Is it normal for one's blood pressure to rise over time in the same way that
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diabetics' blood glucose readings detiorate over time and they eventually have to take nsulin. i ask because my BP has really rocketed over the past 3 weeks for no reason I can think of. Morning readings of well below 110 systolic are now a distant memory; nothing less than 140 and more often between 150-170. Diastolic doesn't fare much better either - frequently in the 90's and over 100. It was never like this. I am now getting readings on a par with the time I was diagnosed which was March 2013. I take Losartan 25 mg, having had it reduced from 50 mg a year ago last July, with no noticeable decline until now.
I'm having a 6 month review on Monday and expect to have the meds increased. .
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AlexandriaGizmo jane243
I have upped my exercise and refrained from eating so much rubbish
not sure I can add anything else
jane243 AlexandriaGizmo
. The BP seems much higher this September than the previous 2: I have been on antibiotics thanks to a tooth abcess i wonder if that is anything to do with it. The last 2 readings have been better - marginally.
Tomorrow is the day and I dare say the reading in the surgery will be sky high as usual! Will keep you posted!
AlexandriaGizmo jane243
gill70346 jane243
jane243 gill70346
gill70346 jane243
helen_07568 jane243
jane243 helen_07568
She has put me back on to 50mg Losartan and said to have another check in 2 months. So I hope that does something as I really don't want a cocktail of all sorts.
She was surprised that I took the BP twice a day and said it wasn't necessary, just to do the 8 day sheet before going to the surgery but I said that had I not done that then I would have been unaware that it had only recently risen and by so much. I pointed out that it had done the same a year ago and she found that interesting.
I have to have a blood and urine test though, and cholesterol and a diabetes test too. Hope they are both OK. Don't you just hate these things!
helen_07568 jane243
jane243 helen_07568
However the dr was going to leave things as they were in the short term particularly when I said the BP did similar things last year, but then she did a check herself and it was over 200 so thought it wise to raise the dose immediately. Instead of giving me a bigger pil she has said to take 2 of the lower dose, not sure why. And to go for another check in 2 months ....
. Meanwhile off I go with my urine sample for a kidney function test. Hey Ho !
helen_07568 jane243
mrs o and fisherman on here hav.nt heard in a while ???? hope you all ok folks
jane243 helen_07568
I don't have the HbA1c and cholesterol test until Friday and I go away for a week on Sunday so will have to wait for the results.
MrsO-UK_Surrey helen_07568
Hope you're ok, too, Helen - at least the weather has perked up nicely for this time of year.
helen_07568 MrsO-UK_Surrey
take care of yourself ...
MrsO-UK_Surrey helen_07568