Is this normal?

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Was wondering if anybody else experienced slight racing heart around 2 hours after taking zoloft. It is just like I'm starting over again on it. Maybe its just kicking in. I take my pill at 9 in the morning. Haven't missed a pill. Maybe need to up my strength. I take 50 and its 7 weeks in. Thanks for any reply.

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, Brenda, I think it’s more of a anxious feeling, also butter flys in my tummy. 

    However, I take mine at 4.00  PM in the afternoon.

    Still feel very sad, seeing GP on Tuesday hoping it will get better. Any sound advice will help. 

    Hope you feel better soon Brendar.🦋

    • Posted

      Thanks Blondey,

      I thought so too, but wanted to see if others had this phenomenon. Sometimes I put things in my head. 😏but I have noticed some clarity in my thoughts. I'm not use to having that. I don't get the butterfly feeling, I eat oatmeal and than take pill. I figure it would cushion my tummy, so far it has helped since I got a touchy tummy. Good luck on gp appointment, let us know how it goes. Take care stay strong.

  • Posted

    Hi Brenda. Doc upped mine to 100 after 2weeks. .Was then i started 2 notice a little better . .
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      I take mine at 10pm. . Hope this helps.
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      I was just thinking about that. I might have to go up some. Giving it 3 more weeks than I'll call my doctor. Let me know how it goes, especially if you get side effects. On this forum they say if you go up you might have them again but not so bad. But now since we know what to expect it won't be a surprise. Then again you r showing improvement, so hip hop hooray. Keep me informed I'm all ears.

    • Posted

      I would go back doc now Brenda. . I really have benefited going up. . Don't get me wrong I've a long way 2 go. .But please God. .I'm on the right track. .chill for now

      . .

    • Posted

      The morning monster strikes again Brenda. there no end 2 this. .completely hacked off with it. . Then the anxiety kicks in. .vicious circle. .has its eased any at all. .. here's hoping. .

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      Yours eased I mean. .sorry. .
    • Posted

      So sorry to hear, did you increase your amount. If so that could be the reason, not to say that it's to strong but to say that when you increase your strength in zoloft you will have the side affects again. At least that's what I have read here. Let your doctor know if you can't handle it, after all that's what we pay them for. Just keep telling yourself that it's the zoloft, not you. That's what I do. And then I take a deep breath and I try to slow my thinking down. I hope this helps. Hang in there, stay strong ,

    • Posted

      You know that it seems to have eased some. But I do have a different frame of mind about it, the Zoloft must be kicking in. I probably just jinxed myself lol. I still occasionally get a fast heart beat, then I remind myself that it's all in my head and not in my heart. For me it seems to work. Hopefully we will be whole again, in mind,body and soul. Take care.

    • Posted

      Hi Brenda. .no I havnt increased mine. . Just seen 2 be having a bad day. .tired and sleepy. .Or cud be the weather. .I'm telling myself that anyway. .Either way it dosnt help the anxiety one wee bit. .maybe 2moro will better. .hopefully. .God bless and thankyou

    • Posted

      Ida, yesterday I took my zoloft at 2 p.m. because of my eye and doctor appt. Well this morning I wroke up and the anxiety wasn't there. So I'm thinking maybe since I usually take it at nine that it was wearing off which caused my morning monster. Not sure but I'm going to experiment and take it at 12 today . Well I'll let you know tomorrow. Take care.🤔

    • Posted

      That's great news Brenda. .hopefully it continues. . Wish I had some reprieve. .my anxiety bad 2day. .and think I've got an old bug now 2. .always take mine 10/10pm. . I'm in dire straits wot 2 do at mo. . . Nor havnt had any word back from councillor as yet. .Fed up. . God bless

    • Posted

      10/10.30. I meant . Lol
    • Posted

      Do you take yours a.m. or p.m. when ur counselor gets back to you ask if it matters what time of day you take it. Like I said I am really experimenting right now. I read somewhere that cortisol is highest in the morning. So I would think that is when I need the relief the most. But I'm not a doctor and I can only speak for myself. But I will keep you updated. Take care, be strong. 😇

    • Posted

      P.m.. .Brenda. . Sez on leaflet.

      .2 take mornings or night. .so I just go by that info. . It would be the morning I would need it most. .just 2 get motivated. . .

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