Is Sertraline really the answer?
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My ex partner died a few weeks ago leaving his two children. I only found out he had been taking Sertraline amongst other medications. Without being told of his state of mind I found out he overdosed on 18x 100mg Sertraline previously to his death and was admitted to the warneford only to find out he was given 200mg Sertraline tablets and left to rot in his flat!! This was an added contributing factor to his death, this anti depressant makes you have suicidal thoughts it doesn't help you!!! What you need is people around you to know what your going through so they can help you break out of the feeling of loneliness and isolation. Medication doesn't treat you it masks the problem. Please please tell someone you are struggling and find alternative ways to get you through life for the sake of your loved ones. If you have no one then counselling sessions and being with qualified people can help. Medication has side effects!!!!
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misssunshine10 nic75999
Suicidal thoughts are listed as a side effect. Not everyone will necessarily experience that but some do and if the doctor is any good he/she should warn you of this and if you do experience to let them know straight away. Anti depressants aren't bad they have helped alot of people from down places they have possibly helped to save a lot of life's instead of causing death you just have to find the right brand and dosage that suits you
nic75999 misssunshine10
That's the problem, not everyone is aware of the dangers or the level of care while taking these tablets and aren't monitored closely. I understand it does help some people but it is still a danger without proper supervision.
misssunshine10 nic75999
nic75999 misssunshine10
They didn't. Why give someone more and higher dosage if that's what you've tried to end your life with before!
misssunshine10 nic75999
iris46 misssunshine10
nic75999 iris46
fancy_fun nic75999
The truth is..there is not much montering after the medication is prescribed..speaking from experience..was given sertraline 25mg, graduated to 75mg..advised through emails from my increase if needed?? was not prepared for this mind, body is a very dangerous medication, with life threatening side effects, physical and mental..I'm off now, finally..most difficult road in my 60 sorry about your have spoken the truth..there are other careful
fancy_fun iris46
Psyched_Out_Kim fancy_fun
Wow! I've honestly never heard of psychiatrists emailing patients, especially concerning medication. That's pretty scary.
misssunshine10 nic75999
nic75999 misssunshine10
I'm stating the fact that proper supervision is needed, my ex partner was left to get on with it. The doctors need to be careful who they prescribe too. I don't want to cause stress to anyone but to say to people if you can find alternatives to anti depressants please do.
Psyched_Out_Kim misssunshine10
fancy_fun misssunshine10
nobody is trying to scare anyone..ignorance is not bliss..this is a forum to share ALL experiences..the "good, bad & ugly" everyone has to make an educated decision
iris46 nic75999
nic75999 iris46
Even 'May' is too risky.
iris46 nic75999
iris46 nic75999
nic75999 iris46
I don't know the NHS us a big issue in itself. I am hoping the full inquest will ensure this doesn't happen again.
nic75999 iris46
I know people can what a thing to say. I'm trying to point out there are OTHER ways to deal with depression
iris46 nic75999
maureen75524 nic75999
Many peole need A.D.'s and are alive today because of them. People respond to medications differently. I went through hell on A..D.'s for 2 years, they were not for me. My son has been on them for years and they've changed his life. It took several trial and error sessions to get the proper one, plus 3 hospitalizations. Your ex should've been having weekly appts. with his dr. during this time or committed hmself to hospital. I felt so awful on A.D.'s and each time I saw my physician she'd increase the dosage. I'd finally had enough and said we're done, I I feel worse than before I started. I tapered down too quickly though and suffered terrible side effects for over a year and a half. I was put on them for seasonal effective disorder.
I have a friend who has been on sertraline for 20 years, it was the first A.D. her Dr. perscribed and it worked, she was fortunate. Depresson is a chemical imbalance in the brain. I don't know any other way to correct this than with A,D,'s, if you're chronically depressed.
Your Ex obviously did not have appropriate support sytems in place to help him through this very difficult time, my condolences to you and your family.
LFCste iris46
Psyched_Out_Kim nic75999
There are other ways to deal with depression, but just like meds, they're not always successful. Unless someone is an inpatient at the hospital, there's no way a doctor or staff members could watch someone 24/7. That's where friends, family, and loved ones come in, but sometimes that still isn't enough. If a person truly wants to leave this world, they'll find a way, and a perfect time when nobody is around. It's a very sad situation that unfortunately happens way too often.
