If you have a monofocal set for distance, what is your vision like at close up, intermediate etc.
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I have a Symfony multi-focal in my right eye since Feb 2016, I can see a computer screen crystal clear, intermediate / distance vision are around -.75 prescription but I dont wear glasses. Decent results but now is time for my left eye and considering getting a monofocal since the multifocal has given me alot of bad side effects.
The doctor said I should get a monofocal set for distance, but wondering for anyone who has a monofocal set to distance, what is your vision like with that eye at close up and intermediate. Maybe use a scale of 1(blurry) - 10 (crystal clear). Like if you look at a computer screen/phone, can you even make out words, or is it completely blurry? How about when looking at someone 3 feet away? At what range does your vision become really good?
Thanks to anyone that replies!
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Pwctw kevin77191
I just finished my right eye this morning which is dominant eye with monofocal len due to the high myopra (-15 for both eyes). I immediately can see distance well as well as my smart phone in the intermediate range. However, the vision become blurry when phone screen close to around 20 cm toward my eye s. Btw, Im 50 yesrs old.
soks Pwctw
20 cm is near range and not intermediate. do you mean 20 inches? it is great if u can read at 20 cm (8 inches?) with a monofocal set for far. does -15 high myopia have anything to do with it.
Pwctw soks
Hi soks,
Yes, it is 20 centimeter. Im not a doctor, so I cannot tell you why I have such good vision for a monofocal len. I also just have finished my first post-op check with my doctor this morning. I have a 20/25 vision for my RE. Since the recovery is good, my doctor recommend me to a mini monovision combination for both eyes. I will have my LE surgery two week later. Im lookimg forward to see how is going after that?
scott10751 Pwctw
My age and my prescription, glad to hear you had a good outcome! Do you know the monofocal lens they used, or could you find out please?
Pwctw scott10751
Hi scott10751,
I had my surgery in California. It costs me $1200 to pay for the laser guided and ORA sysyem to fragment the cataract, correct the astigmatism, and measure the IOL power I need. The surgery center uses Alcon Acrysof IQ as my len.
scott10751 Pwctw
Thanks so much for the information, I will definitely be asking about this particular lens.
Pwctw scott10751
Not a problem. I also hope you will have the good result as you expect. Good luck.
Boston_Oat kevin77191
I have two monofocals implanted 2-3 months back at 36/37. My RE came out about +1D so distance vision is fine, but am a bit farsighted. My LE was targeted closer and I'm plano to just inside plano. Without glasses, I can see my phone at arms length. Reading is slightly tricky. Some people have better results than I. However, when I had my farsighted RE and natural LE, I had no major issues reading, using computer or phone since i still had full depth of focus.
seeherenow49806 kevin77191
Hi Kevin:)
I have a Symfony in my (non-dominant) RE, with perfect near and intermediate vision and about-0.75 Ddistance, intentionally. We aimed for -1.0 Diopter in the RE, knowing that the lens settles up to a half diopter range difference from the original aim. I wanted to be sure I would have excellent near vision in one eye, so chose this course. Also, I read that the night driving visual effects diminished over distance and I wanted those effects in the non-dominant eye, so the dominant eye would "overrule" them.
In my dominant LE I have a monofocal, aimed for -0,5D, settling at -0.25D, so nearly perfect distance vision. (Again, we aimed for this to have slightly better near, not knowing how much difference it would make.) I figured I would only need glasses for driving, if at all, and that's how it turned out. The big surprise is that I have perfect near vision in the LE as well. Of course, this isn't true for everyone. The eyes/brain work perfectly together, with a very slightly better near in the right, and slightly better distance in the left, combining to get the perfect picture needed at any moment.
There is speculation that the perfect near vision with monofocal set to distance may be related to having extreme myopia and a corresponding "long" eye (physical axial measurement) giving greater depth of field, but I don't know of any studies on this. I can only say that my sister was also extremely myopic and has 2 monofocal IOLs and had the same result - perfect near as well as perfect distance. The only time it gets blurry is if the eyes are dry, which is easily remedied.
I can tell you that the monofocal IOL has completely outweighed the halo/spiderwebs in the Symfony eye, to the point that I almost never notice them any more. And if I do, they're just a cool visual, not a problem. And the only time I ever wear glasses is if I'm driving at night in rain or a very unfamiliar area.
I'm surprised your surgeon recommended this for you, as so many docs aren't willing to try anything new or unusual. You are very fortunate to have a great doc!!!
Best wishes for a great result.:)
kwilson2019 seeherenow49806
What was you and sister diopter(?) before IOL? Long eye ? Extreme myopia?
I was -15 right eye, -7.5 left eye, had lasik on left eye 1990. Now have Panoptix right eye, 4 months, excellent clarity all distance. But have extreme star burst, streaks, day and night that covers entire vision, not small close to light source streaks, if there are rings cant see them due to excessive streaks. Physician has suggested YAG but concerned with that, have read YAG has increased light distorsions and makes IOL exchange even less likely. Considering a mono IOL for left eye, holding off untill right eye results does ??? Have heard of others doing a mono IOL for distance and have good vision near, intermediate vision also. But no one has mentioned their -D before implants.
kwilson2019 seeherenow49806
What is the IOL you and your sister had implanted? How are your light side effects now.
ad12345 kevin77191
I've got the Tecnis 1-piece.
I can see 20/20 from about 1-1.5 m. Almoast nothing within 1 m. My refraction is 0.0, plano.
soks ad12345
1 to 1.5m is about 3ft to 5ft. that is the expected monofocal result. what do mean nothin within 1m? how blurry is that?
Tramontj kevin77191
My distance eye is very clear and good for some intermediate. Computer is a little blurred so I adjust my seated distance. I wear progressive glasses if I'm going to spend a lot of time reading or driving but would be ok without them.
Thanks everyone for the replies. Basically what I was trying to figure out was this: Since I already have a multifocal where my close up is crystal clear and my distance is decent, I can already barely see out of my left eye when looking at a computer screen, so if I was to get a monofocal set for distance, I think it would kind've be the same as it is now? My right eye is doing most of the work when looking at the computer screen, so with the monofocal, if I can barely make out the letters on the screen, then i would already be used to that.
Chris53317 kevin77191
Sounds like a practical approach, and that is the recommendation from your specialist. So go for it.
Guest kevin77191
I think you are right.
A monofocal that hits plano, will normally give you very usable vision to about -1.0. And closer than this it will still add something to the combined image, when your brain adapts, even that it is out of focus.
So if your Symfony have hit -0.75 your vision should be well covered, with a monofocal in the other eye.
I also have two different lenses, although not the same, but I have edof one eye and trifocal one eye.
The near distance, where the edof is not clear, is covered by the trifocal.
But even that I have no clear image at near with the edof, it still adds to a better near image, when I look with both eyes.
So I think your eye doctor have given you the best advice, now that you are bothered with side effects.