Is this Balanitis? I'm 21, had it most of my whole life, no treatment has worked
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Hello, I've seen a doctor many times about a mild condition I have on my penis glans, have been prescribed 3 different creams including Betnovate and a Hydrocortisone, a course of antibiotics and a swab which said I was clear and still the condition remains. I used to have a tight foreskin up until last year which is now sorted from stretching, and I think the condition began during my teenage years when I wasn't able to wash the glans. It often feels dry and can sometmes feel slightly painful when the foreskin retracts, almost like its rubbing and the sensitivity everywhere is quite high still, not sure if this is due to the condition. The urethra opening is always red and inflamed and red areas appear frequently around the glans itself. Any advise on what I should do would be much appreciated, have attached a photo too. Many thanks!
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glikkon33 Verstarix
This is such a common problem for a lot of men on this forum and everyone is trying to find a solution for it. The cure rates are few and far in between - and whatever treatments work for some, don't work for the majority. This seems like it went away for a few users here and remained chronic for others lasting years (based on numerous threads that I went through). Doctors, urologists, dermatologists - nobody can identify the problem or what causes these eerily similar symptoms that we all have. The answer varies from thrush/eczema/allergy/contact dermatitis to more serious stuff such as Lichen Sclerosus, Candididasis, Balanoposthitis, Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS).
Based on everything that I've read on this forum, my guess is that it's some kind of an autoimmune disorder related to the prostate. Reactive arthritis seems interesting in particular, since it can develop after exposure to an infection (usually an STI/STD but a couple of others can also trigger it) with prostatitis appearing as part of reactive arthritis. Chlamydia is the most common culprit to the two above (meaning it activates after you treat Chlamydia with antibiotics, the most popular being Azithromycin). That said, even people who were never sexually active still get it (or at least the symptoms are the same).
Most on here have done numerous STD/urine tests and came back negative. The lack of large amount of white blood cells (immune cells) in the urine mean whatever it is that's brewing down there is not detected by the immune system. Yet people on here have done some serious antibiotic treatment courses, but the problem still persists. So that rules out any known to humanity bacterial infection.
Now on to fungi. Men on here have used all sorts of antifungals for weeks on end without a result. Others have taken strong oral antifungals, again with no result. So this rules out anything Candida/fungus related.
My answer leans more towards prostate/autoimmune issue as described in 2nd paragraph above. We'd think our own immune system is doing something without anything present, yet if that was the case there'd be more than normal amount of white blood cells in urine samples which there aren't.
In conclusion, I think this is something we'll have to learn to live with. Again, this goes away for some people (can take up to a year so if it hadn't been a year for you, you still have a chance) and remains chronic for others. Let's hope it goes away on its own.
hiro89 glikkon33
45 days here , hopefully i still have a chance as you said . (can take up to a year so if it hadn't been a year for you, you still have a chance)
mine is caused by cup of milk dropped on my underwear and kept for long time to wash it ,what bothers me is the burning sensation. i never had sex before but if this thing is chronic it means i will never have in future too.
your conclusion is really scary but unfortunately that's the truth.
erik51737 glikkon33
This is an extremely well written summary of the collective symptoms related to this kind of glans redness. I read 62 pages of this forum to see what others have, how they are treated and how (if) the issue is resolved.
Your message nails it home: so many used anti fungals, anti bacterials, checked for STDs no resolution. Which leads us to the most cop-out diagnosis of all, "idiopathic balanitis".
I had mine two years ago, pinkish/reddish lesions without itch or pain. Resolved on its own and came back 4-5 weeks ago. Saw a dermatologist at a good university hospital in Chicago, he said this is extremely common and often no medicine helps it. They don't know why it happens but think there is correlation between hygiene, sweating and stress (another cop out word for doctors). He actually told me to quit the ketoconazole prescribed by the GP and keep it clean, nothing else.
Good luck to everyone. If you are an anxious or hypochondriac person (like myself) this can really mess with your peace. The more people share openly and close the loop, the better the mind copes with this very visible and persistent issue.
HeadTrauma Verstarix
This is what worked to greatly dimmish the pain. In fact, I almost forgot about this site. But, thought I have to report back because I know exactly what it feels and looks like. Over the last year I felt hopeless and it really affected the quality of my life. It hurt every day and was almost always on my mind.