I don't think the meds can take 100% of the blame. Most times the thought of suicide is there long before meds even come into the picture, but is kept silent.
nic75999 Psyched_Out_Kim
He kept his way of life hidden but he had no family support. He loved his kids dearly and I know he didn't commit suicide this time but was on various medication and with this not being in the right frame of mind he didn't stand a chance. He was failed by the NHS system, like you say they don't have the facilities to watch people 24/7 but if I had known I would have been his support with other people who cared. They should inform the family members about their relatives wellbeing because we could have stopped it.
nic75999 iris46
Counselling with trained professionals. I don't like your tone, you come across very smug and self rightous. I have lost a loved one and i'm trying to protect others from being in a similar position. If you have nothing constructive to say then don't say it on my discussion.
Psyched_Out_Kim nic75999
Very true, but there's a confidentiality clause with adults, and that's what makes it hard. If you ex portrayed himself as in control or getting better when seeing a doctor, they wouldn't feel that they needed to contact anyone. Since it seems that he kept this issue to himself, there's a good chance that he didn't list an emergency contact number. I'm in the US, so I only know how the pharmacies here work. With every prescription there's a leaflet explaining what the medication does, possible side effects, and what to do if you experience any of the adverse reactions listed. The pharmacist also gives a brief rundown like when to take the medication, how often, without or without food, and things to avoid such as alcohol, certain juices, or direct sunlight. That's for all medications, not just antidepressants. If your ex was told or even given a paper stating not to mix his meds with other meds or alcohol, and he did, unfortunately I'm sure his death would be looked at as his fault, and not the fault of the doctor or pharmacy. Hopefully a tox screen will be done to determine what the exact cause is.
There's a lot of stigma around mental illness, and taking meds for it, so many people end up keeping it to themselves. I used to take this very same medication, and once it was fully in my system, it helped a lot. It didn't make my depression and anxiety disappear, but helped me learn to deal with it. After years of being told that I should get off the medication, and basically harassed about it, I quit cold turkey, and that's extremely dangerous. It's been almost 6 years now, but I've recently hit an extremely low point. I wrote my goodbye letter to my daughter, and a general one to the family. I briefly considered going back on the medication, and that's how I found this forum. I haven't decided on the meds yet, but will figure it out eventually. Sometimes just that little strand of hope that a stranger offers is enough to get things moving in a better direction, but other times you can't grab that strand no matter how hard you try.
nic75999 Psyched_Out_Kim
That's the thing he never did portray himself in dealing with his issues or in control. I found medical reports stating the opposite and i'm shocked they let him go back into his miserable lifestyle alone. It makes me angry and breaks my heart at the same time. The law should change with regard to the secrecy of someone who has troubles medically and psychologically and make sure the next of kin is aware or someone in their life who is a supportive role model.
I'm so sorry to hear of your experiences and that dreadful time where you were writing your goodbyes. Remember this, your children NEED YOU mine would give anything to have their Dad back I wish he could see how much they loved him. We are living a nightmare at the moment and all it would have taken is communication I know that for a fact. It's amazing how talking can help, sharing your feelings and planning positive things with your children could make a big difference. I hope you get through difficult times too.
Psyched_Out_Kim nic75999
Awww, he knows how much his kids love him, so don't ever worry about that.
Depression is a tricky beast. It can make people feel that they're a burden to others, or that they're hindering the lives of loved ones. They know they're loved, and they love right back, but feel they're ruining the lives of their loved ones. How crazy is that? Having to deal with the death of a loved one can be a life long battle, yet depression will whisper to that person and make them believe that leaving is the best for everyone. That is the voice of illness.
Whether your ex did this on purpose, or it was accidentally done, one thing remains the same, and that's the fact that he was sick. There should be absolutely no shame in that, because people from sicknesses all the time. Unfortunately, many in society think that because they don't see physical problems or changes, the illness isn't there. That thinking adds to the stigma, and those affected will hide their illness even more. Your ex tried to get out once before, so there's a very strong chance that from that point on he felt he needed to hide his illness. If in the future you let people know that your ex died because he was very sick, that would be the absolute truth. For the sake of you and the children, remember how he lived, not how he died. His illness and death doesn't define him. All of this will take some time, it will be hard, but you'll get through it.
There may come a time when someone else has reached their limit, and maybe by sharing your story, and how mental illness has affected your family forever, you could help someone off the ledge, so to speak.
I wish you and your children nothing but the best.
Preston89 iris46
This is incorrect. SSRI's in general CAN worsen or even cause suicidal thoughts in people that had never previously had them.
nic75999 Psyched_Out_Kim
Thank you, what you wrote does make me understand more. I am hoping people can read my experience and realise they can have people in their lives who truly care even when they don't know it. I just wish NHS will learn from my ex partners troubles and the way in which he was handled as a patient.
Thank you again for your kind words.