Is this Balanitis? I'm 21, had it most of my whole life, no treatment has worked
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Hello, I've seen a doctor many times about a mild condition I have on my penis glans, have been prescribed 3 different creams including Betnovate and a Hydrocortisone, a course of antibiotics and a swab which said I was clear and still the condition remains. I used to have a tight foreskin up until last year which is now sorted from stretching, and I think the condition began during my teenage years when I wasn't able to wash the glans. It often feels dry and can sometmes feel slightly painful when the foreskin retracts, almost like its rubbing and the sensitivity everywhere is quite high still, not sure if this is due to the condition. The urethra opening is always red and inflamed and red areas appear frequently around the glans itself. Any advise on what I should do would be much appreciated, have attached a photo too. Many thanks!
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daniel95328 Verstarix
I feel like I am a veteran on this thread, I have tried all remedies suggested and am currently on the latest Ive seen which is avoiding gluten and caffeine
I have noticed something. Every 2 months I work 2 weeks of nights, and during the shift I get really bad symptoms, about 5x as bad as normal. This makes me feel like it is a condition to do with the overall immune system, as when doing nights especially at the start I feel very tired, and the symptoms increase a couple of hours after I would normally go to bed. Its like if I feel run down and tired my immune system drops which increases the symptoms severity...
This makes me think it could be allergy related? we could all have mild allergies to something that we would never even notice, but the trauma to our parts has made it much more sensitive to this 'allergy'
what do you guys think
caleb04109 daniel95328
it is possible. i also work nights (2 days 2 nights, 4 off then back on). I suffer from nasal polyps, although they do not cause me any pain except one nostril will be partially blocked.
ive had this for years but over the past year or so i feel like it has gotten worse. i do believe that diet does affect this someway or another especially carbohydrates.
caleb04109 Verstarix
So visited the std clinic today. getting checked for the usual + mycoplasma gen.
Doctor believes that it is a skin condition, contact derm etc and believes it could be lichen sclerosus (my mother also has this).
on eleuphrat oitment for 4 weeks and revisiting.
ill keep updating but not hopeful.
junior03056 caleb04109
someone had previously mentioned they found out it was lichen sclerosus but everyone ignored it, on another thread I saw someone had a hole punch of skin taken out and diagnosed to be this.
Is this eleuphrat ointment made to treat this skin condition?
caleb04109 junior03056
yep eleuphrat treats a range of skin conditions. ill see how i go after 4 weeks of it. doctor was pretty confident it had something to do with it so we will see.
if it is lichen its not curable only treatable and the only way to actually know is through a biopsy like you said.
mike01515 Verstarix
why do replies keep getting deleted by moderators ??? thats stupid
mdiogoaraujo Verstarix
A year ago after having balanitis I developed an itching and sting on the urethral opening. Besides being a bit red there there was nothing special about it. Went to to several doctors who took my money and prescribed several treatments that or did nothing or made it worse (corticoid cream anyone?!?). (NOTE: this has totally destroyed my sex life for the past year. The pain, the fear getting worse and the fact that I didn't want to pass to my girlfriend pushed me to abstinence.) Searched all corners of the internet for some information but the only place that I found something related to my symptoms was here. Thank you for all of your insights that made me develop a method that got me 95% cured and so I will share it with you hoping that can help you guys also.
Well since we all have taken every antibiotic and antifungal medicine on the planet with no results, I believe what we have has nothing to do with it and has to do with an allergic reaction, so my "CURE" takes on that premise. With this method in two weeks I was 95% cured having some residual itch now and then, specially when that zone gets hot (sitting for too long with tight pants).
Everything that can irritate the skin and these include: urine, semen, smegma and contact with underwear when the skin retracts (or you are circumcised).
THE ARSENAL AND HOW TO USE IT (don't skip any of these)
While you are waiting for this or if you cannot get it use coconut oil the same way. You can get it on the supermarket. It lubes very well but it is solid and you have to heat it by pressing a bit againt you skin to melt. Buy the organic virgin version. VERY IMPORTANT: when using this have extra care in cleaning because bacteria can develop on this if you don't wash it regularly.
I hope this method helps you returning your life to normal and please give us all feedback.
If it helped you remember to say thanks.
Good luck.
chris58722 mdiogoaraujo
how long has this remedy been working for you?
TR1NITY Verstarix
So many people in this thread now working on this. happy to see that. There is no option we will not resolve.
