Indigestion and nausea along with sore joints and muscles

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Hi All!

I was wondering if any of you get indigestion and constant low-level nausea with mad food cravings, like salad cream with everything?  My joints and muscles seems to be really sore when I have my digestion problems too.  Does this sound familiar?

Thanks again.

Feeling so fed up with it all.



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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jo

    My joints and muscles ache, especially down my arms.  Indigestion too.  No cravings yet though.


  • Posted

    Joanna, yes yes yes! Indigestion is terrible, upset tummy. Right now my back has been aching all week. I do get cravings too. All part of hormone changes. Ibuprophen is my best friend!
    • Posted

      Nancy, do you get nausea as well?

      My knees feel like I am 100 and have the mother of all headaches as we speak!

    • Posted

      Joanna, not severe nausea but I get really bloated which upsets my stomach and then the belching starts. Aches and pains come and go. May be my knee one time, then arms another, now my back this week. It's random....
    • Posted

      At risk of teaching grandmothers to suck eggs, ibuprofen can lead to excess acid that gives rises to bloating, nausea, indigestion and upset stomach 
  • Posted

    No nausea, but am off my food more often than not at the moment.  And that is reall not like me. xx
    • Posted

      It is weird, isn't it, one minute the thought of food is awful and next you just seem to have to graze like a cow!!



  • Posted

    Hi Joanna

    yes i did get nausia feelings in peri, but only when a period came out the blue , use to feel really sicky and headachey then a period came .. It was like a way a knew one was coming, the final three were the most sickly and headachey before ..

    also i am post meno now, age 50 and i still feel achey in the body, stiffness etc 

    and i crave vinegar sometimes .. I have to have fishfingers with lashings of vinegar 


    jay x


    • Posted

      I have the most weird cravings for cheese, with raw onion and salad cream!



  • Posted

    Yes, terrible indigestion, aching joint, just plain hurt from head to toe.  I too felt like I was 100. I was cold, tired and also fed up! I also would take the ibuprofen but the indigestion was well established before hand.  
  • Posted

    I was weaning off hrt patch.  I had no idea that it was due to that.  I was constantly at the doctors complaining of not feeling well.  I could give you a list a mile long. I had constant indigestion.  All tests and bloodwork were normal.  Then when the night sweats, mood swings, and anxiety hit my mother in law kindly said she thought I was in menopause! LOL  I just could not take it anymore and went back on the hrt.  Some women can fly through perimenopause and others have a terrible time.  It is individual.  I had no idea it could turn a body so upside down.  
  • Posted

    I find it interesting joanna, I have indigestion accompanied by acid reflux at times, I do take an HRT and have been blaming it on that, but I am learning others who do not take HRT also suffer from it as well.  Yes my joints and muscles ache as well, recently told I was deficient in Vitamin D so I think that may be why?  Such a mystery?!!!  
    • Posted

      Hi Loretta

      when i was in peri, i had indigestion burning, acid thing so bad once it lasted days, took all the usual remedies and it just would not go,

      happened to be going to the docs ( not for the acid problem) but i mentioned it, my GP then also did homeopathic meds, he said take this and it will be gone in an hour, i said .. Yes right ..... ( thinking he was dreaming) did not know what it was, but i took it, it was a powder and it melted on tongue ( only one ) and it went, just as he said, an hour later .

      also... here where i live now, for acid reflux and menopause indigestion, i was given Omeprazol tablets, they also protect your tummy lining if taking severe meds .... They are prescription or over the counter here and cost next to nothing and they are the best for acid reflux, heart burn, Gerd etc 

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      I have been on it and it did very little for me.  I have managed to get some motilium for sickness from my doc and I think it is helping.

      Did you ever try progesterone cream for any peri problems?



    • Posted

      Hi jo

      oh dont get me started on progesterone cream and my experience in 2011


      read progesterone cream dangers of..

      jay x

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