Is anyone post menopause by years on here ?

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Hi ladies

I'm post menopause by 3.5 years and wondered if anyone on this forum has been longer ? I read all your posts and every single symptoms you discuss I experienced while in Peri but never knew it was menopause until I came onto this forum and it was never mentioned to me as I went to see every specialist for all my complaints over the years. I'm still experiencing some hot flushes and anxiety sickness and electric shocks panic attacks etc. So basically what I was asking is do all the symptoms ever go or do we just get used to living with them?

On a lighter note the symptoms a lot of you are experiencing now do improve as to be fair I'm nowhere near as bad as I was in Peri. I have had so many tests medication not HRT so if anyone has any questions I can help with please ask xxxxxxxxx

Hope you all have a much better day today xx

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33 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello cazjaz

    Yes I am post menopause have been for a few months, but gee wiz I am suffering real bad motion sickness feeling and hot flushes I am wondering if I am sane.  Currently taking Premia 2.5 but it does not seem to be working fully in ridding my hot flushes.  If you have any suggestion I would love to hear them please.  Thankyou xx

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      I had that really bad and struggled to even lay down the doctors referred me to ENT department and said it was vertigo but it's a bit of a coincidence that most have it in peri so it could be something that you could look into. I took car sickness tabs to help with balance problems and diazepam when it got really bad as it starts off panic attacks when I lost my balance. Try the motion sickness tabs Hun xx
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      I also drunk cucumber water to help with hot flushes. I don't have many flushes anymore probably 1 a day if that but I think they never go completely
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      Thanks cazjaz, but I am not sure how they go with HRT...would rather wait to see what my doctors advises in two weeks cant get an earlier appoitment all booked up....sad. I will just keep soldiering on as all of us women do.  Thanks for your quick reply.  xx
  • Posted

    Yes in reading on the net they can last up to ten years after menopause.  Great!
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      😭 Always ask a pharmacist if you can mix medication as they know more than the actual doctors Hun and you can buy the motion sickness tabs over the counter. Awesome about the 10 year flushing just another 7.5 years to go still then 😂😂
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      I am experiencing problems in responding to emails ..Hope your stay in hospital is a short one. xx
  • Posted

    I just always worry about my weight more than anything. I still have a good appetite but seems I've lost a bunch of weight in my upper body like arms and shoulders and legs too, but my abdominal and butt are bit bigger. Like slk my weight is shifting. Last year I was so heavy and couldn't lose it if I tried, and hot flashes. Now just night sweats, weight loss and some bouts with anxiety and mood swing, and occasional IBS issues. I always think I have cancer somewhere, but I have been tested for everything in my lower extremities and my thyroid too. All normal. Just have slight gastritis they said, but my stomach never hurts. Just wish someone can convince me your weight loss is from perimenopause. Just skipped 2 mos. from having my period so maybe I am heading towards regular menopause. Then again last year went 9 mos. without it then got it again in the Summer. So weird all these body changes. Wish the madness would end.
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      I had a period last month after 3.5 years and going to the hospital tomorrow as the doctors says it needs to be investigated so I dunno but they do say your not in the menopause till you skip a whole year it's really hard to get to grips with this whole menopause thing sad I only realised all the illness I had and kept going to the doctors with was menopausal and not once did the doctors mention that M word. I have put on a lot of weight with the menopause I have heard it can go either way put on or loose xx
    • Posted

      Hey cazjaz

      Sorry to hear about your problem, best wishes for your stay hope you get some answers that will put you at ease.  I was just thinking about my problem and it crossed my mind, I could be suffering from something totally different as I am post menopause. Gee wiz I am not a doctor but know my body and it is not right.  Tried to get early appointment but failed so have to wait 2 weeks. Once again all the best and keep us posted.  Good Luck stay calm and enjoy hospital food.  xxx

    • Posted

      Oh didi I am with you on that one to...its the pits what we have to endure at this time of life... We carry on regardless.  xx 
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      I seem to be having trouble respondind just testing to see if this sends to you
    • Posted

      Did this reach you. Cazjaz


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      Hahahaha I can see you on here Hun thought you meant private messages lol
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      No on the main forum page....computers they can also drive one crazy..


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      You are distribing my life. But I also have vaginal dryness which is awful😞. I to have lost weight on the top half of my body and had every test under the sun. My anxiety level is so very high. I to think I have cancer all the time and when I have something tested and it's clear,  I go on to something else to test. 

      I don't know if I'm in menapause or peri because I have had a hysterectomy 3.5 years ago. Just started vagifem because of dryness and gynae says it might also help with hot flashes. I did have a U/S in April and Gynae said the ovaries are getting small which means I'm  in menapause. Also my age (54) . I just getting worth now.

      I don't think I can go on for 7 more years . 

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      Good luck and hope everything goes well ( I know they will) xxx
    • Posted

      I can't believe it could be as long as 10 yes. for all this crap to stop. Yeah lost a lot of upper body weight and thinner in my legs too. Seem to be having bowel issues again too. Like especially in the morning. Hate to be gross, but it comes out so fast and a lot of it. Like I've been holding it in for a week. But im not.I've had sweet cravings too. Lots of night sweat too. Usually start around 3:00 am and then if I wake up with them its hard to fall back yo sleep. I think about 2 yes. Into this peri thing. Some of my friends aren't experiencing what I am so I like talking on this forum just to keep me sane. Anxiety foes build when do don't feel and look how you used to and don't know how to control it. Some days its hard to jeep it together. So I get it Rossee. I with you girl.
    • Posted

      Well it didn't go well at all 😢 The lining is to thick so I have to go into hospital for a operation to remove some of it to see if it's cancer 😓😓😓
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      Don't stress I have had 2 D&c and they were fine . My friend after 3 years of no bleeding got her period again and her lining was thick. All was well. Did they say it was cancer? If not don't worry just yet. Sending hugs and prayes xxx
    • Posted

      I have bowel problems also . I think it all part of it. I get myself in such a state. I get hot flushes during the night also but luck I can still go back to sleep. At the moment I'm stressing over having started Vegifem which is coursing very high level of anxiety. Doctor keeps telling me not to worry that it's so low dose will not cause cancer (breast) but I'm googling it and it's scaring me. Like I said I'm over it. Thank god for this forum it helps talking about it.

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