Increase resting pulse rate and high diastolic pressure

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I had ablation surgery 2 1/2 months ago.   About two weeks ago, I started experiencing an increased resting pulse rate (from 50 to 125+) and a high diastolic pressure (+90).  Also, rather than just going in and out of AF, I appear to be in it most of the time.  This is disappointing, as I had hoped the ablation surgery would be successful in getting me out of AF.  Has anyone else experienced this?


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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry, I meant to say my resting rate went from 59 to 125 -- not 50.  suzanne
  • Posted

    i do this now. infrequent afib spells. i am consulting for ablation today. will present this to my doctor. will let u know.
  • Posted

    Hello Suzanne,

    I had cryoablation 3 weeks ago in Germany, AF has stopped and sometimes my heart rate will reach to 120 when I recorded by mobile ECG monitor I founded sinus fast rythum I asked my doctor he told me it's normal ..

    You have to record it first and to know what is it..

    Maybe Atrial ectopics not AF it happened to me before if it's AF then you can repeat the ablation..

    • Posted

      Ranijarar -- thanks for your response.  I was told by my doctor after the ablation that my AF could get worse initially as the heart has been scarred.. What is bothersome to me is that I seems to be getting better until about the 2 month mark and then my resting pulse and diastolic BP went up and has stayed there for a little over two weeks.

      I did have a holter test down yesterday and am waiting for the EP and cardio doc to see the results.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  I really do not want to do a second ablation.

      Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.

  • Posted

    My first and second ablations failed ,the second with sepsis. It seemed to me that the scarring in my heart designed to stop the erratic electrical signals simply generated a different type of arrythmia both the first and second time.

    The ablations surgeons "blank out" any problems for the first three months as the heart takes time to settle down. Not something other cardiologists or doctors understand too well judging from my experiences. 

    Those pulse rates are not alarming but if you start reaching 160+ go to a doctor.

    I ended up in hospital 4 times when GPs took my pulse/BP and called an ambulance..180 -220 BP range


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      Olapis --  that you said about the electrical signams generating a different type of AF is exactly what I have been fearing -- and I think you might be right.  I don't know if I will  go for a second ablation procedure.

      The EP did tell me about the 3-month blanking out period before they could tell if the surgery was successful.  What is troublesome to me is that I seemed to be getting better gradually (with a resting pr of 59 and a good BP) up until 2+ weeks ago when my resting pulse and dialostic blood pressure went up and has stayed that way.

      The reason I went for surgery was to be able to get off the rythym drug, which has rotten side affects and is very expensive.  I know because of my age and gender I will be on blood thinner (Pradaxa) the rest of my life to prevent stroke.  I have accepted that.  But I sure want off the other medication.

      I wasn't scheduled for the holter monitor until the end of this month but when I told my surgeon that I felt like I was in AF much more than before the operation, he ordered the holter test early, which I had yesterday.  I'm waiting for the docs to get back to me  and keeping my fingers crossed that this surgery was in fact (somewhat) successful.

      How are you doing now -- is your  BP and pulse rate better?  Or are you still having problems?

      Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.

    • Posted

      I'm fine now. The third attempt worked for which I was thankful. Another go was not going to be possible I was told. I'm no longer checking my pulse/BP neurotically as after the 1st ablation I couldn't always tell if I was experiencing tachycardia.

      I'm so glad I live in the UK!  I'm retired and all my drugs come free, providing of course they are on the approved list from the Local Commissioning Group (LCG) and they are prepared to pay! Before retirement I was able to pay an annual prescription charge from the NHS that signifcantly reduced the cost

      The thought of having to make decisions on whether to take a drug or not because of cost is pure anaethma to me, having lived with the NHS. LCG's are making the decisions for people though of which they may be unaware so a wide range of treatment / prescription possiblities can occurr in different areas.

      The cost for me is a tidy sum as I also have an inflammatory arthritis and am on a biological therapy... expensive!  I take Dabigatran (Pradaxa) too.

