Is my son on computer too much

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Hello again folks, back again with another concern. My son 19 at college and doing well, its his first year, kids are at school till 18 here in Ireland. He has never really been sport mad, like myself, but he did do rugby for a few years,a bit boxing and was also on the local tug of war team till 2 years ago

But while this was going on his passion was his computers, fixing them making them better and faster, for himself and other people. However the last 18 months he is in his room, constantly when hes not in college and the occational day that he would go out. Playing war games online, mostly with some college work, but mostly games. All the shouting and swearing, that goes with it while playing them, I have played games myself and understand they can be frustrating.

I know he,s only 19, he does have a girlfriend, and when she comes around they spend the entire weekend in his room, watching videos and more games i suspect.

I dont know, I just dont want him to lose out on mixing with people , I was never good at mixing and dont want him to be the same way.

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63 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes unfortunately violent computer games are the new lethal drug, as Tiswas says it releases endorphins in the brain, like heroin! My son's the same and he's off the scale intelligent. He has no idea what's happening in the 'real' world and the danger he's in. No amount of me talking to him makes a difference.
    • Posted

      never hun all her boyfriends have said the same shes selfish .

      when her previous partner was ill they said he may reqiuire a bowel op and have to have a bag , she was already talking about moving on 

      said she couldnt live with someone like that .

      thankfully he passed on before the need for the op

      theres something missing in her head i think its called emotion 

    • Posted

      That sounds like Autism, which is more common place than people realise.
    • Posted

      its not autisum hun ,theres no language with autisum unless taught in a speical way befor the age of 4. 

      people with Aspergers like myself and myson and bro have many traits of Autisum the only differance is we have language  even thou its often later than the average child. 

      she never got up and looked after any of us either when we were ill we were left to look after ourself . 

      she is bigated selfish and below average inteligence not traits of Aspergers .

    • Posted

      The Autistic boy that lives over the road from me has speech, there are many different forms and levels of it.
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      unlikely to have full speech unless taught by a special learning module which i cant remember the name of .

      Aspergers have speech thats one of the main differance is between autistic and Aspergers . there are differant levals of each .

      theres two good books called Aspergers by Hans Aspergers who first noted the differances hence the condition was named after him . and a book written by a teenage boy using  a special device and encouragment from his teacher 

       called the reason i jump ,by Naok Higashida ,and translated into english .when my son was diognosed the specilist said the main differance was the ability to verbaly comuncate .

      even in most Aspergers speech is delayed my son was 3 1/2 before speech . before then he just grunted and growled and head butted and bit . all AUTIstic traits but luckly with a lot of patcents  frustration and hard work we got there . i do think georgia i have a litle more insight and experince on this one. iv got the tshirt .

  • Posted

    Hi Nick,

    I guess everyone is different, but I would never say there is a ratio of "too much" on a computer. Take our house as an example, I started off with electronics back in the 70's (yes, I'm a oldie! lol). I left school in 1980, I built my own computer in the same year in kit form, and I have been in to computers ever since.

    Okay, computers and my social life didn't really have an impact on me, we did not have things like Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media. The closest thing to social media back then was BBS, and it cost too much on the phone line to stay on it.

    In my life with computers, I have programmed games, wrote programs - I have never been a games player, my kids have apart from my youngest daughter, she's 14 but knows how to code and create presentations in 3D. She does not play games either, she used to a her old Nintendo 3DXL. We all have iPads which are wirelessly connected to our computers, my wife and son very rarely do this. But my daughter asked me to set hers up, but there was a good reason. Sometimes she likes to be in the Lounge doing rather than her bedroom, she cannot carry around a large Desktop PC, so she does it on her iPad in the Lounge connected to her PC, it works like a remote, on the iPad it shows her Windows 8.1 desktop and accessories. She can do all her homework from her iPad.

    I have run websites, forums, designed websites, designed modifications, set up servers, built custom computers, fixed them, know all the technical jargon about them. And shown the kids how to play safe online, setup firewalls, etc. Everyone in our house has there own Desktop and tablet, my eldest son uses his for designing graphics for shoes for a guy in the US, he also runs his website. My middle boy uses his to learn programming in different languages, again he can also design. Both of my son's are in Managing jobs, my daughter wants to do 3D design, homes and become an Architect. My wife has her own computer and uses mainly for keeping reports on me on a daily basis (health-wise).

