is anyone on humira?
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ok so im 27 ive been on meds for years ive tried everything... unfortunitly Im open to all side affect and seem to get affects off every med ive tried, and never the common ones always the rare ones.... I have just finished on methotrexate because I was so sick I was unable to even get up, I caught everthing from colds to infections atleast 3 a month... now they have given me options of cyclosporine or humira... ive had cyclosporine before and I was very sick, lost a lot of hair, nose bleeds that lasted for hours, and so sick and had no energy atall, they recommend humira but reading up about it is scaring me badly. the side affects are awful, im scared they've taken me off this methotrexate because im so ill I cant even take care of my son and my mum pretty much looks after him, and I don't wanna be this bad again, drs say they've had good results from this and I could use some advice from someone who has been here or is here please, I have 3 days to choose and im so lost im tied in nots, people think that it should be an easy decision but I have a child to think about im only young and right now im living the life of an older person.
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mike2014 madkitten23
the side effects do get you down and having arthritis in General gets me down not being able to do what my friends do but I just get on with things the best I can. I would suggest trying humira it does take a few weeks to kick in.
have you had any operations?
if you want to message me for a chat your welcome to.
good luck Mike
MrsP1968 madkitten23
tim465378 madkitten23
robin1975 madkitten23
I am a 41 year old female. I have been diagnosed with RA, PSA, and fibro., All within the past couple years. I started on Methotrexate which made me very ill. Then I tried Humira..... I honestly had very high hopes and was excited for a better quality of life, despite all the side effects. I have it an honest try, and that was six months ago. Still to this day in sick. Always a cold or infection. I never in my life has Psoriasis on the skin despite having psoriatic arthritis. After starting Humira I ended up with two types of Psoriasis. One of which the cause can be Humira and the way to get rid of it can be Humira. I must say that if I would have paid more attention to the commercials for Humira, I would of heard " if you are prone to infection do not use." I think maybe that was part of my problem. I get sick easy. Humira is a very strong medicine and for some it's a miracle and for others it can be a living nightmare or even worse. Just remember, each medicine works quite differently on each person. So for me it was a bad experience for you it could mean remission😊 Just wanted to give my personal experience to you. Best of luck and keep us updated on your decision if you don't mind.
tim465378 madkitten23
tim465378 madkitten23
Don't take Hunira
gabriellaroma madkitten23
Just started humira about two months ago. I've have no side effects and it's way easier on my body than MTX. I've also had no symptoms relief however (yet anyway). With humira I don't think there's anything to be afraid of!
patricia55881 gabriellaroma
robert37427 madkitten23
I am going to ask you to not be fooled by humira. I was on it for 6 months been a year since I came off of it. Now because of it I see my primary care, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, and mental health counselor, and trying to figure out the right meds to put me on do to the side affects of humira. And I am try to find a good place to post mine to get people together as I am talking with lawyer's.
carol65370 madkitten23
hi! i was on mxt for 6 months just for psoriasis but it was too harsh on me- was sick ALOT and hair loss and all sorts, it was horrible- then was moved on to humira for the first few injections i was dreading taking it so painful- had proper anxitiy about it! but then they changed the ingrediants and i was fine after that- really cleared up my skin. then all of a sudden it stopped working skin started to get worse then all of a sudden my joints started becoming a massive problem, like toes, feet, akle, knees, shoulder and neck, bottom of spine, then wrists and fingers- like i was in pain everywhere! so they took me off umia gave me a "flush out period" and now im on stellara- hasnt done anything yet im still in alot of pain
but they did say it could take a while to work!
k81753 madkitten23
Hi,!i don't know about Humari but Cyclasporin is awful,
I spent a week in isolation in hospital, they thought I had meningitis as i was so ill,
It's the only drug I have had a mega re-action to.
I am on a good combination at the moment, hydroxichloraquin, methotrexate and onto my 4thweek of Benepali injections, no nasty effects so far
I hope they find a solution for you soon🌹🌷🌸🌺
patricia55881 madkitten23
my sister has just died of lung cancer after being diagnosed only two months ago. She was on humira for 15 years and never knew it could be a side effect. Just beware because she wasn't.
Sparkslord madkitten23
I have been on Humira for about 3 years. It absolutely changed my life. It was absolutely unbearable to walk because of the arthritis in my hips knees and feet. I also had psoriasis on certain parts of my body, including my face. Now there is no pain from the arthritis and very little psoriasis on my body. I just have a small patch behind my right ear. I am rarely sick. maybe a small cold once per year. The only complaint is the pain of the injection. sounds like there is a newer version without the Citrate, but have not tried this. I do have concerns because of the Covid-19 and my suppressed immune system.