Is there anyone out there feeling symptoms daily?
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Ok Ladies it's me again. Lately im been coming on her quite frequent. I want to know is it anyone else out there that is feeling so awful just about every day? Seriously, this has been ongoing almost two years now. Is it just me? I mean feeling so so bad i cant even explain. 😢 Yesterday , I got up and was feeling not great but I managed to pushed through it. Suddenly out of the blue I started to feel better right after church. But this morning I woke up feeling the usual, with anxiety, ill to the stomach, heart palpitations, the list goes on. Is it just me or what?
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Guest mary27278
Hi Mary, I just answered you on my are absolutely not alone. I have been a mess since July 2017. I can only hope that we are getting closer to the end. Big, tired hug to you 😃
Guest mary27278
Never had one symptom free day, about 2 1/2 years into it.
I don't have non- functioning days anymore, that was my first year.
If I ever feel like my normal old self I don't know what I'll do. I'm not even sure I can remember what that felt like. I just know that I didn't walk around thinking about how horrible I feel all the time. This really rots. So far my 50s have been a bust.
anxiousface Guest
suzanne, i could of wrote your post as i feel exactly the same .Started in peri end of 2011 then into meno in 2015 . Not felt my normal self since then and like you say i can't remember what a normal me is like. But when i have a few hours of feeling ok i cherish it.
My 50's so far have been horrendous which saddens me and i feel for us all. i don't think i could carry on wothout this forum which i rely on for support.
thank you all. GINORMOUS hugs to you all x
Nettie261962 mary27278
Every day... feel awful.
bev27429 mary27278
You are definitely not alone, that I know for sure! Sadly, women have to bear this awful time in our lives. For me, the intense symptoms have been going on for just over 18 months. I keep praying that it will end soon, as it is beyond difficult to continue to bear it. I keep telling myself that this is just a phase in my life, and one day, I will be done and be able to get back to the person that I was. Until then, I force myself to continue on with my life to the best of my ability.
I also reach out for support to those who understand and love me.
Sending positive thoughts your way.
pamela2016 mary27278
everyday for the past three years never any breaks or peace. I have a head cold on top of all these symptoms and the dizziness is so bad and that stays with me daily. hang in there it has to get better for us all
Guest mary27278
You are definitely not alone. I have had daily non stop symptoms since March 2017, so for nearly 2 years now. I am turning 44 this year. Had so many tests and been to many doctors and specialists etc. It is little wonder we are all suffering from anxiety when this just doesn't seem to let up. I struggle to get through every day with a full time job and kids 12 and 14 to look after. I am a single mum, so I have no choice but to get up each day despite how bad I am feeling. But we must remain hopeful that this will eventually pass, I have heard from many women on these forums and chats who say that it does. Take care and stay strong.
lucy48229 Guest
Hi JenJen75,
I am praying for you. I thought my life is awful, but your one is more tougher than my one. At least my kid grows up already! It is the day she married my menopause started! It has been gone through for 3 years now. No of day has not symptom and pain! We hold our hands and be stronger!
mauiblue mary27278
hi Mary
yes I completely understand that's me two years now.
went from being okay with a little health anxiety too very very depressed and can't climb out so I completely understand.
Know that you are not alone and that this forum is excellent
For me I'm afraid it would be a long transition to being better .
tam34579 mary27278
The symptoms accompanied with this is a long line of crazy. It's not just you and you are not alone .I literally missed my period by almost 3 months and tonight it seems im spotting . I have been unable to sleep since I missed my period. Sweat every night for the past year . Feel nauseated sometimes especially . Loss of appetite. Nerves shot, im uptight, and two days ago started having anxiety feelings so bad for no reason that I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack or hyperventilate.. I had to do breathing meditation. In through nose to count of 5 hold a couple seconds and breath out to count of 10 from your mouth. My worst problem is inability to sleep. I am 47 in a few days been having hardly any symptoms until the past year.
sherri87081 mary27278
Mary, I feel the same way. It seems like things will never get better. I have good and bad days, but it seems the anxiety never lets up. I feel so sad and depressed most of the time. I want the old me back. I just try to take one day at a time. Hopefully you get some relief soon. Hugs to you.
julee15466 mary27278
I have symptoms every single day, however, there are some days where my symptoms are what I like to call "good symptoms." I have days where I'm manic with energy, so at least I can get some things accomplished on those days. Others I want to crawl under a rock and hide. Just seems like there's no "normal" days any more.
shannonmairs7 mary27278
Every. Darned. Day.
I now judge a good day as one that just has less symptoms, which really stinks. Who would have guessed!?!?
Hang in there!!!
sunaina1983 mary27278
Helllo dear
same here symtoms all days...want to be like me again .
ur not Alone dear
will be better with time
mary27278 sunaina1983
Hi Sunaina I had an appt with endocrinologist on yesterday and he tells me perimenopause doesn't cause all of these symptoms . This is why I'm thankful for this forum.
lucy48229 mary27278
My GP said exactly same thing. Haha! They are male doctors!
sunaina1983 mary27278
helloo dear
U will be ok soon..Be strong...we all have to overcome this phase..Its Roller Coaster Ride ..Long dark tunnel but it has light on other side .
Take care of ur diet..add Flaxseeds and fluids in will be helpful.
and ur right this site is too us hope that that ur not alone..we will get out of this phase soon.
Tk of urself
sunaina1983 lucy48229
Male Dr will never understand our pain 🤣🤣