Is it possible to have LS without itching?
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Hello Everyone!
I was diagnosed with atrophic vaginiitis and have been placed on localized estrogen (vagifem and estrace) but these help me little. I have also had my first Mona Lisa Laser Therapy which is also to treat atrophic vaginitis. The doctor also suggested a biopsy for LS which I haven't had yet. I have very little itching, except ocassionaly, but lots of soreness, pain and burning as well as burning upon urination. All STD's test normal and I haven't been sexually active for at three years now. I am now experience slight soreness and burning around my anus, again with no itch.
Can you please tell me if any of you have LS without itching or very little itching? Also, if you could please tell me your symptoms I would really appreciate it.
Blessings to you all...
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sue162 alexandria69483
i have no itching like you just was very sore. I noticed last May time seams on trousers were painful and so had a look with a mirror and discovered white on labia and my vulva was very red. I also had lesions as well but never itching. On 22 December I had two biopsies done still waiting for results it's been four weeks this Thursday but apparently they take eight. Unfortunately I have emergency appointment tomorrow as I maybe had HSV1 cold sore virus down there and the biopsy had re ignited it some thirty two years later. If you really don't need a biopsy I would think again. The hospital don't know if Clob has done this. I also have severe atrophy and need vagifem as well because of cuts. UNless HSV1 is active it doesn't show on tests.
cynthia40883 sue162
sue162 cynthia40883
Hi Cynthia,
i replied quick as im browsing on here ATM. I agree about post menopause. I've been it for ten years now. I think steroid, biopsy injection has caused damage but sadly biopsy needs to be done. We don't have that therapy here in uk or at least never heard of it. I agree summers make you sweaty down there. Interesting about the solution befor surgery I had that as well. So if you think about it over years and years we use nothing then apply betadine, biopsy, injections, steroid, coconut oil all with atrophy, no wonder we feel sore there. Do you wear skirts and no pants in the heat, I'm not one for skirts but can't wait to get nightie on every night
cynthia40883 sue162
Hi Sue, I had scraping done be a dermatologist in the beginning. He sent for culture. That spot has been a source of pain for 3 years. I had no pain before. For me, no biopsy! Another dermatologist who specializes in LS, said that's what this is and I need no biopsy. About clothing, I have long been a fan of skirts, especially long. They r so popular now anyway. I have rarely been comfortable in jeans or slacks. I also wear no underwear. If it is necessary, I wear a loose cotton. This has been going on all my life with this type of clothing. Pants have always caused irritation for me. I have had some success with a gauze pant, leggings because soft seams, or sweats. I am still trying to figure out what lubrication to use, r u saying coconut oil irritates you? Considering borax treatment.
sue162 cynthia40883
That's good you have someone decent to recognise L S. The coconut oil is nice and does feel better, I just think it's something new I've used to somewhere that had its own ph etc.
diana71766 sue162
alexandria69483 sue162
sue162 alexandria69483
Yeah about thirty two years ago I had herpes and had treatment, I've never had trouble again until after the biopsy about the fifth day after biopsy at each site wound I felt tickling, I thought it was the skin healing but apparently
A trauma like the biopsy, the steroid and probably L S plus uncontrollable stress for the past year has made it re emerge. I will of course let you know what they say after appointment tomorrow. I just want it all to go away. It's hard on all of us with these problems isn't it,
diana71766 sue162
helen34256 cynthia40883
Hi Cynthia
I have LS, confirmed with biopsy. Was given Clob. then found Perrin
Naturals Creme Complete. I didn't want to keep using the Clob because it thins the already thin skin in the area. Stopped the clob after 3 days of Perrins, with wonderful results, Very occ. itch. nothing bad. Have used the Creme for a few months ( not sure exactly) but will keep using it. Also rec'd my first box of Borax, if I need it I will try it. But so far, thank God I don't need it or steroids.
Hope you find something that helps. Also, noticed the itch, if I get it is the same spot as the biopsy. Not sure if the biopsy contributed to the itching.
cynthia40883 helen34256
alexandria69483 sue162
Hi Sue! How did your appt go at doctor? Had a test for LS. It came back negative. My test results only took two weeks. All of my problems seem to be related to a severe case of atrophic vaginitis. On vagifem and had first Mona Lisa Treatment five weeks ago. I'm on a mission to feel better. It has been a year of pain.
I hope you are feeling better? Are you?
sue162 alexandria69483
Hi Alexandria,
helen34256 cynthia40883
There was a tiny bit of burning, nothing much tho. It would also itch for a min. or two then it's ok. Rather use it than Clob stuff.
This is what my report says about my biopsy.
"Sections of the vulvar biopsy show irregular acanthosis with overlying parakeratosis. there is a dence superficial dermal chronic inflammatory infiltrate and focal disruption of the basal layer of the epidermis. There is no atypia and no malignancy.
The findings are those of a dermatitis with lichenoid pattern and likely represents early lichen sclerosis et atrophicus"
Lots of big words. I didn't bother looking them up. I was told it was lichen sclerosis.
When I first got the horrible itching, I didn't see a Dr. for months until I started feeling really sick from the scratching. The one area was raw from the scratching, I think that was what made sick, like an infection would do. I finally thought there must be something wrong, thought maybe cancer. Scarry when I went to see Gyno. I have a presc. for 2% Hyrocortisone I use maybe once every 2 weeks or so. No Clob
Just Perrin's twice daily. 99% better than it was at first. Still a bit of itch, but I learned to leave it alone, it goes away. I hope you find something that works for you. This, so far is working. I just hope the lichen doesn't get worse.The report did say "early lichen" It's been about 6 years now, so hope it doesn't progress. Good luck too all who suffer from this horrible thing.
diana71766 alexandria69483