IBS and achey pain in kidney area (upper back)?

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Hi All! Hoping you can shed some light for me on IBS symptoms vs. not IBS. Had an IBS-D flare up that started about 2 weeks ago, but seems to have evolved into different symptoms. My pain throughout this flare up has mostly been under my ribs on left side (like a protrusion or a stitch) and up into my upper left back (like a gnawing deep strain type feeling). The pain moves and changes down through my abdomen to just above my left hip and does seem to provide some (though not a lot of) relief after a BM. Abdominal cramping accompanies this, as well. Throughout this process, I have had dull kidney (upper back) and flank pain (like a sore, bruised, tender to the touch feeling-mostly left, some right) that comes and goes. I literally had no symptoms at all yesterday and then it  randomly decided to return this morning upon waking. Interestingly enough, my BMs were firming up today. As a side note, I have also been having trace blood in my urine and urinary frequency (x 1 yr), which I understand is normal with IBS. My bloodwork has been normal, nothing in urine (other than trace blood), physical exam normal (including when physician thumps you on the back where kidneys are), had a CT scan November 2016 (negative) and I had gall bladder removal 11 years ago. Doc ordered another Abdominal/Pelvic CT which I am waiting to hear back for scheduling. My question is...are there any of you IBS sufferers out there that have IBS pains that were mistaken for kidney issues? Do you have the kidney area pain I described above? When I looked up kidney issues, it stated that most of the time the pain is severe and intense and accompanied by fevers and such. This pain is somewhat uncomfortable, but I would say 3/10 on the pain scale- not severe at all and no fevers. My mind is racing with negative thoughts and I'm hoping nothing more is going on. Can someone shed some light on these symptoms?

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30 Replies

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    I thought I had a kidney/urine infection when my stomach pain started. I tested negative for a UTI and antibiotics didn’t help.  I was disgnosed with IBS. Most of your symptoms sound like IBS but blood in your urine sounds like a urinary infection.  Have a urine sample teated.
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      Thank you, pippa58442. I did have a urinalysis with a culture and sensitivity. Nothing but trace blood. 
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      Since blood was found; what did you doctors suggest?  Were you not given any medication to see if an infection was present?  Blood would suggest this.  Urinary infections such as cystitis can cause blood in your urine. If there is still trace bood, keep going back to your doctor and ask for another urine test. You may have a persistent infection that is resistent to antibiotics.  You could also ask forcan ultrasound of your bladder or see a urologist.  Urinary frequency can be an IBS symptom but blood in your urine is not.
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      I appreciate the concern. I have been checked three times for an infection in the last 2 months. No infection. My physician also stated trace blood is still considered within normal ranges - which is what I see online as well. There wasn’t even enough blood for them to see any components of RBCs in the urine. My question was more in regards to the description of the upper back and flank pain being related to IBS. Thanks again. 😊

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      If your doctor has said the trace blood is within normal range then that’s fine. Flank and back pain is common with IBS especially lower back pain.  Pain csn radiate so it is possible for your pain to climb to your upper back. The lower part of the colon wraps around the base of the spine and this is why you can get pain there with IBS.
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    I think you have kidney problems and not bowel problems or possibly both. Get your doctor to check this out.
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    Hi I have recently been having issues with blood in my urine, kidney pain, stomach pain , I have had a ct scan which was fine and they sent urine away for testing, no infection present, I’m now due to have a cystoscopy to find where the blood is coming from but for 10 days now I’ve had all the symptoms of ibs but was thinking, no it can’t be that, why would I have pain in my kidneys and blood in my urine? But now reading your post and others I’m more convinced than ever that they are barking up the wrong tree if you like!! It’s not my kidneys or bladder that are the issue 😳 I now believe I have ibs and have had for a long time but was confused by my symptoms 😊

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    Hmm I',d get this checked out further, something is going wrong somewhere! You could have something else wrong or nothing! I hope you discover the truth!