Rub Organic Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil Expeller Pressed (Wal-Mart/Great Value) on your penis for masturbation and normal sex with your woman. My buddy told me he has been using this stuff for over 10 years so I figured it was safe and what did I have to loose. Well I can tell you my problem is mostly gone. Also, I bought a penis pump (be very careful with this; don't over pump) you can bruise or break blood vessels. Youtube on what to and not to do with pump.However, I am sure these two items have help alleviate about 97% of my pain that was here for well over a year. Maybe drawing in the extra blood much like leaches sucking on your skin my penis was/is repairing. I have no trouble having sex any longer and actually look forward to it.Months ago I could care less as I was in so much pain. If any of you try this...please also report back if your situation approves. Good Luck! ...everything is at your own risk
I truly hope these simple cost effective items can also fix your problem.
mike01515 HeadTrauma
can u post a pic of the stuff you used please ?
Steves8012 mike01515
Currently using Palmers, not sure its solving the underlying issue but its proving to alleviate the symptoms as well as any ointments used so far
HeadTrauma mike01515
HeadTrauma mike01515
Walmart # 555937130
It wont upload the picture.
j1106 Verstarix
can i ask. what happens to people when they swim in a swimming pool? i find chlorine absolutely destroys the skin on the glands...makes it go extremely red and scaly. eventually the skin will flake off. I'm just wondering is this the same for anyone else?
ben10575 Verstarix
Hey man, i'm 18 and I have the same/similar issue, I have pearly penile papules all over the head of my penis, not just the side, they're small but make the tip look bumpy : (, furthermore, I have what looked to be balanitis but after many treatments nothing has worked and its been almost a year. If you find any solution let me know. Your not the only one with these problems I know how you feel
john02045 Verstarix
Hey guys,
I've been following this thread and a similar one for about a month I have the exact same issue many of you have, enflamed and red meatus, ejaculating makes it worse. No significant pain when urinating but tingling afterwards.
Has anyone here been tested for mycoplasma and ureaplasma? Bacterial infections that are rarely tested in standard panel tests. If this has been mentioned before I apologize (30 pages of replies makes it difficult, but also glad so many others have experienced this and I am not alone). I'll keep you all updated on my findings soon as I go to a urologist like many of you have. My biggest concern is not for myself, but for my significant other.
You're not alone
daniel95328 Verstarix
Hello again friends
I have just seen proffessor bunker again, a specialist in penile skin conditions
he has discharged me and referred me to a expert penile surgeon here in London, not that he is going to cunduct any surgery but he is urology based and prof Bunker beleives that that is who I need to see, not a dermatologist
he said there is nothing to see wrong with the skin, even the redness like in the original pic on this thread
he advised that he could give my tablets temporarily until my appointment with the other guy that block pain down there and increase your quality of life, but I said I wasn't interested in masking the problem
hopefully this next guy has a clue, but I feel the fact I have been referred by a proffessor that has written books suggests this not a shot in the dark like you general dermatoligist, and that this is genuinely the best person to see
maxpower2020 daniel95328
I read your original post from a year ago, and sounds very similar to my situation. Mine also started with red patches of inflammation at the foreskin. Now constant redness on top of the glans that becomes a lot worse with erection as well as meatus inflammation that becomes worse after ejaculation. Although I don't have pain or burning like you or other people seem to have. And you've had this for over 5 years now???
Also kind of depressing news that Dr. Bunker didn't have a clue what this could be. Considering he's the one of the top male genital experts in the world and lectures other dermatologists.
I'm starting to think more and more that this is neurological. Chronic pudendal nerve inflammation from a previous infection combined with sensitive skin. And since it's neurological, everyone has slightly different symptoms (some have pain, itchiness, burning, prostate or bladder irritation, etc). If you look up photos of nerve rashes related to fibromyalgia they look sort of similar to what we have on the penis.
donkey1234 maxpower2020
ive thought similar, whenever i have a flare up i also get a break out of (what appears to be) eczema on my face
j1106 daniel95328
let us know how it goes 🤞🏻
pistonhead daniel95328
I hate to say it but I have seen one of the worlds leading penis surgeons who is also a urologist Mr Paul Anderson.
He was extremely thorough with the tests he carried out which included a CT scan, MRI, cystoscopy, prostate massage and urine test. Unfortunately he said he could not find anything wrong. The only thing mentioned was tiny micro kidney stones during my cystoscopy but he said these were not the cause of my issues.
I hope things go better for you. I am now back to my GP who has been helpful in assisting me with getting a next gen urine test. This has bought up results of 4 types of bacteria in my urine 3 of which which were not detected in the regular urine test. The issue is a GP cannot prescribe the antibiotics which would kill 3 of the particular bacteria. I have another appointment booked later in the week, I will let you know how I get on.
