Is this Balanitis? I'm 21, had it most of my whole life, no treatment has worked
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Hello, I've seen a doctor many times about a mild condition I have on my penis glans, have been prescribed 3 different creams including Betnovate and a Hydrocortisone, a course of antibiotics and a swab which said I was clear and still the condition remains. I used to have a tight foreskin up until last year which is now sorted from stretching, and I think the condition began during my teenage years when I wasn't able to wash the glans. It often feels dry and can sometmes feel slightly painful when the foreskin retracts, almost like its rubbing and the sensitivity everywhere is quite high still, not sure if this is due to the condition. The urethra opening is always red and inflamed and red areas appear frequently around the glans itself. Any advise on what I should do would be much appreciated, have attached a photo too. Many thanks!
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Riggsy Verstarix
Hey team,
It's great to see people being active on here and sharing ideas! Here's hoping we find relief and perhaps a cure 🤞
It seems that a lot of us have experienced a form of "trauma" down below and there is now a residing issue - my doctor mentioned it's like a scar and may not heal completely, but let's hope for as much relief as possible.
Personally, mine was the result of "playing" too rough and too much discomfort on my penis. I have a lot of the symptoms noted here and it is generally inflamed, perhaps a form of balanitis.
I found stretching the foreskin over the head of the penis very beneficial, as well as keeping it dry.
More recently a doctor asked me to use "Cetaphil" when washing, to try and retain moisture on the head without having to apply a moisturiser, which after a week has worked rather well.
I shall keep updating on progress, but so far so good
Hope it helps others!
james19416 Verstarix
Has anyone heard of prostatitis being cured? Doesnt sound like anyone has had any success at all, judging from this thread.
donkey1234 james19416
it appears everyone on here is struggling to get rid of the prostate issue.... surely theres some link between the penile issues and the prostate issues..... surely someone out there has had this and fixed it and can help us
james19416 donkey1234
After being diagnosed with prostatitis last Wednesday, Feb 19th, I've been taking Sulfamethaxozoale (antibiotics). I've also cut out alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, sex/masturbation and i'm sitting considerably less hours a day now that im using a standing desk more. Here is my status since then:
donkey1234 james19416
im on ciprofloxacin. ive noticed a slight improvement if any, abdominal pain has eased a touch and my penile issues have gotten fractionally better. im pretty much always on my feet at work and i too have cut out alcohol & spicy food. i didnt have much pain in urethra before, more of a tingling with the occasional sharp pain, thats still there jusy maybe reduced a little
mike01515 james19416
this is not prostatitus . this is what they all say. they dont know what it is. i have had prostatitus before... this is not the same
chris58722 mike01515
There are 4 different types of prostatitis. This shows symptoms of a bacterial prostatitis.
The fact that cutting form alcohol and spicy foods helps it would seem that it has a direct impact.
With that being said, I have days or waves that come and go a few days at a time where it seems to be practically gone, then it comes back. Back and forth, but seems to get a little better each few days. I'm about 4 months in and I'd say it's about half of what it was when it started.
james19416 chris58722
Chris have you asked a doctor about Balanitis or if any fungal creams might help? I'm going to ask mine when I see her next Monday. And i'm thinking about seeing a dermatologist.
chris58722 james19416
I'm circumcised and from my understanding that only affects people that are not.
chris58722 james19416
I just ordered an antifungal cream that will be here in a couple weeks that I will be giving it a try just in case.
donkey1234 james19416
i got a 1 week prescription for balanitis and cream also..... made absolutely no difference whatsoever
john54641 Verstarix
guys does anyone have visible blueish /some kind of damaged skin, within urethra? is hard to spot so have a really close look carefully trying to open as wide as comfy . i saw other posts similar. I have had it for a few months but only just realised tonight . similar as on this thread although mine is less than that . i tried to put a swab in to test tenderness and man , all of it hurts feels damaged tissue . (but I don't have 24/7 urethra pain ). I do have prostate issues
donkey1234 john54641
tried having a look down mine. ouch!!! bloody hurt when i tried opening it to inspect, and then was pretty sore for a good hour afterwards, was hard to tell whether it was normal or not.
i do generally have very occasional pain in the urethra, more often a very dull ache or tingling sensation.
does the blueness in there have any significance? doesnt really reveal much in the link
john54641 donkey1234
i dont know if it is damaged skin from pathogens, or from maybe bits of fungal or other cream etc , or if is scarring from inflammation . but it's not good whatever it is
donkey1234 john54641
i was reading through another thread on here and one guy who had this issue was convinced it is nerve damage, he said that as many guys with this issue ten to have the exact same issue but the cause can vary, some have used a wrong type of cleaning product, some a certain lubricant for masturbating, some after unprotected sex, some after taking antibiotics and some simply after a severe bout of stress, he was of the belief that all of these things can lead to nerve damage, and as we all know the tip of the manhood is an extremely sensitive area.
he then went in to say that he just stopped obsessing over it, trued to keep a healthy diet as possible and exercised regularly and his problem had subsided,
now im not saying this is the case but im guessing its within the rhelms of possibility.
would be great if one of the medical professionals on here could comment?
cheers guys,
HeadTrauma donkey1234
I to believe that its Nerve Damage from trauma as only the Head and Tip tingle just about always; especially when touched. I was thinking someone with access to CBD oil should apply a little to see what happens. I have heard of people with nerve damage in their foot never going away and it helped them.