Interesting Article i shouldn’t have read?

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ok so doing research on hrt  and estrogen or lack there of i came across a site called Moxie.  Hormone expert and peri/meno couch w alot of info.  Although im confused.  Do we make NO estrogen aft menopause?  This therapy makes sense.  She says we need to have estrogen ad women to live basically.  When we are low as much of us obviously are or would’ve be in this site,)  we are basically dying.  estrogen has told our brains as women our job is finished and we can go now.!  wtf  Ate they just wanting to sell this hrt or is this true?  everything said makes total sense way it’s explained.  everything in our body relies in estrogen.  she says drs dont want to treat the hormones because they wouldn’t make money.  pharmaceutical co also fund medical schools and make sure curriculum is around treatment of symptoms not ROOT causes(hormones)   it wqs was basically said  either get on therapy hrt or its gonna get worse .  i know not every woman has terrible peri or menopause symptoms so can this be true?  ive made myself sick thinking this is it for me   gonna feel sick til i die w no hope.  

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Like a slow march to death.  And I have had female medical nearly yell at me its perfectly normal. No help at all and all barking the same line. 

    Look up ovarian rejuvenation. I am writing without names and websites because it will get deleted by the monitor.  

    Researchers in Greece reversed it.  They have colleagues in USA who are using his technique.  They started out restoring fertility for premature ovarian failure.  Now they also use it for women who are post menopausal.  

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    There's too much garbage on the net. Just look up some ailment or mild symptom and according to Dr. Google you should have been dead yesterday.

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    I Watched a similar story on tv.   it should be called sick care not health care.  most conventional medical drs treat symptoms.  You  go in with more than 3 symptoms, they zone in on what pill can fix it.  Leads people to being on multiple pills.  Drs really do have our best interests at heart, but only have the same info we have on medications, etc...and what they were taught at those schools!

     Some people go the functional/holistic route, but most of us do not have access to them as insurance usually does not cover.  

    I look at it this way.  I trust drs, I really do.  But, I still do research and get as informed as I can. They  can never gather everything from you in a couple of office visits.  I am still responsible for this body...😊

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      i just dont know how im supposed to feel  lol  one says miserable , one says like death  one says i never had a symptom at all but how is it possible to be so different when estrogen is lost by us all eventually. so frustrating  i have no idea if ill be able to even work like this  if it gets worse like im expected to.
    • Posted

      I know...I am one that is having a hard time...I’m only 41 in peri.  Anxiety, exhaustion, dizziness.  Just came on out of the blue along with other symptoms. 13 months ago, i was running circles around everyone.  Now, I’m like a zombie.  I have my own business. Unable  to work the past 6 mo...had to close for now. No disability.  Thankfully, my husband works.  I’m on an AD now to try and function until I can hopefully get my hormones sorted out.  Too young for hrt, the last obgyn said...seeing another to get another opinion.  I just want to get back to work.  I wish I knew why it hits some of us so hard and others breeze through it.  
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      you are young for getting hit so hard.  are you sure its peri?  did dr check hormones?  im 50 in 2 mo and no period foto 10 second time around.  hopefully im done.  ive always had anxiety so i have no idea if im just being me or my hormones are amuck.  when you have mental health issues you are always ignored.
    • Posted

      My hormones are dancing all over.  Tests are not very reliable at this stage.   I’ve tested out post meno a few times lol.  Periods are crazy.  Ugh!

      Fingers crossed!  I hope your period is done with!  🤞😀

    • Posted

      I crashed at 41 and literally went crazy . I didn’t have control of my own mind dark intrusive thoughts .... could not leave the house ... it was awful awful awful. It took months and months and I never really got back to normal.

       I did NOT know it was hormone related so at least you are one step ahead. You will get yourself sorted out and then you won’t crash again when you’re 50. So get all your tests done and get on the pill or some kind of hormone . 