The test also revealed I have genetic resistance to quinolone which is what cipro is.
ed68163 pistonhead
what is the name of this next level urine test? what bacterias were found in your urine? you cant use an antibiotic to kill some of tbe bactera then use another one after to kill the others? have you had any antibiotic treatment yet for this condition? i had rosephin and doxycycline and one of those seemed to help with my inflamation. but maybe i didnt get treated long enough for it to fully go away, so it came back. now i have inflamation, redness and occasional pain/tingling.
pistonhead ed68163
Hi I have been prescribed numerous courses of antibiotics by urologists.
and most recently Coamoxiclav
I have posted earlier in the conversation all the treatments I have tried which are numerous. I have been posting on here for over a year.
The 2 main bacteria picked up by thr tedt are: Serratia marcescens and Morganella morganii
the test also tells you which antibiotics are suitable to treat them. In the case of these 2 they need to be administered intrevenously and cannot be prescribed by a GP.
ed68163 pistonhead
sorry to hear its been so long, im afraid im following your path, theres a lot to read on this thread so ive been staying closer to the present. one of the common antibiotics you didnt mention was azythromycin. just something i thought of, not sure it means anything. anyways, do you see a reason those two particular bacteria could be causing your irritation? also curious why all those antibiotics didnt eliminate those two bacteria. thanks for the reply.
pistonhead ed68163
i have not been prescribed azythromycin. So its not one I have tried.
Those 2 bacteria can cause UTI's and my symptoms would fit with that.
I have done a lot of research, but I am not a doctor. Those particular bacteria require certain types of antibiotics to kill them. They are resistant to most general broad spectrum antibiotics.
My issue is I am running out of things to try, this seems to be the closest to being a cause. I have had negative tests for just about everything else. Every STI, UTI fungal infection etc....
The next gen test was not cheap, about £300 including courier service. It is comprehensive though and also lists possible genetic resistance and all the antibiotic options.
ed68163 pistonhead
good to know, the first bacteria you mentioned sounds very viable and to be honest i trust what you say more than any of my doctors haha. ive spent over $2000 on testing and appointments, american healthcare... im glad you found a potential hit. please follow up if you succeed with treatment. again sorry i havent read all of your replies but you believe you aquired this infection from oral sex, sex or was it something else?
Steves8012 ed68163
Did the same test. Mine came back with Staph Lugdunesis. GP's following up but most of the specialists over here don't go in for the results of these DNA test as a valid cause of issues. In the absence of anything else its all ive got to hang my hat on
pistonhead ed68163
I am not sure how I have acquired this, I travel to some interesting places all over the world for work so that's maybe a possibility, but probably unlikely from sex/oral itself in the form of an STI as I am in a monogamous relationship, but there is nothing to say it has not come from a sex toy or something similar.
I am in the UK and luckily have private health insurance. My treatment/tests would have cost thousands otherwise.
My thinking is I know I am suffering with something. The test is the first to show a possible cause. In the absence of anything else I am going to focus on that first and rule it out before looking for another solution.
One thing is for sure I am determined to get to the bottom of this and if I do hopefully help some of you guys too. I don't know about anyone else but this has had a serious effect on my mental health.
ed68163 pistonhead
i see, that provides more of an argument for my own case, that bacteria Serratia marcescens is known for causing upper respitory infections, and is known for being versatile about its conditions, so it makes sense to me that i got it from oral. i cant imagine not knowing how i got it. i feel for ya. good luck, ill pay attention here more
maxpower2020 pistonhead
Hey, just my thought, but I don't think what we have is bacterial related and it's kind a pointless to try and identify one of the 30,000 species of bacteria known (and more being added everyday). The reason being is that invasive pathogens either take over or are killed off by the immune system or antibiotics. Think of a cut on your hand, that you don't clean and it gets infected. Eventually, if you don't do anything, the bacteria spreads and destroys all the healthy tissue (can even go into the blood and cause sepsis). This is the reason amputations were so common before the discovery of antibiotics.
Basically my point is if it was a bacterial infection, it would only get worse over time. And there would be obvious signs like discharge from the penis, fevers, lymph node swelling, eventual necrosis and the infection would also move up to other other organs like the kidneys, etc. Blood test would also identify this easily with increased WBC count.
pistonhead maxpower2020
You could be right, but as cases of prostatitis can be chronic I think it is worth the investigation. In the absence of any other evidence for a cause its got to be the first thing I rule out.
The test also indicates bacterial load. Mine is high. So again in the absence of any other evidence of anything else its the only thing I have to work with.
just 2 more points: my symptoms have slightly improved over time, so it could indicate my body is fighting the bacteria.
