Intrusive/ obsessive thoughts

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I’ve been on Sertraline for a couple of months now and the physical anxiety has pretty much gone, but the mental, racing intrusive thoughts are still there at times. It’s been particularly bad the last few days where I can’t stop obsessing about what might be wrong with me physically that is causing the anxiety. I keep googling symptoms and watching YouTube videos about different things relating to health and it feels like a compulsion. Can anyone else relate to this, I know it sounds a bit weird? I’ve just upped my dose from 100mg to 125mg, so I’m wondering if it’s the side effects. I just want to be able to relax and do normal things and have the interests I used to have, instead of being obsessed with my health. Can anyone else relate to this and did it go with time? 

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah! This is my fourth week

    On Zoloft. Four days ago I upped my dose from 50 to 75. Iv had some increase in depression, which I believe is due to the increase. I too get obsessive thoughts on some days. I think that from what Iv read on here, increasing doses can do this. Apparently takes a couple of weeks for the new dose to start doing its magic. I hope that it starts levelling out for both of us. So we can get on with life! It's really disheartening when that happens but just remind yourself that it's probably the increase. Hang in there, each day things should get better. This is my third time on zoloft. X

    • Posted

      Thank you, i didn’t think anyone was going to reply. It’s  helpful to know someone else is going through the same thing. This is my second time on Sertraline, but last time was 12 years ago so I can’t really remember it. I was hoping 100mg would be enough for me but I was still feeling anxious so the doctor upped it. I hope you find 75mg enough so you don’t have to go through any more side effects! 
    • Posted

      Hang in there! I know how frustrating it is. I think that in a couple of weeks you start feeling better! Let me know how you go. X  

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah

    I know what you mean as I'm exactly the same, I have been on 50mg for 3weeks now and see my doctor again next week to see where I go next. I'm obsessed too, also I keep washing my hands , I hope it passes soon as its coating a small fortune on hand sanitizer. The anxiety is still with me although not as bad. Hope we all get to some better place soon. Let me know how you get on x

    • Posted

      Hi all,

      Once you find the right dose and it settles in your system, the intrusive thoughts and symptoms will stop. You will get odd bad days but nothing like at the start. Keep your head up. God bless x

    • Posted

      Hi HopeNFaith

      I hope they stop soon. If people around me knew what is going on in my head they wouldn't understand as its so extreme and obsessive. I'm so pleased I found this group and have people to talk to who do understand and can relate to me xx

    • Posted

      It will get better Julie. Thoughts can be very scary but it’s the anxiety not you. I still get days like that but not as it was before. Take each day as it comes. Things will calm down xx
  • Posted

    Hi Sarah I've just posted the exact same thing . I'm new to this forum and this is my first time posting. So I swooped from 40mg ciralopram 3 weeks ago by straight swop to sertraline my anxiety has sky rocketed and I'm getting irrational obsessive thoughts about my son it's disturbing and scary and i want it to stop. The thoughts arent rationale and panic me I just need hope this will stop and get better !! I feel like I've lost control. You're not alone ...have you got any better since you're post? I'm seeing my doc this afternoon ..btw I'm on 100mg of sertraline and just today reached the three week mark. X

    • Posted

      I’ve actually had a much better day today and felt much more normal. Really hoping it will continue. The start up side effects are the worst. I’m hoping I’m through the worst but I need to up another 25mg at some point. How long have you been on 100mg? I found the side effects mostly settled after the first couple of weeks after the jump up. Hope you feel better soon. X
    • Posted

      Hi Sarah I straight swooped from 40mg to 100mg of sertraline which I've now been on for three weeks it's getting worse not better 😂

    • Posted

      That’s a high dose to start on, so it might take your body longer to get used to it. May be it’s the withdrawal from the CItalopram as well as the start up symptoms youre dealing with. I hope the doctor can help xx
    • Posted

      Yes logic tells me this isn't me and it's only normal but the anxiety kicks in and the silly thoughts and I get all panicked thinking it's never going to get better.

  • Posted

    Hi Ladies! I hope that things start looking up for us soon. Last night I could not get myself to sleep all night from intrusive and obsessive thoughts. Just so irrational too, seem to worry about things that might happen and worst case scenarios. I wish I could just snap out of it! I'm gonna stick to 75 mg and see how I go for another month. Also, I have absolutely no appetite, could be from the constant worry. Xx 

    • Posted

      Well I've just been to the docs and he said by the third week he would have expected to see me improving so it musnt be the right one for me he said wean off that and up my 15mg miryazipine that I take on a night . .that in itself is bonkers so I'm seeing another doc tom ..taking an ssri away is just going to make me hugely worse! Help..


    • Posted

      Oh no! I'm surprised your doctor wants you to come off them so early on. I personally think you should give it some more time perhaps? Also, jumping from 40mg to 100 is a big step up. You would be having sideffects from that alone. See what the other doctor says to you. Hopefully he will give you a good direction. Have you had any improvements at all from when you've started to now? I think that it's the dose that's making you feel this way. I hope you see a light at the end of the tunnel soon. I know how frustrating this all is. Xx 

    • Posted

      Yeah I was surprised also..i want to stick with it ..i was on 40mg ciralopram and straight switched to 100mg sertraline and was told this was the equivalent dosage...i guess any change would play havoc witb you body but the doc said he would have expected to see improvement by now but from what I'm reading on these forums people rarely feel different until about 6-8 weeks min ?

    • Posted

      Wow!  I can’t belive your doc wanted you to come off of it that early!  If you can see a psychiatrist,  that would be best.  General Practitioners don’t generally have a lot of experience with ADs and unless they have used it themselves,  they don’t understand the side effects or correct time line.  I was told it could take 6-8 weeks.  I didn’t start getting over the side effects until 5 weeks in.  If you can’t see a psychiatrist,  then I would suggest sticking with it for a couple more weeks to see how things go.  Hang in there.  This too shall pass.
    • Posted

      Thank you that gives me so much hope I'm definitely sticking with it he was useless ..maybe I need something for the anxiety until it levels out a bit I'll see what the other doc says tomorrow. It makes me feel comforted that the time it takes is much longer than 3 weeks 😁 and thank God for forums like this..

    • Posted

      Xanax is great for panic attacks.  It works fast,  however it only lasts a few hours.  Clonazapan is good for overall anxiety.  It takes longer to work,  but it lasts longer.  Hopefully the doc will give you something to help.  Dont worry about taking something either.  I know I was hesitant about taking additional medication,  but it's worth it to have a little sanity during this rough period and you will only be taking these as needed.

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