i trying to keep busy but not enough i focused on myself and how i feel contantly. I lay around and complain how i feel daily.
Im pretty much discouraged about how i feel.
Lolita40 gsquez77
Im sorry for you gs.
Its a tuff ride you choose by going cold turkey. The way you feel was to expect and I am a bit surprise you dont feel worse. I dont wish you that of course but remember, that you still have lingering anxiety and depression to deal with. If you choose the road with no med, it fine and its all your choice but you may really have to consider doing a therapy. Therapy is really important for recovering.