Info needed about Transvaginal Ultrasound
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Hi Everyone, I am being sent to the hospital for this procedure after a little pink spotting...I am not looking forward to having this done and wondered if anyone could tell me if it is painful...Gp did internal exam and I even found that uncomfortable.
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natacha66 Wainright22
It is fine. I had one in July now waiting for my hysteroscopy.
Doesn't hurt. They insert a contraption that is lubricated. Nothing much.
Good luck.
anne44931 Wainright22
I had this done at the beginning of Sept. Like you I was really anxious. But it was absolutely fine. It's over in a couple of minutes and it's less intrusive than a smear test. Good luck
ImagineOneDay Wainright22
It shouldn't hurt with a lubricant they use. But try to relax and take a deep breath. It is over quickly. Take it easy. Good luck.
lana07071 Wainright22
It really is nothing. Like putting a tampon...
Best wishes.
philippa61759 Wainright22
I had an internal exam at a Colposcopy unit many years ago and could barely tolerate it. The doctor had to reassure me that it wouldn't hurt. However, despite what he said, it did. I also had a pelvic ultrasound last year and after two attempts it had to be abandonned because it was too uncomfortable and painful. If you are worried, have a CT or MRI instead.
lynda20916 Wainright22
Hi, it might be uncomfortable, but it shouldn't be painful. The tech should tell you what will be done before starting. In the US the tech can't tell you about what is being seen, and you have to wait until a radiologist can read the ultrasound. Then the radiologist's report will be provided to your doctor.
I had one this year in early July and the tech did his best to make sure that I didn't experience anything painful. To tell you the truth, I found it more emotionally than physically wearing.
My experience with ultrasounds, though, is that the lab personnel like you to have a full bladder, so full that it can become hugely uncomfortable. They often insist that you drink more water than you can hold. If you feel that your bladder is full enough; tell them that your bladder is full. My gynecologist told me to do the best I could do, and not to worry that I wasn't being "compliant."
But, if you're being hurt, let the tech know it--don't try to tough it out! Best of luck, and let me know how you do!
Kadija1966 Wainright22
I had one in March, the tech was very helpful and made me feel at ease, didn't hurt at all, she was talking all thru the procedure explaining to me what was going on during the procedure and her findings as well, as I was asking lots of questions due to feeling a bit nervous about the results of the test. As I'm always nervous when doctors refer me for further tests, even for a blood tests...LOL..
pinkcatfairy Wainright22
I have had a couple and it's nothing to worry about, the instrument is lubricated and you shouldn't really feel much, it is a good thing to have as it can have a good look internally, it will be over before you know it
Thank you so much for your replies. really appreciate the feedback. Although a bit embarrassing, It does not sound as bad as I feared.
c02706 Wainright22
Wainright22 c02706
Thank you for your message, I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you had got on with your scan. Hope all is well and please let us know how you get on. Just waiting for hospital appointment now.
lynda20916 c02706
Hi C02706,
Thanks for asking Wainright22 and 2chr2015 how they were doing. I've been following them, and you, too! So, how are you doing?
I hope you're doing okay. Going through this is difficult, I know! xx
c02706 lynda20916
lynda20916 c02706
Hi there! I'm so glad to hear from you! I'm glad that all is well, except for the polyp.
What does the doctor propose to do? xx
c02706 lynda20916
Hi Lynda20916, the doctor said that he was going to basically keep an eye out and to do a re-pap in about 6 months or so, but NO "c", so Im very relieved.
lynda20916 c02706
I'm glad he's going to keep an eye out for you! So happy about your good news! xx
lana07071 c02706
2chr2015 c02706
C02706, I am so glad to hear your results were good! Thanks for keeping us updated. God is good all the time 😊
c02706 2chr2015