Im addicted to tramadol

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I damaged my back at work about a year and half ago doctor put me straight on tramadol cos the pain was unbareable I was amazed at how they just took the pain but then slowly stsrted to enjoy the other effects it gave like feeling chilled having weird but good dreams and added bonus no appetite I was wanting to lose weight anyway and that helped alot. So after this time my body started to get immune to them so I keep upping the dose now im on 20-30 tablets a day 50mg I have many people I can buy them from so once ive had my prescription Innever run out. Im dreading telling my partner she is my whole world if I lose her ive got nothing I tried cold turkey I did 5 days but failed I couldn't take it anymore I felt suicidal well most days lately I feel that way im discusted when I look in the mirror I keep thinking if I did top myself my partner would be better off than been with a low life like me I wouldn't have to go through the pain. Please is it just me or is there others feel that way ???

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Actually, a previous failure can be turned into a good thing. (Yes, I've been there.) The next time you get a few clean days under your belt, you'll know what a mistake it would be to throw all that effort away. Use that knowledge. Every clean day raises the stakes. Refuse to fold, and you will win a huge pot. I won't lie to you, it won't be easy, but you can do it.
  • Posted

    Hi, please try to lower your doses every day if you can, I couldn't do that myself

    i wasn't taking Tramadol but dyhydrocodeine. I just got down to one then went

    cold turkey, it was five very tough days but it does get better every day. I know

    people say Tramadol withdrawal is hard mentally, maybe it would help to see your Dr.

    and get some advice, all I can say is it is hard but if you really want to it can be done

    please try to stay positive and take one day at a time and you will get there it's worth

    all the pain to be free again and thinking clearly and not being a slave to meds.

    keep strong Ann 

  • Posted

    Hi Gareth, You tried cold turkey but that is quite a high dose to suddenly stop. OK so you have a couple of optins available to you.

    1/ Taper off. So first you must manage your dose so that you take the same amount each day, no cheating to get a buzz on the weekends etc. Next when you are consistent you reduce your daily dose by one tablet. Stick to this dose until any withdrawels have worn off and then reduce again by one tablet Keep doing this until your down to one a day. Yes one! It will happen just be patient and stick to the fixed dose. Then that final tablet can be a b'*'', if it is you can open the tablet and take out halve the powder and take that. Finally you can stop.

    2/ When dependant on tramadol you have an opiate AND snri dependance. You can deal with these addictions seperatly. This is done by switching to an ssri or snri like prozac or venlafaxine. These will help eleminate the snri withdrawels. You may still get an opiate withdrawel but these usually only last a few days to a week and wont be halve as bad as stoping tramadol without taking an ssri or snri. You should first get the tramadol dose down to around 400mg a day first before starting an ssri otherwise they could cause problems by raising your serotonin to high. This is called serotonin syndrome and is dangerous.

    So maybe start with oprion 1 and see how you go. If you withdraw really slow and wait until all your withdrawel symptons have gone for a few days before reducing the dose again you should be ok. If this method is too difficult, get yourself down to a safe level of 400mg or less and start an ssri as explained in option 2. I have used prozac when coming of tramadol and it has worked well for me.

    As a note you are on a dangerous dose of tramadole and are at risk of having seasures so I am glad to see your looking for help and trying to fix it. This about coming clean to your partner. I know you feel a failure but your not. You just got caught up in a spiral and now your eyes are open and your trying to fix it. Having your partner on board helping you will make a hugh difference with the support. Also once she knows it may help motivate you even further.

  • Posted

    Thanks guys for your advice it means alot ive bin thinking usually I can't drink alcohol if I know im gunna I try stop taking tramadol for about 12 hours at Christmas I knew id be drinking alot so I limited myself to 10 a day 5 in the morning to keep the pain away and 5 in the evening and I seemed to get through it ok when I tell my partner if she doesn't leave me lol and she wants to support me im gunna give her my tablets and let her give me them on morning and evening but ifshe ddoesn't god knows what ill do its a big mess
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      And also speak to my doctor about the help you suggested ie prozac. I cant thank you enough before I posted my story I felt alone. Low. Damaged. Depressed but your advice has give a lift up so I thank you very much
  • Posted

    Hi that's good news Gareth, you need to have the support of a loved

    one I'm sure it will help. Just try to stay positive and remember it won't last

     for ever. Stay strong x

  • Posted

    hi gareth- i to was taking 20 tramadol a day plus 20 solpodol- i quit last september- please do not try it without medical help-i did, it was really stupid-it prolonged the WD's after 14 days of hell i went to the doc and got some librium which helped me through the last of the WD's- go to your DR-remember you only have to do this once-do it right- i never thought i could quit-so YOU CAN DO IT- stay strong and dont give up-IF you relapse or hit a hurdle-stick at it-IT CAN BE DONE- best of luck gareth
  • Posted