    • Posted

      My friends are p*****g me off .... my age running around like they are 21 no exhaustion all cheery and positive . Out all the time ... what the hell ??? I’m friggin exhausted weary fed up. 

      I go out one night and I pay for it for like a week. I never feel rested and can’t make plans . Why are we so different ?? More sensitive or just bloody aliens !! 

  • Posted

    Hi shawnalb

    I'm not exactly an expert, I only know what I know.... Sounds like that article has a pinch of truth but I don't think it's quite so drastic. Menopause is in theory the end of one phase and the start of another. Being low on hormones impacts your life yes, and if you go c**k eyed you could say its winding down but not in the way they've said. Lack of hormones has an effect on more than just our brains, it's needed for healthy bones, heart, our endocrine system etc so of course going without has an impact. But don't forget, it's designed to occur later in life and it would be considered part of the usual aging process. We know way more now than we did, and for someone like me with no hormones since 16, the risk to health may be greater due to the long period without hormones. Now we know about peri, there are options available earlier to manage the symptoms and that comes down to the person and how much the symptoms impact daily life and we'd weigh that up against the risk. I mean in the UK I don't know that we worry so much about the big pharmaceutical companies because of the NHS. You're much more likely to get offered cheaper drugs first, but if you know what you need you can get support. The important thing is to get a doctor you trust, understand what you can about the process, look at what's available like pill, hrt, bhrt, natural remedies.... And weigh up what you need against what you've got. I found a really nice site for a specialist in the UK if you search 'menopausedoctor'. It was informative without scaring the life out of you. Please don't worry, I've been in this boat for 25+ years and I don't feel any more dead at 43 than I did at 42. ? Xxx

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      i agree Sassy.  i was having a bad day and took it way to literally that if everyone i read has this or that then i will as well.  Its irrational but aggravating!   sorry if it upset anyone who read it and it triggered them as it did me.  i stepped back and really thought about this amd my symptoms are not severe enough in my opinion to risk cancer.  My issue is psychosomatic more that if i read a bad symptom of a thing in know i  have(meno) or almost in two mo, then i focus on NOT wanting it and then i develop it.   my biggest thing is im a sleeper and i still can sleep decent for most part,  i wake alot but because of back uncomfortableness.  i just want to sleep allllll the time and ive always needed a nap mid afternoon so its tough to stay awake mid day.  i have added pressure of not married,  no help around house or bills   all on me.  it gets overwhelming.  but pitty partying isn’t working either.  i can visit bit shouldn’t stay so long!  lol  ive even tried to laugh abouy some of it.  it is kinda comical at putting the milk in the cabinet or driving 5 mi to realize you’re going wrong way or miss an exit wayyyyyu back from having something on my mind.  im trying not to borrow trouble.  
    • Posted

      Hi shawnalb

      Don't worry at all about sharing, that's the point. We can all help each other and it's completely natural to be looking for a logical reason for something that feels completely out of your control, God knows I've done that plenty! smile I think find some advice to weigh it up, either way there's risk. Keep doing what you're doing, get out, get plenty of fresh air and breathe smile xx

  • Posted

    The body is a very powerful machine and can adjust to new circumstances I think if that was the case there wouldn’t be any women over 50 doing anything !

    My holistic dr said the best way to get through this is naturally .... if you can . Mine has been so severe however I need help. Wasting months lying in bed is no life .

    I think the main part is finding the right concoction for you  in regards to hormones ... this can take months or years and costs a lot of money . 

  • Posted

    The body is a very powerful machine and can adjust to new circumstances I think if that was the case there wouldn’t be any women over 50 doing anything !

    My holistic dr said the best way to get through this is naturally .... if you can . Mine has been so severe however I need help. Wasting months lying in bed is no life .

    I think the main part is finding the right concoction for you  in regards to hormones ... this can take months or years and costs a lot of money . 

  • Posted

    Every day you live you get closer to death..... says the negative mind.  I will LIVE each day doing whatever it takes for me to live my best days.  HRT helps me feel better so I take it. 

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