Is this lichen sclerosus....Please help. Please

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I'm 30 years old male and since 2 months i have noticed that white colour plaques in my penis glans and shaft...I'm so frustrated and because of cov19 cannot go to see doctor also. If u see picture and help me to find out this. i dont have any itching or pain also.image

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Allot of people have varying symptoms of LS, some people have pain and itching with no white plaques, some people have all 3 symptoms and more, so its probably for the best that you try and get through to a doctor. try not to stress, allot of people find stress to be a big trigger, although its easier said then done. sorry i know this is not been much help, but understand your frustration especially since its hard right now to get checked out for things.

  • Posted

    Jsut in case you don't see my note on your other request:Dear Sameera,

    So sorry; I thought perhaps wee_ dugie would have seen your note by now. He's our resident "expert" on the male version of LS. He did teach us some time ago that he moderates the less well known name for this disease in a man. It is called balanitis xerotica obliterans. If you put that into this search you'll probably find much more help in that group. Good luck and blessings.

    • Posted

      HI Sameera. LS is not considered a condition that an be "cured". but it an be controlled and will take attention for the rest of our lives. It is an autoimmune disease.

      The medicine that is most office recommended are steroids that you have to get from a doctor. I have never taken any - it is expensive here in the U.S. and hasn't been in my budget.. BUT the nutritional protocol that I worked up seems to be doing a good job.

      Do be sure to check out the balanitis group to get more information from other men.

  • Posted

    I have this same condition since last 2 weeks. Did you find any information on this.

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