Is anyone post menopause by years on here ?

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Hi ladies

I'm post menopause by 3.5 years and wondered if anyone on this forum has been longer ? I read all your posts and every single symptoms you discuss I experienced while in Peri but never knew it was menopause until I came onto this forum and it was never mentioned to me as I went to see every specialist for all my complaints over the years. I'm still experiencing some hot flushes and anxiety sickness and electric shocks panic attacks etc. So basically what I was asking is do all the symptoms ever go or do we just get used to living with them?

On a lighter note the symptoms a lot of you are experiencing now do improve as to be fair I'm nowhere near as bad as I was in Peri. I have had so many tests medication not HRT so if anyone has any questions I can help with please ask xxxxxxxxx

Hope you all have a much better day today xx

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33 Replies

  • Posted

    thank you for sharing your experiences i have been going through so much anxiety is the worst shoulders acheing mood swings some hot flushes not to bad panic attacks and somerimes feeling doomed seem like when i think about it they get worse i have started more excercise it's een helping my sleep pattern is not well but i started getting on the trendmill at night for about 15 min it helps me sleep better well hope all gets better and better with you and one day this will pass thank you again for being concern about others
    • Posted

      Oh god the shoulder anxiety is the worse I got a neck pillow have you tried that to relieve the stress on it
    • Posted

      no i have'nt tried the pillow but i will anything to relieve this shoulder i have been going through the anxiety for awhile now then the other day i made the mistake of having a cup of coffee and a cig before i went into doc's and of course it made the blood pressure go up a little and i got nervous and anxiety went throught the roof never knew coffee makes your blood pressure rise up so i wont make that istake again drinking coffee before going into doc office
    • Posted

      Drinking decaf tea and coffee is a must Hun.I stopped normal stuff cos of Palpitations x
  • Posted

    Hi i am post menopause and i have been experincing it really badly anxiety, mood swings, feeling hot, acid reflux, stomach issues, sleep problems i just want it to go away too i don't know how much longer i can take with these symptoms 
    • Posted

      Hang in there Hun xx Are you taking anything to help ?
    • Posted

      Not for the stomach issues, I do take pepcid for acid reflux, i take lorazapam for anxieties, but its the sleep that is getting to me its just hard to fall asleep and stay asleep and i have a part time job it seems like i am walking over my two feet when i can't sleep
    • Posted

      I can fall asleep but whether staying a sleep is a different matter lol

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