IBS - whose had a colonoscopy?
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Can I ask who has had a colonoscopy that has ibs - d or ibs with loose stools?
Was anything found and did it make your bowel worse afterwards?
Went to the Doctor today and he's suggested a colonoscopy than having tests for sibo fractose etc. It said it will show any inflammation or polyps.
I hope it doesn't further irritate my bowel and the prep for these play havoc with the gut.
I'm facing my fears and hope after 6 months of loose or small stools that it's nothing more than the PI IBS from the semonella.
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ashyam863423 rhonda19552
Hi Rhonda,
I am sure you will not find anything on it, if you are only facing problem with IBS-D or C. You just need to work with your diet.
In my case, i have had PI IBS, gastro recommended for colonoscopy and Infection & disease Dr. said its only anxiety you dont require. I was confused and went to Naturopath, who cleared my IBS issue as well.
I had D, 1 month back after that its reduced.. now i have only some bloating issue due to gas, which i am slowly recovering. My Dr. time line is 2 months, 1.5 months over.
Many of our IBS guys lost gall bladder..endoscopy, colonoscopy...etc.. those affects of our body only.
you just work with your diet. things will improve. thats my suggestion. still decision at your side
rhonda19552 ashyam863423
Hi thanks for your reply - I've had 6 months of this going on -never once a normal stool
As I used to have prior to semonella
Hopefully it wont find anything - fingers crossed
I have worked on my diet and don't eat gluten or lactose - follow the fodmap diet - which restricts a lot. Hence I've lost weight. I've never been overweight really and what I was I lost when I had the semonella - it's just dropped off me and have not put it back on.
I stopped eating red meat for a week and I think that helped by just eating chicken or fish but it's so boring.
I just want an answer as when you look things up it could be confusing
I hope I can get an answer
patricia43624 rhonda19552
After suffering with horrific stomach pain and 'glugs' which sounded like the sink emptying I was told by the GP that it was abdominal cramps. She said it was due to all the stress and anxiety involved with my husband illness and passing plus the agro cuased by my son. Nine months down the line went back to the GP as I was having days when I woke with 'flu' like symtpoms and could have a whole day when I was really ill. She simply said I will refer you. Almost twelve months later I had an appontment with a gastrologist who told me I had fructose malabsorption . I was to reduce my intake of fruit to no more than three pieces a day. She said for me to have a colonoscopy.(three months later.) The drinks that you have to take didn't appear to work until I was on the way to the appointment.Towards the end of the scan they had to inflate me which was a little uncomfortable. I must admit the symptoms I felt after the scan were just like when I had a bad day but they passed quickly (this was probably due to the 'inflation,'
I was loose for a couple of days . After that I was fine. My colonoscopy was clear apart from a spegilian hernia (which is to be repaired within two weeks- still waiting more than three months .) I steer clear of cereals, cakes, biscuits,rarely eat potatoes and have the occasional sourdough bread. I have received very little support or advice and find it is trial and error.
I am sure you will be fine and least you will have peace of mind that it is nothing to worry about.
rhonda19552 patricia43624
hi Patracia
sorry to hear about all your stress and the passing of your husband. It would of taken a toll for sure.
I thought I might have fructose malabsorbtion but mentioned it to the doctor who just said I think a colonoscopy will tell us alot.
The problem is the fructose diet is different to the fodmap in many ways, so I'm stumped at which way to go.
All I know is that for one week i had nothing but chicken and vegetables and it did make a difference but still didn't produce one solid movement which I'd love to see. (as stupid as that sounds), sick of the different consistencies, shapes, pencils, worms, etc.
I know my stress is not good and would not be helping, but I just seem to have too much water in my stools. Foods that bulk up are soluable ones such as potatoes pumpkin beans, etc. It's helped a little but not 100 per cent.
I just hope its just the PI IBS and maybe I am going to just have to live with it. Some people never get over it after semonella poisioning as it affects the motitlity in the bowel and damages the nerve lining.