    Tramadol is a bitch. I hate her. But she loves me! Im a recovering Tramadol addict. Sober since May 12,2014. I was taking 20-25 a day. I'v written on here alot. Listen, you are not worthless! You matter! You can beat the bitch(tramadol)!! Don't let her win! It's gonna be tough but you can do it! Yes, tramadol messes with your norepinephrine s n serotonin in the brain. Thats where the mental symptoms come fr when tapering. You are on a very high an dangerous dose. I know. I had a seizure in 2009. Took 3 @ once. Stupid I know! But it made me happy an no anxiety. I didn't realize I was probably depressed an definitely had/have anxiety. It was helping with that at first. Took it normally fr 2006-2011. But slowly upping dosage. Then seizure. Taken to ER cause I feel straight into corner of parents tv stand cut my head. It was humiliating to say I took 3 at once. My husband was embarrassed. I live in US in Tx. But did that stop me? No! I was given extended release Ultram (tramadol) to back off quantity I was at. Well I figured by chewing half at a time I got quick release fr slow release. Took these but wasnt same as regular 50mg tabs.we dont have capsules here. So kinda started getting depressed. Didn't realize at that time Tramadol messes with brain. So started getting off internet. 350$ a mnth! Crazy I know! Sometimes I would run out of pills waiting for USPS to deliver so would have to go to Express clinic an fake I hurt my back. Pathetic. So finally up at 20-25 a day in May got sick with flu. That made me slow a little on pills. But my heart didnt like that. Palpitations. Skipped beat. Totally freaked me out. I had been wanting to quit for last yr an half. Crying to God to help me but didnt know how an couldn't stand withdrawals. So husband took me to ER. I had to tell them. Humiliating again. Worse. My EKG came back abnormal. Figured out I was having withdrawals fr such high dose. So prescribed anti-anxiety med Klonapine to help calm me. Then two days later I decided to go to a detox facility for 5 days. My Mom pd for it. $1,900. I still owe her money. But she an family wanted me off the pills. I was killing myself. For what? I have two sons 17&12. I needed to be around for them. An to take care of my parents both 80. So I dont remember much of detox. They keeped me as comfortable as possible but we r talking detox here. Not fun. You need to come clean with your partner. You need some accountability. If you do tapering on your own you might talk to a pharmacist to help figure a VERY SLOW tapering schedule. Then show schedule to ur partner. Have partner hold pills. If you have access to them your gonna take them wrong. No lying about it. Your gonna want them. But preoccupy yourself. Is there any way you could go to a dr an let them know about all this? Dr could prescribe things to make it more tolerant. An give ideas. Tell them your desperate to stop. They should commend you for that. Cry if you have to. Watch out for the blues an dont take anything that increases serotonin while on Tramadol. Like earlier poster said you could Serotonin Syndrome. No St. John's wart no antidepressant (maybe when on like 4 a day of Tramadol). I developed depression 5 mnths later. On Lexapro an occasional Klonapine. It's not easy rd but it can be done just dont go cold Turkey that sets you up to fail. Goodluck an invest in alot of Epsom salts an anti-diaherra med. Stay hydrated. God bless.


    • Posted

      Wow 2/3 at a time I take 6 at once on a morning another 4 an hour later im playing roulette with my life I know that but still doesn't stop me . I told my partner yesterday did it in a text cos im a coward she said she loves and we'll get through it she's seen me in unbareable pain with my back so she understands that I needed this drug to help.

      Even thou she's supporting me I still feel like a disappointment she deserves better. How this drug hasn't bin banned is beyond me

  • Posted

    Hi Gareth, Well done for realising you can't carry on taking 20-30 tramodol a day.  The maximum is supposed to be 400mg a day so you are way over.  I think you may find going to a treatment addiction centre the best way.  Withdrawaing suddenly could cause seizures.  You really need specialised help and support with the amount you are taking.  I wish I could wave a magic wand for you and get you to the end game.  Your partner may already have sensed something is wrong and be really relieved when you say what it is.  She may be imagining all sorts of things and addiction to medication may come as a welcome relief.  At lease she can get behind you, support you and be there for you when she knows what she needs to do to help.  Don't blame yourself for the addiction.  None of us have realised how addictive and difficult Tramodol is to come off.  Not even the so called professional doctors who prescribel the stuff.  We all started wanting to get rid of the pain and now here we are wondering how to get rid of the tablets.  Georgia
    • Posted

      Thank you georgia . My partner is supporting me and I have an appointment on Wednesday at addiction centre they were really understanding on the phone and got me an appointment as soon as possible
    • Posted

