Is it my gallbladder???
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I'm 25 years old female and previously pretty healthy.
On Jan 16th I started feeling sick. I was vomiting and had diarrhea, and intense stomach pain. Went to the doctor and we both thought it was the stomach flu. She prescribed me nausea and anti-diarrheal medication. And said I should start to feel better in a couple day.
Fast forward to 2 1/2 weeks and I still couldn't keep anything down and still had the diarrhea, and the stomach pain(stabbing) was constant. At this point I have lost 9-10 pounds.
So this is a total of 3 weeks I have been sick. I went back to the doctor and she thought for sure with all of my symptoms it was my gallbladder. So we did bloodwork, ultrasound and a stool sample. All of that came back normal. So she thought it was either an ulcer or Crohn's.
So she thought we should try Prilosec before we go the extensive root and do an endoscopy and colonoscopy. Day 2 of Prilosec and still same results still vomiting and the diarrhea.
I went for an endoscopy on 2/14. The doctor said everything was normal except for some Gastritis, constipation and also there was no ulcer. (I forgot I have been previously tested for Crohn's and it came back negative) I told him I can't see why I'm constipated because I've had so much diarrhea. He wanted me to take Mirlax and Zyntec. He then sent me for a HIDA scan for that Friday.
I've been taking 2 20 mg of Prilosec twice a day, Zantec and Miralax. Well I still have a stabbing pain in my right upper stomach that now radiates to my back and shoulder blade.
Got my results back from the HIDA scan and the ejection fraction is 85%. I go back to my Gastrologist on Thursday. And I need answers. I
I can't live with this anymore. I can't keep any food down and I'm so tired all the time.
So could this be an overactive gallbladder?
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l61899 Jlb1991
Jlb1991 l61899
They have not run lipase labs or an MRI. I'm going to mention this to my Doctor. Thanks for the tip.
charletxo Jlb1991
My HIDA SCAN said mine operated at 30% which made me sick because my food just sat in my stomach for days. My dr told me that 50 - 100 % was best. So it may not be your gallbladder. Did you have an ultrasound for stones ? And I know that pancreatitis can also make you sick. Blood work can also help for elevated liver enzymes Keep at it ... don't give up. It took me a very long time to eliminate other possibilities.
Jlb1991 charletxo
cmross1108 Jlb1991
From my extensive research when I had my sisues, 35-75% ejection fraction is normal - anything above or below is BAD. Mine was 98%. You'd like to think my gallbladder was functioning almost perfect!!! But no - I had mine out 4 months ago and I'm cured. I had anywhere from softer stools to diarrhea. This is caused by too much bile being pushed into your system by the overactive gallbladder. A month or so before my surgery, I had terrible upset/sour stomach too which I attribute to the too much bile being refluxed into the stomach and irritating it. It could be causing your vomiting. I almost could get a discomfort in my upper right abdomen as the day progressed, but it would be gone when I woke up. Closer to my surgery I was having back pain as well.
Especially if your pancreas levels and liver levels were normal, the ultrasound was normal, stool sample showed no blood or inflammation in the intestines and PPIs aren't working, I would assume gallbladder. I feel so great from having my gallbladder removed that I'm not sure I would've tried this before my surgery, but I have heard of bile supplements that you take to help soak up some of the bile and reduce/get rid of the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. This might be an option to try before surgery since your problem seems to be only bile related. If you're interested, ask your doctor. Otherwise, I would suggest surgery.
Jlb1991 cmross1108
Because all of my levels are normal that's why I'm thinking it's my gallbladder. I have a family history of gallbladder disease. im just in constant pain and can't take it anymore.
lynda20916 Jlb1991
Sorry to learn that you're dealing with all this. I'm surprised that your doctor could tell you that the endoscopy indicated you were constipated. After all the endoscopy can only go to the beginning of your small intestine and no further.
Gallbladder sufferers are often diagnosed initially with IBS-D, due to their overactive gallbladders.
What happened to your bowel habits with the Miralax? I'm wondering, because it's a laxative. I'm in the US, and wondering what Zyntec is and what it's supposed to do for you.
At any rate, if your diarreha contains a yellow liquid surrounding your loose stools, what you've got going on is too much bile in your system. Bile is an acid secreted into your small intestine during digestion by the gallbladder. If you have too much of it, you'll get diarreha. You will also have symptoms of acid reflux if it's backing up into your stomach. If you don't have enough bile, you'll get constipated, because bile helps to digest food.
What ever you do, don't try bile salt supplements or enzymes. Your system is over-taxed as it is. If you've got excess bile, you don't need them. There is a prescription drug you can take to absorb the bile. If you private message me, I'll give you the name of it.
Best of luck to you, and let me know how you get on!
Jlb1991 lynda20916
Jlb1991 lynda20916
lynda20916 Jlb1991
Frankly, you don't need the miralax. I'm surprised your doctor told you to take it when you're already having diarreha. Usually, they will recommend fiber, but it seems to me that miralax doesn't have fiber in it at all.
You should know that an ultrasound doesn't always pick up sludge or small gallstones. A CT scan might pick them up, but not always.
I wonder how long you've been working with this doctor. Are you satisfied with his or her performance? Are you on a health plan that requires you to utilize this particular physician.? Because (sorry) it seems to me that any doctor well-versed in these issues would have been more consistent in their approach.
Jlb1991 lynda20916
I agree I don't need the miralax. I've just seen this GI doctor very brifely. Like 2 minutes before he done my endoscopy (which he was 45 minutes late for, while I was in the endoscopy room). So far I'm not satisfied with him.
I don't think he really cares that I'm in constant pain. If he doesn't say anything Thursday. Then I will work will my Primary Care Doctor(who I love) and find another one.
lynda20916 Jlb1991
Good. He sounds like a sorry excuse for a doctor. Please do let me know how you get on...
I know what it's like to have to keep pushing until you get good medical care....
Jlb1991 lynda20916
carol02471 Jlb1991
Poor you it's horrible and soul destroying not having answers, but please don't accept a lesser response from your Dr.
overactive is just as bad as under active.
but also there is a link from gallbladder to the sphincter of Oddi and that also can caus sickness bowel upset, severe pain all the same as GB, often if you have the GB out the Oddi plays up next sadly, but equally it can act up on its own.
my daughter at 20 is going throat it, had gallbladder at 16%, so out and days later the Oddi Disfunction kicked in, unlucky, but similarly is uncanny, so also worth knowing for talks with your GP.
We have found the last 2 days slightly more manageable since she has now been on a free from diet and no dairy for a couple of weeks now and that is making digesting a lot easier for her body.
Wishing you all the very best
lynda20916 carol02471
Glad to hear your daughter is doing better. Â I hope it continues!
carol02471 lynda20916
Thank you Lynda, seems crazy to be happy and excited over 1 day pain free, but it's the first in years :-)
Waiting to see when we can get to see the specialist in London and will keep you updated.
An amazing group of people on this forum so helpful when you feel lost and alone, so thank you to all of you also.
day at a time :-)
lynda20916 carol02471
Please know I'm thinking of both of you! Do keep in touch!
All the best!
Jlb1991 carol02471
Thank you, I've added that to my list to talk with my doctor about. To me it feels like my stomach is not digesting the food I try to eat.
I'm glad your daughter is doing better.
carol02471 Jlb1991
Thank you , I write lists and won't let them go till we have answers & I tick it off the list!!
Keep strong.
Jlb1991 carol02471
It was an Oddi dysfunction. I'm in a lot of pain but my stomach is growling and it hasn't done that in 9 weeks. I'm starving. Thanks for your input it helped me a lot.