IBS or just BS? IBS sufferers is this what It feels like?
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Hi all I need some help. My husband's doctor diagnosed him with IBS and I just don't buy it. Tell me does this sound like IBS to you?
He has a near constant pain on his left side below his ribs. Sometimes when it's at its worst it radiates into his back. It is often worst when he first wakes up in the morning and eating usually makes to feel better. He describes the feeling sometime as being similar to feeling exremely hungry or like knots in his stomach (like being anxious) even when there is nothing anxious on his mind. It is worse when he is tired or stressed but can be sitting down having a a great relaxing time thinking of nothing to do with this pain and it starts up. Ultrasounds were clear. He's had endoscopy, colonsocopy, MRI and bloods were all good. He does have diahreoah often. There Is no difference with foods that we can find. We are desperate and grasping at straws so any ideas are very welcome. Also he has been off work for 10 weeks because of this because his job is strssful and it is not better. Thanks everyone.
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Ezekiel Vanessalee
Doctor's diagnose IBS all the time when they can't figure it out. Maybe it's not their fault when none of the tests show anything. I was extremely ill for months and all tests were normal. Nausea, heartburn, no appetite, major weight loss. Then one day all my symtoms cleared up and I expelled what was a large round white sinking what I think from my own research was a gallstone. I wish now that I had saved it to have it analyzed. I never went back to doctor as I felt fine after that. I had always thought that gallstones were small and brown but have since discovered they can be like size of a golf ball and white and other colors. Pretty sure my bile duct was blocked by this and causing all my symtoms.
lilian05079 Ezekiel
Hi Ezekiel.55
Yes that's right you can get large calcium stones in the gallbladder which are white..I know this because i've got one but it gives me no bother...and they can break up into smaller versions and be passed out through the system in the normal way..i'm pleased that you have no more problem..my best wishes...
lilian05079 Vanessalee
Hi Vanessalee
Regarding the forum there are members who can contribute with their knowledge and experience and certainly can help as perhaps they have experienced the same symptoms and have got a diagnosis and are now well. The reason for the forum is for people to join and try and be if some help and comfort to other members. I am sure other members will be along with their kind help and good advice.
Vanessalee, i know you can't pinpoint food as the cause, but have you kept a food diary to see if there are any food triggers. Also, the cause may be pancreatic as the pancreas cannot always be seen on a scan as it sits behind the stomach. Try the food diary. If his diet consists of spicey or fried foods or anything that can irritate the gut such as fizzy drinks and citrus fruits leave them out of the diet and just use bland recipes like chicken, fish veggies but a little of sprouts, cabbage, broc as too much can cause gas. Plenty of water. Try these changes and see if there is any change...i know a lot of people have kept diaries and made food changes with good redults..my very best wishes to you and your dear husband Vanessalee..
holly65159 Vanessalee
I have IBS but never had any of those symptoms other than the diarrhea. Has he seen a Gastroenterologist? If not, that would be what I would recommend. It could be stress related because that can create all kinds of havoc to your system. There are to many things that it could be related to. Gastroenterology and a counselor/psychiatrist may be the best start. Talk to the doctor if needed to get some referrals. He may just need meds for anxiety. Anyways, I am not a doctor but having my own stomach issues, I like any suggestions I can get even if I have tried them before. Good luck to your husband!!!
P.S. If he has an issue with going to see a counselor/psychiatrist let him know that it is a better alternative than suffering. They are there to help. That is there main mission in life.
Vanessalee holly65159
He did see a counselor and still is but I don't believe it is helping. It's nice though but not going to solve it I'm fairly certain and he did just get a new prescription to try, it's Zoloft which I think is for both IBS and anxiety. It is for sure aggravated by stress but if it was just that or anxiety I would expect it would have subsided more by now since he's been off work over 10 weeks. I sure hope the Zoloft works.Thanks again for your responses.
pippa58442 Vanessalee
holly65159 Vanessalee
Vanessalee holly65159
Thank you I am going to look into this Fodmap diet. We've asked to be referred to a specialist and his doctor would not and we would like to try another family doctor however we are in Canada and to switch is a 2 yr wait. There are no doctors taking new patients right now. I think I may call around though to the gastro's and basically beg for one of them to see him without the referral. I just have a feeling it's not IBS but can't really argue with the doctor as they really have tested and looked into many things and everything looks good. I know things can definitely be missed though!
