IBS and really bad fatigue?
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Hi guys,
I've had all the tests, no one can find anything so its IBS.
However my flares last ages, like months and this flare is particularly damaging to my over all health - I"m exhausted every day - I feel hung over like I've been partying the night before when I haven't!
Anyone else feel like this?
I just have no energy, I"m a single Mum and I need energy.
If I go see my Dr he wont help - he's told me he can't help me anymore.
Every mornign i wake up in pain, then my tummy rumbles all day and when I eat anything i get gas and more pain!
I'm so over this - anyone else can relate?
any help?
I"m taking probiotic specifically for IBS and a multi vitamin.
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an0chick2 kinder145101
susand1408 kinder145101
LL568 kinder145101
The only thing I've found that gives me energy, is coke.
Have you seen a gastroenterologist? Or had blood tests to make sure your levels are all okay?
Hope you manage to find something to help! I'm at the dietician and doctors tomorrow so if they tell me anything, I'll let you know
Big hugs!
kinder145101 LL568
aveline kinder145101
I can relate somewhat - it's generally stress that triggers IBS but then how to NOT feel stress??? And, as a single Mum, you may find it even harder. You sound like you're doing what you can to help yourself. My suggestions would be to keep a food diary of EVERYTHING you eat and how you feel. Try removing the probiotic (maybe the multivitamin, too) and get probiotics through foods (Keffir, sauerkraut, kimchi...whatever forms you will eat). See if YOU can find anything yourself. You don't have to eliminate anything yet, just look closely for patterns. (I tried to further "heal" my Coeliac son with probiotics that had hidden gluten and made him worse for 3 weeks before I realized!! Not that you have Coeliac Disease, but do you feel worse with wheat/gluten, or maybe dairy or soya, etc...?)
Then, see a doctor - a new doctor - to get the answers you need to heal, feel better for yourself, and to be three for your child/ren!
Good luck!!
kinder145101 aveline
Missjosefina kinder145101
Like for the last two days, I've not stuck to FODMAP after having a bad flare up. from eating hidden onions and thickeners in a bbq sauce. The symptoms kept me off work for four days, but I carried on eating fodmap and I was symptom free on Friday and Saturday.
But Sunday I ate a cheese burger and today I ate some chocolate. My stomach is bloated, my skin itchy and I've been on the loo for the last two days.
We need to help ourselves when it comes to our Ibs...as you point out, it's only IBS because the docs can't pinpoint what it truly is.
I'm going back to eating low FODMAP foods tomorrow and removing myself from the loo! wishing you a speedy resolution to your problems
...maybe food restrictions could help you too x
david44367 kinder145101
At least we have a forum here we can discuss somethinjg which we havnt had before and that does help because you know your not alone
kinder145101 david44367
grandmaw kinder145101
Someone said that stress dont help but I cant get away from that as I suffer from anxiety and depression, so it just makes it worse, I hate when you arrange things and then have to cancel because you feel bad.
Hope you can work out what trigger yours off, but they say there is nothing they can do other than medication, and that dont stop it, so what's the point in taking it.
kinder145101 grandmaw
gosh ... we need a magic happy pill that isn't drugs!
A happy stomach and mind pill ... someone invent one please!
SugarGirl kinder145101
Maybe you should let the Dr know you have anxiety as well as the IBS?
rachel16448 SugarGirl
Rachel xx
My bloods were all fine, but i had low iron stores - I had a colongraphy and that showed nothing but a kidney stone - 3mm ... so IBS was the only cause of all the upset.
Getting to see a Gastro in New Zealand is almost impossible unless the Dr really think you need to see one, given all my bloods and colongraphy was fine they wont let me see one!
I'm not Celiac - I've been tested.
It's just so draining ... I have been eating a lot of pizza, bread and drinking too much coffee - but why is it this bad!?
an0chick2 kinder145101
kinder145101 an0chick2
an0chick2 kinder145101
LaurieEyeBee kinder145101
an0chick2 LaurieEyeBee
gillian15107 kinder145101
My sister spent 6 years of her life tiered, ill, and in constant pain, saw a consultant and had tests done which showed nothing. Her IBS is caused by insoluble fibre. Within 3 days of giving up wheat, grains, beans, nuts etc with a high fibre content she said she felt like a different person. This is not to do with gluten - its the physical structure of the food. Its thought that if some people have a sensitive digestion as the fibre passes through it 'picks' at the stomach lining causing irritation and symptoms.
For me, my triggers are garlic, onion, shallots, spring onions and some fruits. Sugar doesn't seem to help either. This is why some of us suggest going on the FOMAP diet - it helps you sort out what it is that is upsetting you.
Good luck
rex_44766 LaurieEyeBee
LaurieEyeBee rex_44766