Increase anxiety day 13
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I have been taking sertraline 25mg for 13 days, I was starting to feel a but better but now started to feel a little nervous again, I am unsure if this is still a side effect if starting or if I need to up the dose.
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I also sympathise with the tinatus as it is something that I have too
eve51406 kerry83144
A very long time, years, I had a breakdown ages ago. I have had a lot of personal problems! live alone now! Hypnotherapy here is £45.00 per session.
I’ve only been for a talk with someone but the CD I’ve been given is helpful. 2017 was constant problems with my eyes and also invasive dental treatment. Two implants, ouch with pain and ouch at the cost.
Have my first session on Tuesday!
carina21 kerry83144
Hello Kerry I too am on day 13 of 25mg sertralinee. I also had a bad virus over xmas which brought on a panic attack when I felt I couldn't breathe, unfortunately the sheer panic and anxiety just didn't go away, I honestly thought I was going mad! It has to be the worst feeling ever! Gp prescribed 25mg sertraline and after about 6 days I could feel a difference in that I didn't feel out of control with my feelings, but am still feeling extremely anxious especially in the mornings. I'm seeing my gp on Tuesday and I'm not sure whether she will up my dose ( scared ) all I do know is that it is still early days and I know that I am determined to get better, don't think you are on your own xx
kerry83144 carina21
its almost the same story, hope the gp appointment goes well, my gp said it's common for anxiety to start after a virus.
trishtrash80 kerry83144
I've been on 25 for 8 weeks and week 2 through to 4 where horrible for me
I'm not in a hurry to up dose I still get shocking days full of anxiety but not as bad.
I don't want to up dose because I know my stomach hasn't been the same since starting sertraline so I'm guessing upping would only make it worse. I'm going to try staying on such low dose along with meditation and councelling and fingers crossed ill be ok.
Good luck
kerry83144 trishtrash80
trishtrash80 kerry83144
25 has taken edge off but no matter how much meds we take there's nothing that's going to magically get rid of our anxiety..
You need to give it time I've heard even up to 3-6 months..
The side affects I got was the the medicine getting into the system but I did want to throw in the towel!
kerry83144 trishtrash80
Thank you, I don't want to up it as I still think I an getting a few side effects and don't want to make them worse, I have Also started a counselling session, had my first one yesterday, I was exhausted after it for some reason. Thank you .
debra34304 trishtrash80
Hi trishtrash I’ve been on 100mgs now for the past 7wks with little progress. Still feeling waired and like I’ve lost myself. Is this normal?🌹
trishtrash80 kerry83144
My sessions always drain me it's great your doing a few things to work things out..
I listen to micheal sealy on u tube put head phones on and listen, he has great one for anxiety.
trishtrash80 debra34304
Hope it helps