Im addicted to tramadol

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I damaged my back at work about a year and half ago doctor put me straight on tramadol cos the pain was unbareable I was amazed at how they just took the pain but then slowly stsrted to enjoy the other effects it gave like feeling chilled having weird but good dreams and added bonus no appetite I was wanting to lose weight anyway and that helped alot. So after this time my body started to get immune to them so I keep upping the dose now im on 20-30 tablets a day 50mg I have many people I can buy them from so once ive had my prescription Innever run out. Im dreading telling my partner she is my whole world if I lose her ive got nothing I tried cold turkey I did 5 days but failed I couldn't take it anymore I felt suicidal well most days lately I feel that way im discusted when I look in the mirror I keep thinking if I did top myself my partner would be better off than been with a low life like me I wouldn't have to go through the pain. Please is it just me or is there others feel that way ???

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Gareth, well done on day three of no Tramadol , like I said they are hard to 

    withdraw from, I know dyhydrocodeine are also addictive but if you are in pain I think

    they are the lesser of two evils if they help you with managing your pain that is good.

    hopefully once you are free from the Tramadol your GP can find an alternative to

    the DH. You are doing well just try and take each day at a time remember every day

    it will get better. I think if you can keep busy or get outside helps a lot. Of course that

    will depend a lot on how you feel. Coming on here will help a lot it's nice to be able to

    talk to people who have been through this, I know it's hard for others to understand.

    keep strong and keep us informed. Ann

  • Posted

    Hi gareth- you need to be careful taking the Dihydrocodiene -this drug is highly addictive - it will run Tramadol a close second in terms of WD's when trying to quit-there are a range of non opiate based pain medications available - you should ask your doc- all the best -dont give up-you can make it-
  • Posted

    Coming off of Tramadol is extremely tough.  The withdrawals are horrible, and they last for weeks.  But it is possible to stop taking it for good.  I was dumb enough to do it twice.  The only way to come off of Tramadol is to slowly taper off a little at a time.  If you have withdrawals, coming off cold turkey feels nearly impossible.  One of the worst withdrawals is the extreme restlessness, making it nearly impossible to sleep for weeks.  Tramadol stays in your system for a long time.  You will need to taper off slowly until you are down to a half a pill a day.  Then you may need to take that 1/2 pill for over a week until you are albe to come off it 100% and not have bad withdrawal symtems.  Or you can see how long you can eventually go without taking a pill, and then only take a 1/2 pill when you feel the withdrawal systems coming back.  Again, tramadol stays in your system a long time.  This is not a quick process, but I promise, it's doable! 

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