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    I have the exact same thing now. In March, thought I had horrible UTI. Urine showed trace blood. Primary doc sent me to a urologist...had cystoscopy, renal ultrasound and CT Scan. All results normal except that right ureter might have filling defect, not stones and may just be how I was born.  He wanted to do a ureteroscopy, inserting a camera into the ureter and then inserting a 10 inch long stent for a week. I went for second opinion. 2Nd urologist said not to worry about the trace blood and to think about the stent (He said its not so bad)  Well, even though I have right side discomfort and flank pain, I am NOT doing the stent surgery. All the really bad cancer stuff has been ruled out. I have never been diagnosed with IBS, but I think this is what may be my current problem.  (BTW, I think I initially had a severe UTI and the trace blood continues as my body heals) I still don't know really what is going on, but I plan to wait at least 2 months to see how I feel.  Good Luck.

    • Posted

      Quick update to anyone who has commented on here. I went back to my doctors in agony today. I have suspected kidney/ bladdery nfectio. Or stones in either and thrush

      No wonder I'm in pain!!!!

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      You may need stronger antibiotics since these infections keep coming back.
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    I know I am reviewing an old thread but I have similar issues. Mine started with heartburn once a week, then everyday . I started taking omeprazol. 1 years into that I got diagnosed with GERD , then 1 year later IBS symptoms started. I've had blood in my urine multiple times , when I get ibs symptoms I get feeling like I get kidneys pain. The pain feels like right next to the last ribs (floating ribs) and goes up. I been feeling tired all time even even with 8 hours of sleep, crashing at work before meals after meals. Been to every doctor possible, such as urologist, nephrologist, cardiologist had chest pains and palpitations, endocrinologist trying to figure out if its my hormones , gastrotologist that did 2 colonoscopy and went into my stomach 2 times and no one can't diagnose anything that is causing all these issues. Sometimes I am in so much pain and irritation that I just want to cry and I do cry .

    I am only 33 years old male with so much gray hair that 50 years old people don't have.

    My recent issues are ibs that last seems like 3 months then stops for 1 then comes back. Burning pain in the middle of the back (not spine related) pain next to belly button when I pee feels like bladder, random shooting pain on to of neck shoulder muscles that come and go.

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      I have the exact same symptoms as you except I am a 42 year old female. Have you had any answers?

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      hi, i know this is a few months old but ive just come across it. ive had similar symptoms. I've had several tests and scans which have not showed anything nasty. Have you had any answers or felt any better?

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      I've just created an account because I'm having the same issue myself. I managed to get an appointment with the doctor yesterday as I've had this pain before, and back then it was decided that it was a kidney infection as there was some blood in the urine. I was also referred for an ultrasound as there was query gallbladder (which was fine, incidentally) So obviously I wanted it checked asap. Dip test was totally clear of anything untoward, so it looks very much like an IBS flare up. Which does make sense as this time of year is stressful for me!

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      hi, the only symptom i've not had is blood in the urine Its mainly stomach issues with chest pain and middle back probably slightly more to the right that moves about a little. urine test normal, fit test normal, endoscopy showed mild gastritus and GERD. CT scan of the chest was normal. MRI of the abdomen was normal and finally blood tests normal. I'm at a loss to what it is, can only assume its IBS. just never thought it could be this bad and varied.

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      I have not ,. my IBS is a lot better since I stated taking more vitamin D, however back pain between rib case and hips is worse now among with extreme fatigue in the morning. I've been so tired in the last month to the point that I cant function at all. Been also dealing with legs pain like I am dehydrated but i am not . Both legs hurt sitting or standing , sleeping or awake. Recent blood work I did 1 week ago had all my lipid penal in Red also my MVP was elevated which is enlarged platelets.

      I quit my omeprazole 1 weeks ago so i am going through some tough times right now.

    • Posted

      hi i too have just found this thread. ive been having my issues since May. soft stools, back pain, lower abdominal pain. now i have pain under my ribs on the left side. i dont think its diet related, im vegan and my diet hasnt changed. ive had bloods and stool tests all came back normal. i am nor taking fybogel once a day. with alfoflorex probiotic

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      extremely similar symptoms here. Diagnosis of mild gastritis nothing else, but all of my symptoms are: abdominal discomfort, bloating/gas, upper right discomfort, fight flank pain, gnawing pain there through to back, (clear U-sound for kidneys, pancreas, liver and gallbladder) mid back pain, fatigue - never, ever used to feel tired during the day. Diet completely normal, pretty healthy. 37 yo male.

    • Posted

      Unfortunately not, still in same situation. I gave up going to doctors since no one cant find what is going on . You have similar issues?

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