holly65159 Vanessalee
That is tough!! I would beg to see another doctor. I would try the fodmap which is a good start and even though all the tests came back ok that doesn't mean much. All mine did too!! But I do know mine is IBS your husbands doesn't especially with the back pain. Hopefully, you will get some answers soon!!
pippa58442 Vanessalee
pippa58442 Vanessalee
Does his pain move about his stomach? Maybe try the Low Fodmap diet or a food diary to see if there is a food trigger. Ask for an antispasmodic like Buscopan. IBS can be felt on the left side because that's where the intestines are located. Frequent diarrhoea or constipation or a mixture of both is also a sign of IBS. Stress can cause IBS and makes existing IBS worse.
I have stress related IBS and started off with constant, daily, generalised stomach pain that moved about and caused four different types of pain: dull, deep seated, stabbing and sore to touch. I had constipation and back pain which changed to loose, urgent stools. This went on for three and a half months. I had an ultrasound, stool tests, a urine test, and a celiac test which showed nothing. On my eighth visit to my doctor, I was diagnosed with IBS. My health anxiety disappeared and my IBS much improved. When all your tests are negative, IBS can be diagnosed. IBS s functional and doesn't show on any scan.
You could ask for a SECHAT scan to check for Bile acid malabsorption which causes diarrhoea. Sometimes this condition is misdisgnosed as IBS D. However, I would try monitoring your diet, controlling stress levels and an antispasmodic first. You may have to try several. If these things help, it is likely to be IBS. However, sometimes IBS does not respond to any treatment.
In short, his symptoms sound very like IBS.
leanne2402 Vanessalee
Hi, your husbands symptoms sound just like mine, but minus the diarrhea. I've had it for 4 months now, all my tests - several bloods, urine, stool, ultra sound, ct scan and endoscopy have shown nothing. I saw my dr yesterday and he has said there's nothing else he can do so ive now got to live with it. My dr is convinced it's not ibs, and I don't think it is either. I don't have ibs symptoms. I've kept a food diary for months, there's no food triggers either. I'm a semifit 34 year old female, never been ill or had any serious conditions.
I hope you both get an answer and if so let me know as I might but that one to my dr. X
Vanessalee leanne2402
When his symptoms started he would have been right around 33 or 34 as well and also semifit. I don't think it's food related because he has tried about 40 combined weeks of extremely strict cleanses eliminating absolutely everything that could be considered even remotely unhealthy so unless it's something like a fruit or veg causing it it's not that. For my husband the diarrhoeah only started really in the last year. Maybe he has IBS as well now or this has turned into IBS but his main symptom, the gnawing pain that is always there and feels better often after food I just don't think it is IBS. We are basically at the same spot as you, doctor doesn't really have anything else to do just prescribing meds for IBS now that haven't worked so far. To me it really sounds like something related to the pancreas however his MRI showed it was good. If you do happen to figure out what yours is please if you think about it come back here and let me know because we're desperate and I'll try to do the same. Good luck to you.
pippa58442 Vanessalee
holly65159 Vanessalee
Did they check his kidney's because it is possible it could be kidney stones? Although, I have a friend that has kidney stones and he notices that he is uncomfortable when he goes to the bathroom. But he always has severe back pain. I was looking for answers for you under WebMd but there are so many different things it can be related to. If he starts feeling better after eating, it doesn't sound like it could be IBS. From what I know for myself and from several others that have IBS, most foods cause discomfort. You would be surprised the things on the list (if you have not already looked it up) that you shouldn't eat. They are: dairy, wheat, chocolate, soft cheeses, several different vegetables and fruits, HFCS and no artificial sweeteners. Those are the most common things that most people eat everyday. Gluten free for pastas etc are better for you. I think that has what has made a difference as well as some of the vegetables and fruit Maybe just trying to avoid some of those things might be worth a try. Keep trying!!!
Vanessalee pippa58442
Has had several scopes and no ulcers. It still is happening but worse. He was diagnosed with sibo after a positive breath test and treated with 3 round of antibiotics. The D got better but that's it, the constant knotted, gnawing feeling in his stomach is still there constantly. He also has.been diagnosed with hypothyroidism but it's not that either. I just know there is something else happening that is causing all these other things. The search continues...
pippa58442 Vanessalee