    So, has you see we all use computers but for different reasons, basically what I found over the years is one thing we all have in common, computers! You will probably find as years go by, technology changes, how you build a pc changes, nothing stays the same.

    We all have computers, but we all use them in different ways! Neither one does the same.

    Today I received our 3 month statement from Virgin Media, and though man those are some figues:

    Telephone: Saved £121.77 being with Virgin than BT

    TV we have over 230 channels and access to 2,200 movies and NetFlix on top!

    Broadband: They said I done loads with mine: 645Gb of data downloaded!!! Heavy users....LOL

    I write all my emails on the computer, I cannot write by hand because of nerve disorders. We do have 4 Xboxes - and they hardly get touched!! The novelty wears off after awhile.



    • Posted

      I understand where you're coming from Les. My son is so damn intelligent he could design computer games rather than just playing war games. I've offered so many times to pay for him to take courses to be a game designer rather than an addict game player. Well I can't teach him.

      But he's so caught in that trap, terrible addiction so perhaps it's good that he's not designing games for other young people to get addicted to?

    • Posted

      Thanks Les. Im going through a bout of depression and looking at my kids to make sure they have not been affected. My partner has told me I was jumping to conclusions, and my therapist also commented that, this is all the new way to socializing via, games and facebook. 
    • Posted

      Designing games these days is a big business, in 2015 it was predicted to become a booming industry, and it has for many people.

      A simple game thats free to download can make you thousands a day! There was one guy recently who was making nearly $40,000 a day from one game alone... you don't make money from the game, you do not generate income that way. You put in advertising, now that game just generates thousands very easily! 

      These days you can get free game cores, basically all you do is add or change images and add your publishing code from Google. Facebook is another big earner, but you need big bucks to start you off with.

      Many people hate the annoying adverts, so the alternative to put in an option to Buy a Pro version, which removes all advertising. That way you sold one copy of your game, but lost advertsing revenue. The thing is people will always go for free alternatives, its clever having both options available. Some people add a 5 second screen ad space, so any large company can come along and place a huge ad in your game. You may think whats the point of just one company advertising in your game, it works by placing companies in a sequential order, hence more money for an 'inline' advert!

      Then the taxman will be running after you for his share!! LOL lol

    • Posted

      If I could persuade my son to design games that aren't war games, instead of him wasting his his life playing them all the time that would be have to be better.
    • Posted

      You're welcome! I think all children go through a spate with gaming these days, but it's not one that will last. The way I look at it is 'over time' - look at computers in the 80's graphics were very blocky, these days well were on what is classed a "Twin-Blade" it's a term where technology is about to change in a big way.

      At the moment we have LED HDMI 1080p TV's and Monitors, and we are heading for the 4k transfer, so basically a newer and far more advanced technology. No TV channels are yet using 4k, but the XBOX ONE and Playstation 4 are two consoles that are 4k compatible. If you are wondering what 4k is, think of getting a 42" HDTV that maybe in front of you and doubling the size! - but on doing so, instead of the picture showing small squares or pixels, the image is actually 4 x better than what you currently see and TV's will go beyond 80" and still look crisp!

      Can you see people buying such TV's just to play games on? I can't - I would rather watch some of my documentaries with David Attenborough in Blu-ray, I have nearly the whole collection, sometimes my daughter will sit and watch some of them with me, they have been on TV before, but Blu-ray beats High Definition images.

    • Posted

      Love David Attenborough! And Brian Cox etc.

      You said it's a spate but since my mum bought my son an x box when he was about 15 it's all he does and he's 24 now. Is that a spate? I wouldn't have let him have one but she didn't ask me, his mum.

    • Posted

      One of the eternal verities of life 


    • Posted

      Hmmmmmmmm.......  9 years playing an Xbox!! That is a lot more time than I expected, I don't see addictions like that in our house. I would class that as an addiction, but on saying that he could get paid for playing games.

      These days many people are testing games in their Alpha, Beta forms - then write a quick review on the game, or the more technical people will actually check game code before it is compiled. The money you can make in these jobs are something like £40k-£50k upwards depending on experience (No, I don't mean actually playing the games) - I am referring to decomping and recompiling gaming code, basically it means taking the game apart and fixing bugs, then putting them back together again.