Thanks for your time. Goodluck with your health. Cheers.
jan48389 rhonda19552
I had a colonoscopy after 6 months or so of experiencing very frequent, often urgent, loose bowel movements and a nagging pain in my right side. The prep for the colonoscpoy was slightly unpleasant but the procedure itself and recovery period were fine. Within a couple of days of the procedure my bowel movements were back to what had become "normal" for me. The colonoscopy didn't reveal anything untoward apart from a small polyp which was removed. I was diagnosed with IBS - which I strongly suspect came about following a particular medication I had been given some 6 or 7 months earlier. Even though I had been taken off that medication the IBS symptoms remained.
My GP recommended the Low Fodmap diet and it has worked really well for me. 2 years on I still don't have the type of bowel movement that I consider normal, but the diarrhoea and frequent, urgent need to go to the loo has reduced significantly. I do still have the occasional flare up but these usually only last a couple of days and can be managed with Immodium.
rhonda19552 jan48389
Hi Jan
Glad you are a lot better. Can I ask when you say you had 6 months of loose stools was it everyday with any normal stools at all?
And now when you say it isn't perfect still - what stools do you now have? And are you still watching your diet
jan48389 rhonda19552
Yes, it was 6 months of almost constant diarrhoea with no "normal" stools. My stools are still, mostly, mushy or pencil/worm like but I now only have a bowel movement once or at most twice a day.
And yes, I do still watch my diet. Garlic, mushrooms and onions are absolutely off my menu, I can only tolerate a small amount of gluten, and I avoid all ready made/ processed food. I religiously check ingredients in everything. Some brands of tomato ketchup, for example, contain onions. Having said that, I enjoy a very varied diet and can substitute my forbidden foods with chives, the green part of leeks or spring onions and garlic infused oils. Gluten free foods are readily available although they are expensive. I often make my own GF bread, or GF sage and onion substitute stuffing. So I don't feel in the least bit deprived or have to follow a bland, boring diet.
rhonda19552 jan48389
Jan it's so good to hear from someone presenting like me although I'm sorry you have it.
I'm the same very sensitive now to a lot of things.
I've lost some weight due to cutting back on any fatty or processed foods. So out of a bad thing comes better eating habits.
I also lost originally 9lbs which I haven't regained also.
Sloganlogo rhonda19552
Yes i had Colonsocopy just over a week ago after loose stools and bowl issues for 11 months. I was convinced something was wrong and my colon ect etc was very healthy. The only thing I had was a small pocket (diverticula) in my bowel. Consultant said i was probably born with it.
rhonda19552 Sloganlogo
Take care
astrozombie rhonda19552
Musings rhonda19552
My colonoscopy showed a healthy colon, some internal hemorrhoids, and biopsies came back negative so my GI feels safe confirming it is is PI-IBS and hopefully my system will return to normal in the next few months.
rhonda19552 Musings
Thanks for your reply - that is encouraging as you know it's very stressful
Take care
margaret22116 rhonda19552
I have had 2 and was absolutely fine afterwards. Didn't cause me any problems. I wonder uf you have been trsted for h pylori. I had it and it is common after other kinds of unfection. It plays havic with your gut. Mine was diagnosed with a gastroscopy though rather than the colonoscopy.
rhonda19552 margaret22116
margaret22116 rhonda19552
rhonda19552 margaret22116
hi i'm not sure i'm got pylori even though i've had looser stools for 6 months but i did have semonella which has caused it i would say. They is a condition PI IBS (well same as ibs but it comes on after a bout of bacterial infection which mine was confirmed).
I really don't have alot of pain - i would get an occasional pain in the abdo but really nothing to report. And I don't have constipation at all. I do get alot of gas however.
I really don't want to delve into a gastroscopy if it's not necessary. My brother in law had pylori but had major issues more with his stomach and pain.
I also don't have night sweats.
margaret22116 rhonda19552
rhonda19552 margaret22116
I thought so Margaret - I think I'll see if I can do that once the colonoscopy is done. Thanks for your advice.