Someone on the other thread about this was cured after several years by a long course of antibiotics.
ed68163 pistonhead
another thing to think about. other bacterial infections like gonorrhea can by symptomless but still cause lots of damage. so that might discredit maxpower saying if it was bacterial it would be getting worse IF it was bacterial. still a good thought. do you know what antibiotic was used to cure the other fella? i did have a good reaction to doxycycline, it helped reduce inflammation but i still had redness and broken blood vessels just inside my urethra. that leads me to believe it had some sort of effect
pistonhead ed68163
the poster who was cured was prescribed Bactrim which is a combination antibiotic. My test came back with genetic resistance to Bactrim which is why I was not prescribed it. I believe the poster in question had been suffering for over 3 years with issues. He said he only started to get results right at the end of a 3 week course.
Steves8012 pistonhead
yeah not quite there with the logic that if it was bacterial it would either get worse or disappear. Not saying it is but theres not many viral suspects kicking around that present on this way
ed68163 pistonhead
thats great to know, ill read into that more. 3 years is quite a long time, thanks for doing so much reading and updating me and other readers. cant imagine trying to get this solved without the internet. do you remember what bacteria it was that he was being treated for?
ed68163 pistonhead
hey brother, how have things been going? did you get treatment for those bacterias in your urine? also do you know what type of bacteria that other guy was cured of with bactrim? thanks.
pistonhead ed68163
The doctor has prescribed me 2 options.
1st is valium he has a theory this is a prostate issue, so wants to try something to relax my prostate.
I have not started either yet because I am self isolating due to being in close proximity to someone who tested positive for Covid. I don't want to be ill with covid while trying to take antibiotics for something else.
I will let you know how I get on.
The other guy did not know which sort of bacteria he had. He just posted his symptoms and said he had had them for a long time. His doctor prescribed bactrim as a last resort. He was actually amazed it worked.
ed68163 pistonhead
i hope the azithromycin works for you. ive read into its resistance to macrolides though. also, what country do you live in where enhances urine tests were done by your gp? the university of michigan health system says their labs dont so anything like that. at least my infectious disease doctor says so, she wasnt too keen on helping me because i dont have discharge or dysuria
pistonhead ed68163
I am in the UK but I used a US based lab for the test. I cant post the name on here because the rules of the forum mean you cant post things which are commercial businesses as it could be seen as advertising. I paid privately for the test. I am paying privately for my current treatment. The NHS is great if you have a typical illness, but if you have something a little unknown its an extremely slow process.
Here in the UK azithromycin is regularly used to successfully treat serratia marcescens infections, but after all the treatments I have had so far I am not getting my hopes up.
ed68163 pistonhead
gotcha, ill google my options in my area. yeah so many antibiotics seem to be getting more and more useless unfortunetly. going back to the guy who was treated by bactrim. can you link me to that conversation so i can read into his symptoms etc? has any antibiotics relieved any symptoms for you? maybe since that bactrim guy didnt see results till almost 3 weeks, you could have already taken the proper treatment but not for the right amount of time
ed68163 pistonhead
also, which test did you purchase? the uti/sti or just uti? and could you see an advantage of semen vs urine sample collection?
pistonhead ed68163
I did the UTI urine test.
I am sure the conversation was on this thread somewhere and possibly on this one too:
I cant find it but am on my phone so its difficult to search.
ed68163 pistonhead
yeah i use my phone as well, difficult to find things with my browser refreshing randomly. i just got done reading almost this whole thread on an 8 hour drive. ill check that one soon. thankfully, for us in the states, the test is only $200 which is so much cheaper than even going to a clinic for std testing. i went to university of michigan clinic and std testimg was like $600-800. also for anyone reading this, rye pollen is a holistic remedy some other poster recommends.
wes14334 ed68163
there are quite a few interesting theories on here, ive been struggling for 18 months. Seen 3 x GUM specialists, 2 x Urologists, 1 x Derm, 1 x gastro and various GPs and nurses. All say it looks fine or within normal parameters, although when they see pics erect they can see some inflamation but dont get excited about it.
I have hsv1, never had coldsores or other genital issues that i can recall, came as a bit of a surprise, but then i read 70% of people have antibodies by 40 i dont know what to think.
so where i'm at now. Last chance i guess. I saw a pain specialist who has agreed to prescribe me pregabalin. Might help with calming any nerve irritation? he has also agreed to do a pudendal nerve block if tablets dont work. No idea if this will work but no doctor has helped this far.