      I tried getting my middle son to work for Microsoft as a High Level Computer Analyst, pay well after full training you would be looking at around £115k + bonuses a year! It is not an easy job, but then the pay is worth the work you do. If I remember correctly a car is provided as long as you work for them. But this sort of job would require an outgoing personality and being able to communicate on a high social level - probably the key would be Assertiveness and Confident towards your team, and presenting your teams work, for future reference.

      Georgia, with me (not literally George! lol ) the chance of even playing a game would be a accomplishment in itself. I spend most of the day fighting to get this body working as best as I can!

      This morning was one of those days, I got the hospital bed last week and last night a guy came out and fitted metal pull bars around the pillow area. I woke up this morning and I could tell it was one of those frustrating days when I have to fight my body in bed.

      I started at 7.45am and by half-time at 8.15am I was still in the darn bed! Half a hour had gone by and I was still in bed, its like you want to get out of bed, but your body will not obey you. I did not bother calling my wife I thought I had it all under control - the remote in one hand and the bed bar in the other. So, I tried again and again, and eventually got myself sat up, but facing the wrong way - gawd, I wish I was a genie sometimes!! LOL Oh well, round two - bad position, facing the wall - well, 15 minutes and tugging at the metal bars and was the right way. The trouble with Dystonia is its like fighting yourself, you want to go somewhere it will refuse, it took me another 30 minutes roughly to get to the Zimmer (I did an awful attempt at making the bed), the quilt was half on half off. I left it like it - I had already spent well over an our getting out of bed!! I didn't bother getting dressed, I was only having breakfast and had no appointments. I was supposed to have a Pain Management Clinic appointment today, but I thought whats the point the Consultants had all contradicted one another, and instead of lowering the Tramadol, they had increased it!!

      I'm sure there is a communication breakdown with hospitals and doctors these days!! Today would only have been an appointment where I would be asked why haven't I changed medications, I don't think he would like me saying well I'm on a larger dose of Tramadol and a they ignored your change completely!

      Oops! Off with the fairies again, I'm sure this started on games! lol Oh well, I apologize to Nick for swaying off course! Haven't long took Tramadol...eek



    • Posted

      Firstly on gaming addiction there was a horrific news report several years ago. A young Japanese couple were addicted to a game in which you look after a virtual child, a bit those little those little gadgets where you look after a pet, can't remember the name of them.

      They had a real baby and it starved to death because they were addicted to looking after the virtual child. Yes I kid you not!


    • Posted

      ' its like you want to get out of bed, but your body will not obey you.'

      Yes, 10 years of that! I empathise deeply. What's Dystonia, I'm unfamiliar with that term?

      '(I did an awful attempt at making the bed)'

      You're a fighter so pat yourself on the back for trying Les! Kudos 

      I'm sure there is a communication breakdown with hospitals and doctors these days!!'

      I can't remember how many different people have come here with different job titles and I keep having to answer the same questions over and over again to new people without getting through to them. It's soul destroying! sad Especially because I have go through all that so they can remove my care craftily

      Les fairies and dragons are beautiful because they help our imaginations to fly and we need to use that for happiness. razz


    • Posted

      I sent you a Private Message showing you what Dystonia is, well in just one form. When I first got it about 30 years ago, it was basically unheard of in the UK, but there was a few cases, which is why doctors here did not have a clue. It was eventually diagnosed about 2 years of various tests and seeing many consultants in Neurology, but not by anyone from the UK.

      A meeting was arranged for me to see a Professor David Marsden, who was a specialist in the field of Neurology. I met him in the Queens Hospital, in London on many ocassions - at first he diagnosed Focal Segmental Dystonia, but very few people could hardly pronounce it, let alone write it down as my main disorder - so they changed it to Torsion Dystonia. Basically, back then it meant it was a Dystonic condition affecting only a few or less limbs. I was only the 7th known case in the UK. This number has grown considerably since then, my Dystonia condition progressed to Generalized Dystonia - which means basically everywhere. Because it is a affects the nerve system, you also get other conditions linked to it, in my case it led to Epileptic Seizures, Functional Episodes, and a bone disorder. I mentioned in the PM to you about dentist and the problems it causes. With a normal person teeth can be extracted easily, with me it is no where near easy.

      The last time at the dentist I needed one tooth out, one or two injections and a pull should have been enough. But no, not with me!! Nothing is simple, but my bones are "non-pliable" - basically, they do not allow for pliability so a tooth can be extracted from the jaw bone. A specialist was called from the local hospital, instead of pushing and twisting it, which would normally work on anyone else. My jawbone had to be drilled and then the tooth came out and a few stitches put in. That wasn't the end of it, I have problems with blood clotting, so I ended up with "dry socket" which is probably ten times more painful than a toothache!! And it hurts for days!! if not a couple of weeks. Your jawbone and nerves are exposed until the gum grows back over it.