      Not going for a second attempt is risky. You may go into permanent AF and  then your quality of life really will suffer. Ablations dont work well on permanent AF.

      For me it sometimes gets confusing on the forum ( a UK one) when people from other countries post here as processes and even what is available varies across countries. Choosing your electrophyicist... mmm not in the uk unless you go private! 


  • Posted

    I had a similar reaction after my first ablation, except for the diastolic pressure.

    My heart rate did settle down quite well after a few months but unfortunately it didn't last and I had to have another ablation which, fingers crossed, seems to be successful for now.

    I expect you know about this already, but there are triggers that may not help the arrhythmias like chocolate, coffee, alcohol. I have cut these out of my diet completely and cut down on stress as much as possible.

    Wishing you well xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for getting back to me, Gwen.  I do not have triggers -- (don't know if that's good or bad).  I do not eat chocolate and I don't drink and only have a cup of coffee in the morning.  But I will wake up from a nap -- which I have never taken naps before -- but I am so tired I fall asleep -- and if I check my pulse -- it's high -- which is probably what is making me tired -- my heart is working so hard to pump blood.  I am blessed in that I have no stress in my life (other than this AF) -- and maybe my worrying about it is a trigger.....

      How long was it between your ablations?  I really don't want to have to go thru it a second time -- my original bill for $90K and I have no idea what insurance will cover -- it ay just put me in AF for good!!

      Thanks for your response.

    • Posted

      I can understand how you feel about a second ablation as I felt the same, although in your case the cost might be prohibitive.

      Wait until you get your results anyway and talk to your specialist about your options. A lot of people manage with just medication so maybe that would work for you once they understand what's going on with your heart.

      Let us know the results when you get them. We're here for you xx

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your kind words. It is so comforting to know u are all here for me.   And I one u feel the same way. 

      I should mention that my insurance company has yet to tell me how much of the bill they will cover, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a negotiated rate at a BIG discount.   


  • Posted

    Sorry to hear that Suzanne, I had an ablation on April 20 this year and so far it would seem that is going as it should.

    I did do a lot of 'doctor shopping' to find the best Electrophysiologist I could.

    He claimed an 85% success rate at the 5 year mark PROVIDED I addressed all my risk factors(which I have).

    He was also quick to point out that failure to do so, resulted in about a 15% success rate at the five year mark.

    Based on these numbers, it would seem that ablation success rates depend heavily on whether risk factors are addressed.

    Its also not uncommon to require a follow up ablation precedure, as there are many variables with this procedure.

    • Posted

      I, too, 'shopped' for the best EP I could find and went to Mayo Clinic which is highly rated for this. 

      I I didn't really have any risk factors other than

      my age and gender. He claimed a 70-80% success rate. 

      I wish u continued success. 

      Thanks for for your response and comments. 


    • Posted

      risk factors include age greater than 65, female, diabetic, obesity, alcohol, genetics, sleep apnea. i am sure there are others but these r the main ones.
    • Posted

      saw my dr. today. ablation scheduled for july 11. your symptoms are not out of line w normal, but second ablation may be necessary. if the scarring from the ablation becomes irritated in any area the signal will go through according to what my doc said. a second ablation is " kind of a touch up". and again assuming as many risk factors as possible are maintained.
    • Posted

      Wish u a successful ablation. I found the surgery not a problem at all. I was surprised at how easy it was and how well it went.

      Thanks for your comments. Wish u well.

      I'm waiting to hear results of holter test. Will keep u posted.

    • Posted

      Afib lady has pretty much nailed it!

      High blood pressure is about all that's worth adding to the Afiblady's risk factor list.

      There are a handful of other risk factors if you care to google them, but they're not really addressable.

    • Posted

      duh to me. how could i forget high blood preasure. - the root of all evil afib.

      hope everyone in the different stages of their afib improve, find ways to cope, and continue support for each other.

      one prayer together at the same time at noon wherever you are, to pray for each other would be nice.

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