Interesting Article i shouldn’t have read?
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ok so doing research on hrt and estrogen or lack there of i came across a site called Moxie. Hormone expert and peri/meno couch w alot of info. Although im confused. Do we make NO estrogen aft menopause? This therapy makes sense. She says we need to have estrogen ad women to live basically. When we are low as much of us obviously are or would’ve be in this site,) we are basically dying. estrogen has told our brains as women our job is finished and we can go now.! wtf Ate they just wanting to sell this hrt or is this true? everything said makes total sense way it’s explained. everything in our body relies in estrogen. she says drs dont want to treat the hormones because they wouldn’t make money. pharmaceutical co also fund medical schools and make sure curriculum is around treatment of symptoms not ROOT causes(hormones) it wqs was basically said either get on therapy hrt or its gonna get worse . i know not every woman has terrible peri or menopause symptoms so can this be true? ive made myself sick thinking this is it for me gonna feel sick til i die w no hope.
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loretta63638 shawnalb
lori93950 loretta63638
Stay positive ! There’s millions of women 50 and over having a good life . This is just a phase a long and tough one it may be but we can’t read articles like that ! It’s very antiquated and we must soldier on!
Sassyr12a shawnalb
My last reply was placed into moderation and I see is still being held hostage grrrr! The general gist was, this is not the end! I've been in between a hormones and a hard place for 25 plus years due to pof, and I don't feel any more dead at 43 than I did at 16. The article has a grain of truth in my view, its a transition and like anything is comes with the potential to impact our lives but that can be said of anything. We need hormones in some level to stay healthy, but we have choices, options, information which gives us some power to control how we are treated, and options on what treatment is right for us. Please try not to worry and make yourself ill shawnalb. Find the right doctor, gyn, information to suit you and what you need. Don't be too scared of other people's symptoms, we are all unique. There is absolutely hope and this too will pass