Is this Balanitis? I'm 21, had it most of my whole life, no treatment has worked
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Hello, I've seen a doctor many times about a mild condition I have on my penis glans, have been prescribed 3 different creams including Betnovate and a Hydrocortisone, a course of antibiotics and a swab which said I was clear and still the condition remains. I used to have a tight foreskin up until last year which is now sorted from stretching, and I think the condition began during my teenage years when I wasn't able to wash the glans. It often feels dry and can sometmes feel slightly painful when the foreskin retracts, almost like its rubbing and the sensitivity everywhere is quite high still, not sure if this is due to the condition. The urethra opening is always red and inflamed and red areas appear frequently around the glans itself. Any advise on what I should do would be much appreciated, have attached a photo too. Many thanks!
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Jams10 Verstarix
any updates on your symptoms?
donkey1234 Verstarix
hi guys.... been a while since i posted in here.... no improvement on my side, penile pain (tip is worst) glans looks grey with red dots, meatus red and swollen, corona is swollen and purple (looks bruised almost) ive spoken to a urologist, he seems to think its Chronic Prostatitis, ive been prescribed Alpha blockers but not taken them yet as they cause dizzyness and im already constantly light headed with the pain im in 24/7. all bloods/urine/psa tests were all clear
caleb04109 donkey1234
Sorry to hear your symptoms havent improved. Purple corona is pretty normal, mines the same minus the swelling.
my post above that got deleted mentioned that I have sent away for a uti/sti screening test that uses next gen dna sequencing for microbial infections. Turns out the standard urine culture tests that they do dont actually test for ALOT of stuff including biofilm bacteria and that method of testing is over 100 years old but they still call it the gold standard!
People have had chronic conditons like us for years but it never shows up on the standard urine tests they do for us at the doctors and apparently it only shows 1% of bacteria known. Then they get the Next gen test done and it shows bacteria that was missed by their testing, which screens for 50,000+ bacteria, can guarentee our tests didnt do anywhere near that...
anyway, it was expensive to order but this will show any bacteria in my urine or sti misdiagnosed.
isnt it messed up that im praying that it shows up some sort of bacterial infection. i just want to put some sort of name to this condtion!
why do mods keep deleting my posts, im trying to help! i cant post the lab i went through as mods keep deleting it... anyway ill keep you all posted on when i get it. first time in a long time im hopeful.
hip05835 caleb04109
Thanks for the feedback awaiting your results with antisipation.
donkey1234 caleb04109
this is quite interesting, i wonder if anywhere in the UK do next gen testing. i will look into it. thanks for your reply bro
Steves8012 Verstarix
Anyone any updates on their situation? Nothing much on next gen here in UK so hoping someones had more success with conventional methods
Mr_Jim Steves8012
Yes I've had one and I'm based in the UK in the NE.
The test looks for traces of Mycoplasma genitalium (Mgen) as well as other 'nasties'. You can request this through your local GUM/One2One clinic. They will then refer you up the chain to see one of their consulting doctors. To be honest I found the doctor I saw to be rubbish - she really didn't want to know.
Mine came back negative.
The likelihood is, it's being or has been caused by an HPV stain which is has created cell damage of sorts. A number of our US counterparts have had the HPV test and tested positive - therefore we should all be 'trying' to locate a place in the UK offering this service. I believe you brush the glands and return for testing.
Alternatively, a biopsy may be an option - but this may result scaring and nerve damage.
There are a number of different threads in this group with matching cases - it's a shame the threads can't be grouped.
Steves8012 Mr_Jim
Thank you. Ive been tested the once for HPV and came back negative but don't know how accurate these private tests are? I'm assuming if this is the case there is little that can be done about it either way?
I've also had a case of epididymitis which I'm guessing HPV not likely to cause but the two events may not be linked.
Mr_Jim Steves8012
Where and how did you test for HPV? 😃
Steves8012 Mr_Jim
My bad. Herpes 1/2.
So need to find a way of testing for this. If positive I take it nothing you can take to sort either way? Would it have led to other issues or you think unrelated?
Mr_Jim Steves8012
It's akin to HSV, in that until a cure is found we're potentially stuck with it. This is a taboo subject which will no doubt stir responses on here. Some debate (with little proof) that the bodies immunity will rid of HPV within 24 months.
I also have HSV2 😉
There are a lot of knowledgeable folk on here talking about HPV... Trials for a vaccine to fix pre-existing issues (so not just preventative) are focused on cervical cancer.
junior03056 Mr_Jim
GUM clinics only test for a handful of things, what people on here are suffering from is way out of the clinics hands.
i've been countless times they even found pus in my urine and their basic tests couldn't pick anything up.
Steves8012 junior03056
So looks like you can test for this privately, only any good if showing symptoms for men
Mr_Jim Steves8012
They can definitely test for mgen at a GUM clinic (now 1-1 clinic). However they need to escalate it to their specialist doctors. BUT, honestly I'm doubtful they'll find anything, it also takes an age to come back.
Re the HPV test - I suspect you'll have to go see a genital skin dermatologist and beg them for it.
Steves8012 Mr_Jim
Yeah tested and clear for mgen privately. Only two options left are prostatitis or HPV