      Hi Gareth, that's good news, just be honest with them, I'm sure it

      will help you to get on track. Please let's us know how it goes as im

      sure it will help a lot of people going through this.

      stay strong x

  • Posted

    I had to go to a detox facility for 5 days in May of "14". Was taking 20-25 a day of 50mg Tramadol. Had upped dosage over the yrs. Had been taking them since 2007 (?) I think. Normally @ first but last 2 yrs upped dosage. Had ER visit in early May due to skipped heart beat an ppalpitations. All testing came back normal except ekg on heart. Heart rate was like 104-110. I had caught a virus fr young son an backed off Tram's a little an didn't realize I was having reaction to that. So gave me 1mg Atavan thrue I.V. an bam, H.R. went down to normal. Dr said "You HAVE to get off the Tramadol! " So two days later entered detox. They put me on Klonapine while in there 3x's a day. Along with other meds but dont remember much. Was miserable first 2 1/2 days. Then eased a little after that. But after physical withdrawals you have to deal with mental issues. I currently am going thru depression an anxiety coming out as anger an yelling or worried. Iv been on Zoloft but had to stop after 2 1/2 mnths due to severe sideeffects like diaherra an lost like 15-20 lbs in that time. So was put on Lexapro in Dec ("14) & now Im tapering off because it hasn't helped but make me very moody an n bad mood. So dont know what to get on next. Just watch out for after detoxing. Get a psychologist or go to NA meetings. Just some advice. Get a hobby going as soon as possible to.
    • Posted

      Some people just don't tolerate SSRIs well. The only one I tried that didn't disagree with me was Paxil. There was a little "withdrawal" when I stopped it, but it was more annoying than anything else.
    • Posted

      Hi Zoe, I think Tramadol withdrawal is very hard mentally, it's a shame

      that the other meds aren't helping you to get through this, have you 

      ever thought of trying alternative therapies, maybe yoga or meditation

      i know some people find these things help. You have done so well to

      detox from Tramadol, keep strong and positive.


    • Posted

      Thankyou! Its been 8mnths since last pill. Has anyone had success with Prozac?
    • Posted

      Hi Zio10, i was given prozac when i was first diagnosed with alcohol induced depression- i found it a great help-i took it for about 8 months
    • Posted

      Hi Zoe, I took Prozac for a few years I found it ok, did lose weight with it

      and found I had a problem at first with getting very hot at night.

      i think it would be good to try allowing about six weeks before it starts

      to work. Good luck. Ann 

    • Posted

      Hi guys well I went to dtox centre told them all the ins and outs how much I take ect I didn't really like the guy I didn't seem too experienced I felt uncomfortable but did the best I could to open up anyway at the end of the assessment he said he would pass my details on to lead practitioner to decide what action to take next 2 days later I get a call to give me an appointment in 2 weeks for induction session as he called it. Wow another 2 weeks I couldn't get my hands on any tramadol but I could get dihydrocodeine, these just send my head stupid I thought I was pass out the other day and I feel like crap 2 days without tramadol I feel like 2 weeks is a lifetime away. Was it any help going to dtox place maybe I should just end up dtoxing on my own. Having a really bad down day its a constant battle
    • Posted

      Tough question. The detox center will have the tools to ease some of your suffering, and to guard against dangerous symptoms. (Whether they will be willing to use those tools is another question.) I'm going to vote against doing it yourself. Just use the two weeks to mentally prepare yourself to commit to this plan. Just be careful that you don't find an excuse to back out in the meantime..
    • Posted

      Hi Gareth, it's a shame that you didn't feel comfortable with them, it doesn't 

      really help to have to wait for two weeks either. It seems to me you have

      made your mind up to stop which is really good. Maybe since you haven't 

      had any Tramadol for the past couple of days it would be best to suffer cold

      turkey if you can I myself was addicted to dyhydrocodeine which I beleive is

      easier to withdraw from than Tramadol as it doesn't have the same antidepressant effect as Tramadol. Maybe your GP could help with the mental effects as the physical side seems to pass over a week the first five

      days weren't nice for me but every day gets better, I know it maybe too much for you as you were on a lot, but try to keep positive after your visit to detox seemed to be disappointing. I think coming on here really helps, also

      there are lots of books that might help you. Good luck whatever you decide

      stay srong Ann 

    • Posted

      Ann it really does help coming on here I tried talking to my partner other day and it didn't help cos even she said she didn't know what to say cos she doesn't understand how I feel and never experienced owt like what im going through . Well im on my 3rd dayno tramadol the dihydrocodeine Iis helping with the pain withdrawal but is totall messing my head up the dreams are unreal there weird lol

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