      Georgia, did you look at that website I showed to Tiswas and George? They deal with many things, with DLA, PIP or ESA they even fill the forms in for you, attend the assessment with you, etc. They have a team of professional people that work for you. All they ask for is a £1 donation, and guarantee a 95% success rate of your claim or whatever you need help with. I've had 5 people ask about the details.

      Well, last night was the first night I have had where I hardly woke up, apart from once when I thought someone was having a shower at around 3am in the morning - but that was my mind playing tricks on me! It was my hospital mattress where I had altered it slightly, it releases pockets of air and the pump kicks in and pumps more air in, its to stop bed sores!

      My family say I'm with the fairies if I accting weird from my tablets. LOL




    • Posted

      this is more common than you think its happened in the states and in the uk ,

      some women  played a game for so long she died from her kidneys packing up from not going to the loo, theres even something called a poop sock so you dont have to move from the game .

      if you dont believe it put in a search . plus theres also a increase in adult nappies and not due to illness. theres nappies on sale at asda for teenagers and even bridal nappies .  its all down to lazyness .and stupidity .

      but still its created another market for big buisness to make lots of money 

    • Posted

      Aw hell! I have good news. My son phoned to wish me a happy and he'd bored with playing the games. At last! Yay, best birthday presant ever. razz

      Now we just have to work out what he's going to do. I'm so happy right now. 

    • Posted

      really pleased encouragment now . i sort of understand why they get involved in gameing theres not a lot of other stuff for them to do these days 

      theres a great need for self worth which comes with employment and this is being denied the youth . he needs a job and a purpose hun like we all do  i know you know this any chance of more training .

    • Posted

      That's exactly what he said, 'But I haven't got anything else to do!' Well seeing as the Polish people have got most of the jobs in town it's not surprising.

      Les may be able to help us with that. 

    • Posted

      Hi Georgia,

      This may seem a stupid question, considering he's in to XBOX and Playstation. Has he ever thought of playing games on a PC?

      There is a good reason I ask, there are companies on the internet that allow people to have their own servers. What I am looking at is a Gaming Server, all the latest games can be played from them, but there's a difference you hire out the servers to the people, whom may have friends that may want to hire a server. You pay a very minimal amount aft the start, but as you grow so does your, income which can derive from hiring servers out, revenue generated from advertising, all the coding is done for you.

      There are many ways of making money, even the 1,000 Square Matrix Scheme, once one is full you start a new one. The first guy that come up with this method earned over a million in a few months!

      There are also the scammers, and they take money very easily and prey on the vulnerable people with pyramid schemes. My brother fell for one years ago ended up £15,000 in debt to his own bank!



    • Posted

      He plays on the x box and computer games. I told him about you and your son, and that you might be able to suggest things he can do to earn a living.

      He thought he'd have to go to university to learn how to be a proper game designer or computer technician so that it was out of his bounds because of the high financing involved.

      And though he's very intelligent he doesn't like studying. He gets bored with it. I'll email him your message, thanks Les! razz

    • Posted

      Hi Georgia,

      There is a lot of things on the internet that look very complex, but when you look at the compiling code, and mean it is very easy to pick up.

      Let's say for example you wanted to design your own browser, yes I know sounds impossible or out of reach in many peoples intelligence, in fact everything to design a browser is already in Windows itself. All you need is a simple text based program like Notepad, and know a bit about how to call in .dll files, these are files in Windows aptly named Dynamic Linked Library Files. Once compiled you then have copies or links to these files depending on your coding, just in one file which is an executable file.

      You can join forums where people will answer questions if you get stuck.

      You have people like me that use special enhanced secure browsers, which stops any virus or malware ever getting in your PC. Most people use box standard browsers then wonder why they get viruses, etc. I do not worry about sites tracking me, because they blocked and classed as threats. Take this morning for instance, I checked my Privacy log and I've been only on Virgmedia, Virgin Mobile, Gmail, Google, Patient, and Facebook, yet I have been attacked 75 times in 4 hours!! And, people think they are safe.

      Designing a browser, is no more than about 20 lines of code, which is easy.



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