Im 38, male, uncircumcised
will update if I will find something helpful. thanks for your posts gentlemen
yan00846 Verstarix
Hello everybody, I've been following this thread for quiet a while now I have something worth sharing I believe. My story is comparable to most of you, my problems started with rough sex. Especially teeth scratching my glans caused it to be red and it wouldn't go away. I went numerous times to 4 different urologists over the period of one and a half years, but none of them were able to help me. Besides my glans being really red and sensitive, i occasionally faced pain from the lymph knots in my groin area. And just like many of you, most of the doctors that i visited told me that there's no real problem, to them everything looks normal and i shouldn't worry about it. The first doctor i visited prescribed me something against fungus, antibiotics and a few cortisone lotions. With no effect, or no positive effects at least, as my skin seemed even more damaged afterwards.
So a couple of weeks my glans was pretty red again and my lymph knots stared to pain again.
Being frustrated about going to the doctor and often not being taken seriously I decided to self medicate.
From my previous therapies I knew that fucide, an antibiotic lotion, usually help immensely with pain relive. Also, while using it, because it gives the skin a moist coating, the color of my skin looked pretty normal. But after stopping the skin was really dry and irritated once again.
So I came up with a theory and therapy, which seems to work out fine for me.
The problems that a lot of us are facing started with some kind of trauma, which damaged the sensitive skin down there. Appling all of those lotions, which contain pretty strong stuff, damaged our skin even further.
I think for my case i just have pretty badly damaged skin, that reacts bad to a lot of stuff. Like some lotions, urine, sperm, and shampoos and mechanical stress, which all together prevent the healing process.
At the moment I'm using a shampoo once a day, that is meant for people that have Atopic dermatitis, and a lotion that is called magneolite barrier repair complex by dermalex, which is supposed to reduce eczemas and help with the repair of the skin. In comparison with a lot of other lotions that i have used before, i have to pain or discomfort, and my skin looks and feels a lot better.
I will reduce all kinds of stress for my skin for at least a week and i will let you know about the results.
I finally have hope again and i thought that might be worth sharing.
mdiogoaraujo yan00846
Have you tried anti-histamine pills for allergies? They help me a lot.
caleb04109 Verstarix
hey guys just an update.
test for MG came back negative as did gon and clam.
still using the steroid cream almost at 2 weeks on friday and have not noticed any difference. still got another 2 weeks left of it.
only difference i have noticed is that cutting sugar and carbs helps the urinary frequency a lot, so im going to try restricting those and dieting.
junior03056 caleb04109
mine came back negative for everything too the GUM clinic has sent me a letter saying they can no longer help me and they seem to 'THINK' its chronic prostatitus which seems to be a grey area as nobody can diagnose or cure this.
I still believe it could either be this, bacteria or a skin problem like lichen.
Jams10 Verstarix
hey guys.
I had this same thing and sudden pain in testicles but also a freezing cold sensation. Ended up seeing a really good urologist and I had a semen culture done. turns out I had a bacterial prostatitis. The good thing is with a semen culture they can check which antibiotics the bacteria is sensitive to. In my case i was on the correct antibiotics for 6 weeks. After that I was fine for weeks then got another infection 2 months later with a horrid golf ball feeling but after another test and more for 6 weeks I am okay touch wood. I still get twinges etc and my urologist said the redish colour is a very common symptom. Basically loads of nerves down there which inflammation squashes etc.
I have noticed my foreskin and glands have become waxy but I am assuming that is from my gut being striped from the anti biotics. I have learnt the more you look the more you notice changes that potentially happen all the time but how often did you look before? Only other symptom I have is one of my boys tubes swelling after ejaculating but also lumpy so have an ultra sound pending.
Sorry for the essay but this has been very tough on my mental health and I want you guys to know it i normal to be worried. I have asked my urologist to be tested for certain STI's through semen as I am not confident with urine test.
Steves8012 Jams10
Interested in your comments. Im currently walking a similar path. Ive had 5 STI tests of one kind or another and all come back fine. Basically left with the options of CPPS or 'its in your head' neither of which i run with. Its been going on for around 9mths but recently came to a head with a case of Epidydimitis which was painful. GP has gone down the route of UTI/Prostate and prescribed Levofloxicin but I bailed taking it due to the potential side effects I read on the internet. Regretting it as still got issues. Can I ask what you were prescribed?