IBS and a lost appetite.
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Basically my IBS only started a few months ago. And it started with my appetite disappearing completely and a LOT of mucus, both when passing the stool and on its own. Then the diarrhea, cramps, bad wind and everything else started. 4-ish months later my flare-ups come and go, but on a normal day I still go to the toilet about 4 times a day. I know that this is a lot better than most people and I’m lucky as my Mebeverine controls the cramps quite well most of the time. But the thing is, I still don’t have a proper appetite. Is this normally a symptom of IBS? I cant really find any answers anywhere. My doctor thinks it might be a psychological thing (?) where I associate large amounts of food with pain but I honestly do not agree.
I’m eating like once a day, and going to the toilet 4 times, how does that even work!? Until yesterday I went nearly 48 hours without eating and I didn’t even realise. I know that it sounds stupid, but literally no food appeals to me, I go to the shop, walk around and leave because there’s nothing I want to eat. I try to eat fruit and veg and yogurt when I can but the only thing I have actually WANTED to eat in weeks is crisps and tuna. So I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same strange loss in appetite. Or if anyone has any help they could offer?
My doctor said she might send me to a dietician, but I feel like my friends and family almost think I’m exaggerating things and I’m a bit worried if I go to a dietician then they’ll just think I am playing on things. So I want to try other things before I go back to the doctors.
Thanks for reading at least !
4 likes, 40 replies
Kia_Garcia68 kb10
I'm currently going through this same problem. What's a little frightening is that these same symptoms can be so many other health problems. Like Crohn's disease, C. diff and a few others. It's so hard to get a proper diagnoses and in the meantime...suffering.
Kray Kia_Garcia68
Sorry to hear y'all are aLso suffering . It has been a year and I still don't have an appetite. I force myself to eat because I know I'm supposed to .
My weight is pretty much the same but I have no desire to eat and 12 hours could go by and the only way I'd know it's time for me to eat is because my body would start getting jittery. If the food is tasty like Thai food, I crave it but the body doesn't produce hunger anymore. Affliction. Thank you for sharing, Kia .
That's a good point . ilIt could be many different things and I have not looked into Crohn's disease, yet.
william64048 Kray
with ibd yiu get blood in the diarrhoea' but you can be constipated ulcers any where includes in the mouth but ibs is such a horrible thing we just have to find best way' because' for me feeling full and then sometimes hurts left side a little right after eating" it's,trapped gas in the colon.
I have a vodka,and orange large it makes me hungry just early evening' it relaxes me.
it'd a daily thing ibs' they talk about 3 day flare up' s but they go on days, weeks or months' or every day,' thats,ibs
JustBrian kb10
Going through this right this second, throat closed off, stomach feels full and bloated, sweats and feel like I'm going to puke (but I know I won't ). It's definitely something to do with IBS. Unfortunately IBS can't be healed so we are stuck like this. This happens every few months. Looks like crackers and bananas for the next few days unfortunately
mrs_susan74280 kb10
Same here , I have lost my appertight till about 5 or 6 pm, then it will be slice of toast and yoget, had a lot of trouble this year with bringing my food back up. Pasta, rice, lots of stuff, I am also booked to see a dietician in June, going to loo none stop to wee, feel a pressure front of bladder 6 weeks now ,was put on mitazapine a anti, helps sleep but nothing else, don't no what I am going to talk about on appointment, as not hungry at the moment,
Unless it comes back by then,
renee13102 kb10
Trust me its not psychological ! Doctors love telling us that. We know our own bodies . I have the same thing. I've been dealing with IBS sense i was 20 years old and im now 55. Ive been to so many specialist ive lost count. IBS causes all kinds of symptoms. I think i have them all even the nausea plus i also have esophageal spasms which is so very painful. Of course all of that connects together and if you have one symptom you end up with more. What causes the nausea is your colon is in a spasm which upsets the balance of you digestive tract. I just usually take my meds and let it run its course. I do take Phenergan for nausea when i need it. It does help. But when i take it i usually take tylenol because thePhenerganusually gives me a headache ! Its one of the side effects from the drug. Good luck with everything and i hope this helps . 😊
dave53294 kb10
Hi, only just joined this forum and stumbled across your discussion. Did you ever get to the bottom of your lack of appetite / nauseous.
I have recently been diagnosed with what my GP thinks is IBS-D, no pain but diarrhoea, nauseous, lack of appetite, bloating and difficulty sleeping. Lost around a stone in weight which is not good as I have a slim build anyway.
All the usual tests done, bloods, urine and stool which all come back ok. Waiting on a endoscopy / colonoscopy appt just to rule out other syndromes.
I have been feeling like this for nearly a year now, tried FODMAP diets, going gluten / lactose free but no joy.
Any updates would be great / useful.
rachael85524 kb10
I've also been struggling with exactly the same symptoms for just over a year. I moved to uni in September and started struggling with really intense nausea and loss of appetite. I assumed it was a stomach bug or stress related so just ignored it but when my appetite never came back I started to worry. I was passing out, being sick, constantly going to the toilet and had severe cramps but i wasn't eating anything?!
I had to move back home and leave uni because I couldn't function day to day. The nausea was so intense some days i couldn't move. I noticed that my weight started dropping due to not eating and constantly going to the toilet. Within 3 months I'd lost about 10kg and when i reached out to my GP, they said it wasn't any cause for concern and to just eat "safe foods" but not only was I not hungry, whatever i did eat just went straight through me. It got to the point of crying when people put food infront of me, because i just felt so sick and overwhelmed. When i kept losing the weight, my GP sent me for various tests because weight loss isn't supposed to be a side effect of IBS. They couldn't find anything wrong so have just provided me with Mebeverine, to help with the cramps. I get repetitive infections, kidney infections, water infections etc - which they say is all related to IBS. It's a year on, my weight is still dropping and I'm down nearly 3 stone - GPs have said there is not a lot they can do and its just about managing the symptoms but with no change in my loss of appetite, I am struggling to eat anymore than a small snack a day.
I'll be honest, I feel like no-one takes IBS seriously and everyone just associates it with bloating or feeling extra full but it really has ruined my life. Not only did i have to drop out of uni, I can't go out with my friends because i never know how i'm going to feel, I can't go for food or out for long drives because i don't know when I'll need the toilet next or when I'll feel lightheaded. It's a completely debilitating condition and the GPs don't take it seriously. "It's just IBS rach" - it might "just be IBS" but the symptoms are real and need more attention.
I hope you're feeling better now, if you have access to UK TV channels, there was an episode of "How To Stop Your IBS" on Channel 5 which was really insightful. Made me feel like I wasn't alone and it's not all in my head.
Sending you all the love.
henritta62126 kb10
hi i have had IBS for years but the last two year it got bad dose it get worse with age and now my anxiety is really high loss my feeling to eat going between constipation and diarrhea
esther01516 kb10
i am losing my appetite now. i have been having this excessive cases and always go toilet for 9 years. is this ibs?