Is this Balanitis? I'm 21, had it most of my whole life, no treatment has worked
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Hello, I've seen a doctor many times about a mild condition I have on my penis glans, have been prescribed 3 different creams including Betnovate and a Hydrocortisone, a course of antibiotics and a swab which said I was clear and still the condition remains. I used to have a tight foreskin up until last year which is now sorted from stretching, and I think the condition began during my teenage years when I wasn't able to wash the glans. It often feels dry and can sometmes feel slightly painful when the foreskin retracts, almost like its rubbing and the sensitivity everywhere is quite high still, not sure if this is due to the condition. The urethra opening is always red and inflamed and red areas appear frequently around the glans itself. Any advise on what I should do would be much appreciated, have attached a photo too. Many thanks!
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john54641 Verstarix
I have prostate swelling for years, have glans skin damage and some kind of new developing issue with painful meatus, red (for months) burning a bit comes and goes, tonight it is a lot worse .
the list of things it COULD be is huge. I have spent weeks making notes of people's cases like others have , and it is endless really
we need to rule out STI multiple times, via every most accurate method , rule out bacteria mycoplasma etc ureaplasma ,prostate , pelvic floor issues ,nerve issues /damage,look into bacterial creams , fungal topical and internal products, diet key for skin issues , some found great help with spending a lot of time in the sea ,some with trimovate 3 in one ointment ,some meatus improvement with 1% hydro cream lightly on meatus ,some with same thing but eumovate ,some found histamine to be the issue , a few by hammering the candida angle ,as I say by addressing internal gut level and topical (some used probiotics and castor oil topically- but a couple castor oil made worse)
It's so hard not to let this drive us nuts but try your best keep the stress as low as possible and slowly work through the right branches to go down and you can't do this all yourself you need doctors but keep in mind their shortcomings too , just keep ruling things out one by one and trying things . I suggest doing a few days research on here, seeing which symptoms match best to your issue, and what you have already ruled out, making some notes and try your best to focus on one at a time AND IGNORE THE S**T OUT OF THE REST ...just accept it likely be a long term issue as is clear by now, and try not to let it dominate your life. This is very stressful but stress only adds to the issue ,so stay consistent on powering forward with progress, one by one, but in the meantime be sensible with risks etc,and just try to accept it and don't let it dominate all your waking thoughts. Best of luck to you all please keep in touch on here we all need support and help but not at cost of it being a 24/7 obsession thing
donkey1234 Verstarix
hey guys, just checking in.
ive just been prescribed a second fortnight of cipro, symptoms are pretty same as 2 week ago.
does anyone notice when sitting for a while that their penis goes numb/cold, its almost like the blood isnt flowing properly when im sat down
chris58722 donkey1234
Yes "usually" when it feels the worst, I can feel the head and it's colder. This is most often when sitting but not laying down.
mike01515 chris58722
same here, about 2 months ago i was getting vibrations or feeling like vibrations in my penis tip.... about 30 seconds apart and would last 5-10 minutes at a time , that lasted for a few days then went away.. anyone else have anything like that???
donkey1234 chris58722
yeah exactly the same, only happens when um sitting... laying down is more comfortable of late than sitting, so i opt for that most of the time
donkey1234 mike01515
i had this a couple of weeks ago, not happened recently though
steve580 Verstarix
me too! the tip of my penis gets so cold - I have had the vibrations too when i sit for a long time - I have restarted using and antibiotic cream my doctor prescribed - he says i have to use it for 4 weeks
donkey1234 steve580
i had this a couple of weeks ago, not happened recently though
chris58722 steve580
which cream
Wensbylove Verstarix
Hello !
i researched penis states on the internet, i finally realize that the abnormal i have in my penis is balanitis.
how can you help me treat this disease quickly as possible please
chris58722 Verstarix
Just for informational purposes, can everyone state what causes this onset if known?
Mine was unprotected sex with a new partner and symptoms began 2 days later.
james19416 chris58722
Not really sure what started it.
mike01515 james19416
i had a kidney stone... passed it and it was huge by the way... about 3-4 days later i had a sharp pain in my tip when i peed ... ive been jacked up ever since.. i go back next week to the dr so maybe he has some good news
donkey1234 chris58722
had unprotected sex.
cleaned penis afterwards with liquid handwash.
started feeling tingling sensation 1/2 days after.
balanitis type markings were a few weeks later but also shortly after using aqueus cream
all clear on sti/blood/urine tests... i do have Prostatatitis which im currentky having treated, no improvement after 2 week
HeadTrauma james19416
chris58722 - I also used a Trojan with Nonoxyynol-9 for the first time ever. I always wonder if I was allergic to this which brought on the stinging / inching /redness However, ruff sex was at the same time which I believer tore the opening of my penis 1mm or so. It does say this product uses Natural Rubber Latex which may cause Allergic Reaction. I don't know and three different Dr. have no clue.
1801 chris58722
same with mine